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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:考试课堂答疑精选(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.问题:请问老师,在self-study 1a(P15)中,第4题,很多句子用一般进行时来说将来时的句子,请问是为什么?7 y  }- V; w7 ~( V1 [7 H7 K
  比如:+ z* }0 V' Y: `( ?
  7(you/meet)___them tomorrow?4 l1 K7 D% p; `% T
  Will you meet them tomorrow?  or  Are you going to meet them tomorrow? (我的答案)
5 P8 Y3 ~$ X& t# `3 v* W  Are you meeting them tomorrow? (书后答案)" R+ N2 Y6 {; F0 u
4 S3 R' i1 w3 C5 B4 N7 P  2.问题:Homework
4 ]4 w: ^  y3 ?3 H7 y6 z  Oral practice:7 U2 S/ Z+ Q+ R8 r. [0 V# B
  I will choose the resturant for its atmoshpher. The soft lighting, fomantic music, these can make me feel comfort and relaxation.
$ b. }% p+ e) n0 X  t+ d& c' B  Memo
9 d% U9 N5 ?3 B0 ^& O; P  To: Sales Department Team
0 w) a% S/ t' n  F; k5 J+ O1 h) M  d  From: Smith Yang, Manager
8 j1 I/ A3 I  p6 ?9 `5 H0 h  Date: 29 March, 2008
8 h. q8 r( w1 j+ N% O  Subject: Cancel the next project meeting
8 \# {, h  w# U7 Z6 \4 E  The next project meeting dated on 15 April 2008 will be cancelled because some of the member of our team will be abroad.5 Y" G, ^1 O3 u/ l: n1 x1 U+ I
  So the meeting time will be changed on 30 April 2008. During these days, If you have some ideas or suggestions, Please email to me or contact me on 38974468.
1 k/ n( @" j- D* r( Y) o  ]3 ^, {  回答:Oral practice:
- [7 I- U" g7 V7 Q& r- `2 Q6 ~  I will choose the resturant for its atmoshpher. The soft lighting, fomantic music, these can make me feel comfort and relaxation.
+ B9 ^) j9 v3 J  修改6 m3 A4 G# e& r2 X! D) L+ j
  One of the important criteria of choosing a restaurant for me is its atmosphere, such as soft lighting and romantic music. These can make me feel comfortable and relaxed.$ b4 u  H: E- G  \
  Memo+ W- H2 _3 r- k
  To: Sales Department Team
3 q8 ^, Z4 Y% W' P; k7 `" N) d8 _  From: Smith Yang, Manager
3 F9 C. z/ d; B' u  Date: 29 March, 2008
' C# S; R7 v0 @' S  Subject: Cancel the next project meeting (主题行用名词短语, 修改: cancellation of the next project meeting)
8 s0 K6 I% ?1 V+ i& }  The next project meeting dated on 15 April 2008 will be cancelled because some of the members of our team will be abroad.
# c% i* q; k- B  t( d, l2 S  So the meeting time (the time of the meeting) will be changed on 30 April 2008(开会时间应该具体到点钟). During these days, If you have some ideas or suggestions, Please email to me or contact me on 38974468.
  G0 n; ~  P! j1 G; h  Score: 7/10' n& K& L( m* ^5 `; A# W9 k) a, H
  Comment: Generally good with almost correct use of grammar and vocabulary.8 ]2 B+ B* {, m
  3.问题:Homework! L$ L8 \2 U' A
  TO: Sophia, Secretary
# H% b- y$ S% Y) n' {0 O  From: Tom Smith, Head of the Research
7 q! p! q1 o5 |" U( l  Date: 3,Dec. 2008! ?) Z4 j; E- N0 z6 l; n$ e
  Subject: Annual Holiday
5 V, [1 U6 u* \5 }" P  I am going to take my annual holiday from 5 Dec. to 26 Dec. .It's about three weeks. During these day, Please reply my email instead of me. If somethins emergency, You can call me throw the mobile 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.and I 'll send email to you.$ Q: W9 O3 X5 p+ F2 b' Q
  回答:TO: Sophia, Secretary9 J( f) C8 _: ]
  From: Tom Smith, Head of the Research
  \- j% J* x+ V5 l+ a  Date: 3,(不用逗号隔开) Dec. 2008& }  R( C7 I0 p/ P: }( O
  Subject: Annual Holiday3 p7 E# {: c" k: ]( U( s! s
  I am going to take my annual holiday from 5 Dec. to 26 Dec. .It's about three weeks. During these day, Please reply my email instead of me. If somethins emergency(If something urgent occurs), you can call me throw (through)不过这里还是用by比较好 the mobile from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.and I 'll send an email to you.
" i+ P8 v8 x" ~# {4 V  点评:这篇文章的格式部分没有问题,非常好。正文内容中后半部分在小词的使用上还值得不断提高。- W# N+ `$ F, j) q
  参考分数: 7/10: k2 R# x3 D4 F- P% j$ ^
  4.问题:BEC中级写作格式/ G0 K" Q  n( P$ [0 A
  谢谢老师,周末就要考试了,还有些问题需要请教老师,电子邮件的格式也是 To ,from,subject吗跟memo的一样吗也需要写下来吗?
  v" V8 I! G) X6 l+ E; n, P- r  电子邮件中的Cc是什么意思啊,应如何作答
; m. j5 z5 |. k( m7 J  正式商务信函分几段为宜呢
4 `) b) |- ?6 h  还有就是考试的答题中的大写字母是写成印刷体的还是手写体的呢?
& c4 B$ }8 }$ E' @: I- k  谢谢老师5 e! M- P. J! _9 T, ~$ v9 b
  回答:(1)电子邮件的格式也是 To ,from,subject吗跟memo的一样吗也需要写下来吗?( Z7 e1 x. \4 r2 R2 Y- Y
- V5 \5 f, _2 B0 j$ R% H  To:5 w( p. g4 F0 y! L& X) z
  Subject:) p4 b3 r& P7 E  [" j+ r; L
  Dear ...
" m5 e, C7 M% N9 y5 p  Best regards# O* R( T3 R, H) E/ t
5 R4 r8 F! a/ l8 ^) B( z  H: Q  Cc表示抄送,即还有别人应该同时收到这份电子邮件。考试中,这个环节不应涉及。即使涉及,也会告诉你谁还会收到。
/ N& R1 X+ z8 w0 n" k  (3)正式商务信函分几段为宜呢0 @8 w7 o* f- U, M4 Z- c
  这个问题没有固定答案。第一段,说明写信原因,中间段落根据题目要求分段。也有可能段落比较多,比如,提出要求就可以单独占一段。最后,还要有一段,表示感谢或希望尽快收到对方的答复。1 J/ H% Q- N, r/ A+ m# }- Z
9 {- v7 y, K( }1 L8 D, S  阅读考试中:第五部分的答案要求每个单词中的每个字母都大写。
9 ?7 b5 k& `* {/ o" k  j  听力考试中:前12道题的单词答案每个字母都大写。
  l3 }0 k$ Z2 d! l0 L  Q/ n  写作考试:正常书写。字体不限。

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