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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:英中互译(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 z; U/ D7 j9 ^( h, m: ~  For such a big sum, we should attach importance to it.
$ _- B: S: i5 Q1 l1 W  数目如此之大,我们将予以重视。/ X" V; }! U. G7 w2 Q8 U
  Let's talk about the problem of quantity./ P& e7 H0 f' g
  我们谈谈数量的问题吧。) g/ r( _$ s3 c* v2 ?
  You'll issue a certificate of quantity and weight.
4 \1 K$ I: b2 g% e2 r+ b9 E* L  你们必须出具数量和重量证明书。
; m2 E- Q$ N. D" \! R8 W  The package number and quantity are identical with each other.; c2 x; D9 D, i, K
  包装号与商品数量相吻合。. ^5 J2 a; t# `6 Q" U
  Quantity matters as much as quality of price, doesn't it?
" z1 T! Z, m; g5 H& Y) h) L0 `  数量和价格、质量一样重要,是吗?# C3 N" M" T3 }- t1 M( g
  We believe we shall be able to better satisfy our customers quantitatively.5 K# w+ y! }6 Y: i4 G$ D3 e' j
9 _0 \, ], B& ?6 Z& D- B0 g( Q  This is the maximum quantity we can supply at present.9 w! L0 j! a1 H3 q# J4 u) D. [$ C
( r7 b  [7 l0 |1 p% r+ }  For such a big quantity, you should give us a discount.0 \* I9 A  c  k  t
  这么大的订单,贵公司可否给我们折扣?* X/ H4 n, {4 L* G: w! Z6 D3 W
  We want a minimum of 1,000 dozen of men's shirts and minimum of 5,000 dozen of embroidered shirts.
/ r- S7 Q1 R* [& q& b6 X  男衬衣至少要1000打,绣花衬衣至少需要5000打。
- e# `# b& F& n- [  Can you give us an additional 200 cases?
( s3 P: _  s+ f+ J( J+ o8 M  能再增加200箱吗?4 U2 h6 O7 Z9 E7 G% G
  We'll try our best to satisfy you with the additional 10,000 tons of coal as you asked.
, X3 H6 Y6 ~9 @5 y  y, P; F3 i  你们要求增加一万吨煤,我们将尽量满足你们。, y- L5 ?9 O; l" e2 Q
  We sell our goods on shipping weight and not on landed weight.
0 w* H# }, X* `7 ?9 T5 y  我们出售产品是以装船重量为标准,而不是卸货重量。0 @; m. P! S/ Z! f
  But what in case there is short weight or disqualification?6 }3 ^. u5 \  Z, C
) y+ q1 u6 a9 }  If the quantity of the goods does not conform to that stipulated in the contract, the importer will refuse to accept the goods.* l% s6 k# K* C. a0 M& l3 _+ e
0 C; |& D. |3 @$ d0 s; N  You remarked yesterday you would sell on shipped quality, quantity, and weight.$ S+ L/ V! Y$ C) C- S! o
; ^4 f; N% i3 V  Quantities of Black Tea have been exported.
4 P. \' N* s# C3 Q  已经有大批红茶出口。
& B$ G# t& J+ z  E1 m! U. j: O5 N( O  They are not interested in small quantities.
6 s- y3 K0 X( Z4 b- w4 L  他们对小数量不感兴趣。" X" s1 E1 q; p% C3 {# _
  Useful quantities have changed hands.
9 a+ C5 F9 g  U4 m* y  较大的数量已经转手。# M9 X- \# d$ M! R, b$ f* U
  Have you seen the shortage claim from our company?: [+ Q9 b" e, R8 y) _) u7 k/ j% ?5 R) V- h
  您看过我公司的短重索赔报告了吗?* f( u- C, {: N: b
  500 pieces in total.4 i/ j1 T$ [- q  G! A; e5 w  _
2 j7 D! k4 W4 z5 B- Z1 g  They always buy in large quantities.  \0 v2 @- V% I- O) b" B; a

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