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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:中级口试会话素材(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Manpower planning 人力规划9 J5 E3 }2 \9 l5 h- ]1 }& \8 `
A: Who does manpower planning for our company?9 J: b0 @" i2 K
B: Human Resoursces will do it with the plants.
: F+ f+ h7 d" p' Z3 j. P2 EA:我们公司的人力规划是谁来负责?* S/ b/ v6 |; z  M
+ C; \  \7 I  g4 I2.Potential programs 潜在项目
$ t& d, d/ w; }0 BA: Who is tracking the potential programs?
3 w$ v& Y/ y$ z" yB: The Commercial Department.0 T1 A1 G/ l* T1 L( F7 h6 W( ~  s
A:谁在跟踪潜在项目?! g" X0 K+ l$ x; U3 U1 y# d0 Q
B:商务部。/ U9 p) @/ @/ L$ j, l$ V! \& X
3.Production line planning 生产线规划
$ ~$ e$ N& i" l, Y- X0 h5 W6 L% QA: Does Manufacturing also do production line planning?
- G# y2 B  R2 N$ K% Q# bB: You are right.
$ C& R; @2 U* yA:制造工程部还做生产线规划吗?( K8 s' h) C" z/ g' B( m6 W
B:你说对了。: _' d3 ]$ Z7 w9 G1 [
4.Profit forecast 利润预测
. a/ S: j0 ~' L. g: _! nA: What is our profit forecast for next month?/ _+ H- W" s6 I0 S
B: About one million dollars.7 w3 K; c* y' ?7 c/ X5 ^% \6 F7 A
A:下个月的利润预测是多少?3 l+ a7 M3 u/ A
& b0 F, P7 B  d5.Proposed plans 推荐计划1 K! ^/ z8 }6 `3 u
A: Let's go through our proposed plans.& N2 Y' M, Q0 P7 b0 g# H0 E
B: Good.
  x6 ^1 l$ m) ?! r  a( _- ~. `A:咱们来看一下推荐计划。

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