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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:中级口试会话素材(11)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Assembly 总成' Y; q% l& h4 b, {  S/ v' m
A: What is an assembly exactly?# }2 p! @5 g* V  ^! D
B: Assembly is a component made of more than one part.
6 @9 \" h0 X  b( @4 m+ EA:总成到底是什么?
* E: D: y0 w9 b# }6 }* zB:总成是由一个以上零件组成的部件。( Q: X* A; z  s) Z$ w) Y7 |3 }
2.A-Surface A级表面! X& X; H' s" ]5 I  W3 e
A: What about A-Surface?
# U+ T% ~9 F3 L) y" h) ]B: A-Surface is the surface of a product that a customer can see.
2 F' j& |( f; z  Y: eA:那A级表面又是什么呢?
6 ?1 [! d8 ?0 f7 c# G0 |' iB:A级表面是指顾客能看到的产品表面。
( O$ d( o% \0 a% s: u+ V/ X* a3.B-Surface B级表面3 n4 w3 m& j5 d3 U1 u, G6 ~
A: They also talk about B-Surface. What is that?
0 r* ~- N) {- o" R9 W: UB: B-Surface is the surface of a component that you can't see in the normal service condition.
" `7 D0 Q  \7 O# ?0 a. gA:他们还说到B级表面,那是什么?
( r" f4 [, t* x7 b4 n1 P8 kB:B级表面是在正常使用状态下看不到的部件表面。
/ S0 m3 H9 }" g* H4.Bushing 轴套8 c8 ]# ]' |  e7 m7 X
A: Self-lubricated bushing is very popular in western countries.
. b' D; ?8 }0 vB: It's gaining market in China as well.: Y$ L" f0 o4 g0 ~; B
A:自动润滑轴套在西方国家很流行。" ]" b7 N) t, C  V4 J; n
  c+ p- ?1 y- B% t3 g3 \+ n5.Detailed drawing 零件图
; a9 A  Z# p( l$ y5 j5 j: }A: What is a detailed drawing?
; f) y6 V/ t3 k( nB: It's a drawing of an individual part or component.5 D/ |$ p- h+ j+ y3 P! {
A:零件图指什么?) ?3 }% W" k, {* h: u

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