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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:考试课堂答疑精选(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.问题:I'm sorry, I wondet to know when we write a memo,do not use the abbreviation is right or not?
0 h/ g. @8 w7 k$ B% I  回答:When you write a memo, you can use abbreviations but not too many. For example, you can write "asap"  to express "as soon as possible".5 L* @0 h/ T9 @" G# y) q
  In my opinion, I don't recommend using abbreviations too much.
3 L9 l# S6 ?1 w. l$ ?3 S$ T! s  2.问题:老师您好
! N* F/ n* @: E6 }# F8 M( @$ B  1.They wanted to deliver the jeans order in three parts, for example, one consignment every six weeks, but we're not keen on that. 这里的 keen on 是什么意思 ?
2 [9 d( |, Q5 X' R: x, C  2.The bank said there weren't enough __ in the account.
# e8 q4 x8 n" W  a. deposits b.contents c.funds 答案是C ,  A 为什么不对?
( ^" {- X$ o3 F/ f' q! K  3.All price lists went by email as a Microsoft Word document. So they're all right up to date and our offices can also make changes as they wish.
5 r* J- E+ U: Z' A  这里的 all right uo date 是什么意思?
' f! P( }# I7 `  回答:1.They wanted to deliver the jeans order in three parts, for example, one consignment every six weeks, but we're not keen on that. 这里的 keen on 是什么意思 ?
4 J( x1 z1 j8 D1 w( h$ f1 y  keen 形容词
4 a3 H" H# m  w. ?2 \1 Y* o$ \  ]  be keen on sth./doing sth.的意思是 "想要"。8 V: o' |. r' J) V4 W
  2.The bank said there weren't enough __ in the account.
. K8 p5 }4 \5 D0 z, ]  a. deposits b.contents c.funds 答案是C , A 为什么不对?
, n$ X- c% {2 ~8 }9 p# R  这句话的意思是:银行帐户里没有足够多的资金,所以选择c. 而a选项的意思是存款,这个单词这样翻译,你当然会认为应该选,可它作名词是指存入银行的钱。并不是帐户里的钱。所以中国人学习英语时,如果只对照中文解释,当然理解会有误。" Q% E6 C/ l& Z0 Y1 W
  3.All price lists went by email as a Microsoft Word document. So they're all right up to date and our offices can also make changes as they wish.0 h7 T7 O( q$ _9 |. G
  这里的 all right uo date 是什么意思?
) A7 H/ K1 F& L7 d4 p: m, _' H  all right的意思是“正确”。; K1 X( o& d- _4 p, A
  up to date的意思是L:直到最近。  W+ E9 m1 Z& b9 m9 k' G5 M
  该句的意思是:所有价目表用word文档格式,用email发出。所以上面的信息都是最新的、正确的。% t% J# ~/ X# A8 H" A
  3.问题:Encolsing something 如何翻译?谢谢!5 Q; j+ e8 e5 r* f( K) ?, x. v! S7 M
  回答:指 内附  也就是说随信附上

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