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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:考试课堂答疑精选(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.问题:commodity 是否是不可数名次呢?如果用在a ship of 后面,是用commodities 还是 goods?1 v: X1 h# [5 u  y2 k7 u0 R9 c
  回答:首先,对于你开始意识到在使用一个名词时要注意它的可数或不可数,老师感到很欣慰。- s4 r$ t+ W3 n, _( J' ?  C
  commodity是一个可数名词,如果在 a ship of后面,用两个词都可以,即:" v8 q, W  S% L4 y; l
  a ship of commodities& @1 a" s- l/ L; O, |
  a ship of goods
- ?  v5 Y. }8 q3 K' q, |. S  2.问题:老师,您好!请在忙中帮我批改一下以下我写的商务书信。谢谢!( Z: z  |2 }: l# g3 P
  Question 3
" Z9 y1 d& C! {% R  Your company has employed an outside consultant to organize an exhibition of your products, to be held next month.His work is unsatisfactory, and your boss has now decided that you should take over full responsibility instead. Your boss has asked you to write to the consultant to explain why he has been replaced.
& [* N9 Z) r9 d+ n# p" O  Write the letter to the consultant:
' i% @9 ~0 \" k0 W% Y5 j3 s5 }" C  Giving two reasons why he has been replaced
; \" H3 U! C+ F0 @5 }0 [" G: }( ]' U  Telling him he will be paid for this work+ b2 S% e9 }7 c: X6 {$ \9 U7 k
  Asking him to brief you on the current situation' I3 T- H0 S0 x& r+ _0 a- ?; C
  Dear Mr Smith
3 c8 z( a, Y3 O  a  `, {6 B1 z  My name is Wisdom He. I am an employee working in the ABC Company in which you were
' }# I4 J: R* W' c  employed last week. I was required by our boss Mr Johns to write you this letter for telling' U5 P( ]4 [) k. N
  you that the reasons why you had been replaced. Meanwhile I am wondering whether you are
6 J) K8 g8 m3 z, ^  still willing to offer me some help on my present job for I have taken over full responsibility
6 p# P6 d8 T- P/ ~+ Z  Of your work and I have quite a lot to pick your brain now.5 C0 i1 L# m0 ?* }' J9 K  X% o1 w
  There are two reasons for your replacement. On one hand, although your ideas for the product8 s/ N$ L+ {3 Y4 J  }5 H2 G) O: H/ N
  exhibition held next month are quite innovative and attractive, the cost is considerably high.
/ ]& |2 `0 l7 n# P# ?9 e, K0 ^2 J  On the other hand, you are not quite familiar with our corporation culture and our marketing
$ `2 [- f* c4 k' [* n  strategies, so your ideas are not quite suitable to our company. In this situation, Mr Johns
$ m% R4 u9 G4 a/ n  asked me to take over your responsibilities., _/ r1 q: V: F; t$ @8 y6 K
  In fact, you are a very experienced consultant. At any rate, your replacement is also our: @2 r# Z" T, ^
  fault. As soon as you came to our company, you were delegated the planning work directly
% ?6 l3 q& n' D, o7 ?  r  without being introduced adequate culture and marketing strategies of our company which
+ B5 Z5 ^5 i* F& c# x/ j  made your planning not realistic to our company. So you will be paid for your work and you
2 Y' X, S& P8 [5 ]( }  deserve it.6 a. }4 H% T: G$ Q; I5 p3 |
  I wonder if you can brief me on the current situation. And I would to consult you about the& A* Z+ j! o" q; }
  work I am dealing with. I would appreciate it if you are willing to offer me some precious
6 o. a/ u/ h0 Z/ O) q  help or opinions.. w: g" E2 }/ P4 h8 @
  Looking forward to hearing from you.! R# r1 a7 U- G0 b% E8 x6 ~( `
  Faithfully yours+ D. P% L$ u2 m9 A5 E  o+ z
  Wisdom He
. g5 s% G! y6 |  回答:Dear Mr Smith4 _8 X0 b+ h9 M# E
  My name is Wisdom He. I am an employee working in the ABC Company in which you were
8 ~5 S' P, i( @4 ~2 w  T  employed last week. I was required by our boss Mr Johns to write you this letter for telling you that the reasons why you had been replaced. Meanwhile I am wondering whether you are still willing to offer me some help on my present job for I have taken over full responsibility Of your work and I have quite a lot to pick your brain now.: i8 B4 f' w% ?. t# J# m
  先说说书信写作的基本规律之一吧。你不应该留名字,不是说不可以,而是说不应该在文章中作自我介绍,好像演讲一样。你的名字其实也会留下,只是是在文章收尾后签名。所以不必作介绍。信的开头应该是指代类的话语或感谢之类的话。另外, 写信时要层层铺垫,没有必要把所有事情一股脑都全写下来。
5 Y/ F. y7 w" t( i1 F  修改:- z: o$ P! {* i9 P3 t- A
  I am writing this letter to inform you that your work as our consultant at the exhibition will be replaced by me.
  h3 Z- J& M# [# I7 J* g  There are two reasons for your replacement. On one hand, although your ideas for the product exhibition held next month are quite innovative and attractive, the cost is considerably high. On the other hand, you are not quite familiar with our corporation culture and our marketing strategies, so your ideas are not quite suitable to our company. In this situation, Mr Johns (不说出老板,就说是公司要我替换你)asked me to take over your responsibilities. 修改Therefore, I will replace you to organize this exhibition.
0 @' x& r3 H5 j- c: j' O  In fact, you are a very experienced consultant. At any rate?, your replacement is also our fault.为什么这么说 As soon as you came to our company, you were delegated the planning work directly without being introduced adequate culture and marketing strategies of our company which made your planning not realistic to our company. So you will be paid for your work and you deserve it. (这段话直接说他的钱会及时付费,不用说别的了。)修改:In fact, we really appreciate your hard work and careful planning for our exhibition. Your payment will be made within the week and we will dispatch the payment to you immediately.
% V0 D. L* l, g; f! R  I wonder 商务书信是正规文体,应该用套话,详见讲义if you can brief me on the current situation. And I would to consult you about the work I am dealing with. I would appreciate it if you are willing to offer me some precious help or opinions.0 G2 E" B% M2 t" Q/ Z9 f
6 q$ J1 [& {# E6 j5 d7 ^0 z  I would appreciate it if you could brief me on the current situation.& V- ?! _( K4 l8 B- ?
  Looking forward to hearing from you. (用完整句I look forward to hearing from you soon.)
6 F: H4 C2 J5 q3 S6 ^' y  T  Faithfully yours (换成 Yours sincerely)1 _6 Y* c: @  E; r0 q$ A
  Wisdom He& C) \/ I' A' Y7 Q
  Teacher's Comment
, x7 F( d7 c9 I  ^9 a0 Y  In this essay, I didn't see too many grammatical mistakes but I did see many irrelevant things for a business letter. So for you at the moment, you should try to be familiar with the essence of business letter writing. You don't need to write too many things. A business letter should be concise.
& _  E) Z& B  L  O) u5 \5 z  Score: 14/20

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