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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:考试课堂答疑精选(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.问题:what profession do you think most useful nowadays in china?$ {, V0 F" c; K8 p3 d& Y
  in my opinion,environmental engineer is one of the most useful profession in china .
7 N  f) l! @# X' H2 F  nowadays ,environment protection is closely related to our personal life.for one thing the environment determines the quality of our individual life,the air we breath,the water we drink ,the food we eat.etc.all come directly from the environment.7 u5 A: \7 X4 ^7 d( J! m' g6 S
  for another thing ,china's continuous growth in economy has been depending on the comprehensive exploitation of the earth's natural resouces in the environment,if we don't protect environment properly ,further development can not be guaranteed .
# t  Q; V1 ~' B+ s; P  therefore envionmental engineers who play a crucial role in china's environment protection industy should be most important in life.
# c" [1 K" n  @( l9 j  d% k  请指出待改进的地方
% _7 ^! [1 N5 h  回答:In my opinion, to be an environmental engineer is one of the most useful professions in china. Nowadays, environment protection is closely related to our personal life. For one thing, the environment determines the quality of our individual life. The air that we breath, the water that we drink, and the food that we eat, all come directly from the environment. So people nowadays are more aware of the environment and the ways of conserving the nature.- f* @0 `' x" [
  For another thing, china's continuous growth in economy has been depending on the comprehensive exploitation of the earth's natural resouces in the environment. If we don't protect the environment properly, further development cannot be guaranteed.# {8 f5 H7 A; Q% x: w
  Therefore, envionmental engineers who play a crucial role in china's environment protection industy should be a most useful profession.
0 T4 ^/ p. G9 h2 ?1 Z  已作改正,仅供参考。
. k9 v3 L0 B# z! ?  2.问题:What influence of advertising for Chinese consumer’s performance?+ L0 p3 S: |& I1 V
  The competition in china market is keen and consumers face various choices in the market .it is imperative for the merchant to understand that advertising can attract the attention of buyer to their brand.* P" I6 @9 G5 U, l: j
  Advertising serves as a major tool in creating product awareness and producing information that will assist the customers to make their buyer decision.* z. `- M% M" O
  Moreover, commercial advertisements may change consumer’s psychology by effective ways. They can influence and produce new customer preference so they make new customer demand。6 x- ^. Y; Q+ G& \$ K* K+ z
  以上是我关于这个题目的看法,这样回答还有什么欠缺,提点意见我改进。- N6 ~0 p0 X5 M: Q+ P9 O
  回答:The competition in china's market is keen (fierce) and consumers face various choices in the market. So it is imperative for the producers to understand that advertising can attract the attention of consumers. In fact, advertising serves as a major tool in creating product awareness and producing information that will assist the customers to make their buyer decisions. Moreover, commercials advertisements may change consumers’ psychology by effective ways. They can influence and produce new customer preference and  make new customer demands.  N- B. X6 Q2 I/ R1 r2 Q
  略作修改,仅供参考。, @  s* W: P+ V
  3.问题:What influence you think international business is having on work practices in China?( V: w$ g; K5 x  g$ s' w
  这句话中的" work practice "指雇员的工作实践,还是可以从大的方面谈到对中国商业的影响呢?' N4 r( v" \2 \  w) _- [, G+ z
  回答:work practice工作实践主要指工作中的做法。应该谈具体事项。以下内容仅供参考。
3 q0 w: w* t0 G2 y2 k& S! }) s7 Q  International business has exerted great influence on work practices in China. For example, people in China always work from eight to five in the office. But with more international business, we can work from home by using the Internet. Also, we can find flexible working hours in some companies. So all in all, I think that China is now having a wider range of work practices by doing international business.
8 q& t% O' p/ f: ]3 j8 w3 o  4.问题:教材86页的家庭作业! Z3 j7 N/ k$ q5 b% b
  老师,您好!麻烦您批改这次的家庭作业,谢谢!* G) O* D& X6 [) M. Q% \
  To:all the staff
3 [9 T" c0 j4 a) s/ F' r  From:Shirleu Smith R&D department. \) q0 ?! @$ S1 E
  Date:12 December+ S$ [, Q) _% P3 z# K
  Re:Investment to Ramsden Breweris (RB) or Bute Chemical(BC)
; P9 y  V2 X! b$ Z% @1 I  Introduction# T" [5 ?6 K3 G7 H3 \, O4 E
  The report is aim to compare RB with BC which would be suitable for our inverstment.7 Y9 Y& c" n0 ^  \2 h6 A" R
  Findings8 m5 n% r' v4 m& C3 ]" A: v
  It was found that BC is in 6bn merger rumour whereas RB is cut 500 jobs in restructuring programme.However,according to Business daily,drinks industry is bound to grow by 12%next year.Furthermore,although dividend in BC from 1997 to 1998 was increase,their turnover and profit were both decrease.To the contrast,RB's turnover,profit and dividend were all increase from 1997 to 1998.It showed a steady growth.- x( F6 m1 j$ s7 ~4 A( n. J
  Conclusion# ~* S3 \! t; O0 R) N  b6 Q
  In the long term RB would be suitable for our investment.$ V8 A+ b& C% Y% Q
  Q+ S- H1 e/ e" g  It is recommended that we can take RB into consideration.5 x" d9 H( P- k1 A7 d; C
  回答:To:all the staff
5 q7 z1 H  u* g8 e  From:Shirleu Smith, R&D Department
; n+ W7 [- z' l9 n0 N5 ?/ a  Date:12 December. p. @; z; s" v  n0 T: m
  Re:Investment to Ramsden Breweris (RB) or Bute Chemical(BC)) g' [' P) O3 U  @, T4 J0 y" F, ?
  Introduction6 e) d2 p7 G1 C: j  T3 R  G
  The report is aim to compare RB with BC which would be suitable for our inverstment.# h" p$ H0 Z, |1 H) X5 a7 w6 S* h
  修改: This report aims to compare RB with BC and determine which company is more suitable for our investment.
7 B- ^. }# l. R! u% g  Findings
  L/ O# Z5 I2 ]( m9 U) l  It was found that BC is in 6bn merger rumour whereas RB is cut 500 jobs in restructuring programme.However,according to Business daily,drinks industry is bound to grow by 12%next year.Furthermore,although dividends in BC from 1997 to 1998 was increased,their turnover and profit were both decreased.To In  the contrast,RB's turnover,profit and dividend were all increased from 1997 to 1998.It showed a steady growth.
" ~# F  @/ f( g1 C7 p+ n  Conclusion
9 @& R1 W+ m+ v" Q5 W" T( n  In the long term, RB would be suitable for our investment.0 e  w* Q; b& ?9 x
  Recommendations2 G( g) I; ?$ \* M( i; X
  It is recommended that we can take RB into consideration.
4 p& j- W/ d% j2 E6 H$ Q  主要问题5 @% L2 m  @$ c" O
( x+ c- t+ ]5 I& ]% n' I  主语+动词这样就构成了一个句子。而不是主语+was/were+动词,这是错误,( c  ]" L% V% P0 K9 j

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