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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:中级口试会话素材(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Penalty、Phase review、Summary、Slipping、On time。
, z7 K) t7 y  [1.Penalty 罚款( h5 |8 P4 n% J( O
A: What is the penalty if the deliveries are late?* e% C1 Q5 {6 ]7 @
B: Each day, we will be charged for one thousandth of the contract amount.
  c- W; N1 d. H$ C* BA:如果发货迟了的话,罚金是多少?
- p! _, A1 h7 e( i/ U3 _: oB:每天支付合同总金额的千分之一。4 y. {# A/ ?7 \( E1 F! Y' n
2.Phase review 阶段性审核
5 u( A7 b! r. w$ o9 HA: Did we have any review for this phase?' A+ I3 [; O: L' Z. ?8 a
B: We did. There are still quite a few deliverables we need to work on again.9 u' J6 P1 W- U" c+ h
0 M: K' U& F7 H$ IB:做了,还有一些需要提交的文件需要重新修改。: K+ q( n3 ^! C
3.Summary 概要,总结
9 c2 ~1 b2 g  T, ?3 wA: Could you provide a program status summary to me?' l8 G+ {: a+ g% Q9 k8 V5 q1 h5 ]
B: Yes. I'll email it to you.
5 y) `2 ^+ Z; `- t7 T+ H+ a4 {: V7 s2 JA:你能给我一份项目情况的概要吗?( t: W, M9 D* `: ]5 ?) ?5 a3 I
B:好的,我用电子邮件发给你。0 d5 |6 v; N2 _
4.Slipping 延期
) D/ B6 G' {( ^A: The program is slipping. What can we do about it?
5 B5 h1 A6 f4 a+ ~& P2 ]8 B# D3 GB: We should elevate the issues to our Director.
6 D# X# G$ I' I: @& hA:这个项目在延期,我们该怎么办?
  y& Q7 _; b" t- h$ G" |B:我们应该把问题上报给我们的总监。
: S; v& l5 b$ x- z- J% v0 g5.On time 准时
# c, G1 j6 `3 C5 A8 C% C/ b" g1 UA: We'd better have the prototype deliveries on time.; |. j8 W! B1 K8 J0 ^  J: T. Q
B: We'll do our best to meet the deadline.
0 |! E. R, ~9 X" UA:我们最好准时发送样件。/ b  [* V# n, s, \

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