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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:中级口试会话素材(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Passport application 申请护照
& h3 y& @/ o* x1 ZA: How long does it take for passport applications?
% p* r4 m  X# a5 ~8 kB: One month.
9 q" T; c7 m/ g5 l- EA:申请办理护照需要多长时间?
0 J+ M' T" Q9 A* ]* PB:一个月。
* S  g3 s' n0 e2.Pick up at the airport 接机% }" ?) R+ _7 T7 H. f" ^, K4 `
A: Mike is coming today. Did you arrange the pick up?
& H* I& r) k7 H4 AB: Yes. Mr.Zhang is going with a name plate of Mike.
% U& d  ~+ |8 k2 \" F$ Q# FA: Good. Hope he is not going to miss him this time!
  X1 E" k; {2 L. aA:迈克今天来,你安排接机了吗?, @1 w& }7 u+ W; i
B:安排了,张先生会带着迈克的接机牌去接他。" D; i* F; H& @
A:好的,希望这次不要再接不到了。: d# S0 l2 m; ?! H- B) U0 I
3.Residence permit 居留许可
: `; p! ^5 l- h  }5 f1 o9 G3 dA: Do we need to apply for a residence permit for our foreign experts?/ O: U$ H0 Y3 P  Q4 }" f
B: Yes, we do. But it combined with the visa.* i" R3 \/ t+ X
A:我们需要为外国专家申请居留许可吗?% ^3 Z: U  E; I* q
B:是的,但居留许可和签证已经合二为一了。9 w6 ^: `! S3 ]2 e- x
4.Visa extension 签证延期7 Q. y9 N! b& q* z  x$ g
A: Where do we get the visa extension in China?. ]1 d7 N& D1 I% S
B: At the Police Station.3 @9 D( B+ w8 M: a1 ?3 n* l
3 n3 z- K! v8 TB:在公安局。8 Q! z7 |$ a) z6 ?
5.Legal assistance 法律协助6 j, |0 z' n% z  s$ \
A: How do we get legal assistance?/ d- k: n4 I% x
B: We have a company lawyer, whose name is Mr.Yang.
- k/ P- O! W; @1 a7 [0 bA:我们怎样得到法律援助?& B8 J8 x6 U/ Q3 C1 v6 B! Y6 H' m

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