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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:考试课堂答疑精选(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 g; f2 u1 X5 h6 |1 V2 d* C  From:R&D Director
' S( _8 F/ M$ ]. f+ F# \4 t  v' P: h( c; ]  Our factory will soon have a visit from health and safety inspentor,it will take almoost two weeks.+ X: c' ?" k" ?  `6 ]# }( r- K
  Health and safety are always essential to a factory.According to this inspection,not only can inspect whether our meet the standar but also can raise our factory's  reputation.! ]& ]# s" [# A9 ~, Z5 Z
  We should ensure that our facilities would be safed and keep factory environment cleanliness.
4 l' M5 C9 v5 a2 r) I  老师,给所有员工写,那TO之后的内容该怎么写?# l$ h1 e: C0 M( }
. X; s. E1 }7 W- r" |+ v. h# e  From:R&D Director) L" s  ~& t0 q( {( n
  Our factory will soon have a visit from ( 应该用by) health and safety inspentor,it will take almoost注意拼写 two weeks.) I* y6 y1 U  ^! q% V1 d& _
  Health and safety are always essential to a factory.According to this inspection,not only 缺主语 can inspect whether our meet the standar 拼写 but also can raise our factory's reputation.6 |8 J6 E6 ^9 p2 K2 R6 ^6 x
  We should ensure that our facilities would be safed (用形容词safe)and we should keep factory environment cleanliness(用clean形容词).* X3 ~# ^5 g1 `1 x1 t. [
  这篇文章的语法错误太多,以至于读者在阅读时产生困难。比如:According to this inspection,其实应该表达成This inspection can not only .....but also。
, Y$ ^4 w% g, ~0 B( r  再比如:whether we meet the standards
* [2 s+ N. q' w; h  所以一篇商务文章的好坏可以从两个方面看,一是 语言表达,这个方面你还需要慢慢来。第二,就是发挥点。就本文来看,发挥点没有写好,你在写作之初并没有设想好健康与安全检察员监察的理由,所以本文第起来很晦涩,也好像脱离实际。不过别着急,一点一点做,
. B6 H4 [8 [9 o. }5 ^6 G" m. n- {  2. 给所有员工写,TO之后的内容写成:2 b/ q6 e8 z  k0 E
  TO: All staff (你的写法是准确的)
( a( ~" N+ y: u9 P) y  2.问题:老师您好
0 [5 J5 y2 }& E+ F% @  练习册中 Review Unit1(1-4)
* R5 q3 G$ b0 j; f6 e3 V' a  30. W've beaten our sales ___ by about 16%this year. a. forest  b. strategy c.goal# q; S" C5 R$ o; e2 i7 p
  答案是 A,  我觉得C也不错啊 ,我们打败了销售目标的16%/ g& \* B$ f3 k' z3 H' I
  32.We___about golf for about half an hour on the phone.4 t& b! t0 M* q4 B+ M
  a.chatted   b.discussed c.talked
" V6 d. p3 u; `$ s  答案是A, 我觉得 C 是对的啊, 短语是 talk about  而且CHAT 一般做名词,或者是 不及物动词.. |2 G9 T0 c& P6 t
  35. I circulated the ____ by email in advance of the meeting.
6 f3 {% s; d+ w' s  a. memo  b.agenda c.guarantee.& b3 H2 Z# c& m: J  G  j2 H
  答案是 B, 我选的是 A ,也不觉得错啊~
8 j7 G& N: c, J2 F) j8 R  回答:30   注意你的拼写   SALES FORECAST   销售预期目标      GOAL只体现目标 没有体现预期  所以是A* z' B. W3 x8 P- e
  32  做讲和说的时候 TALK 可直接加宾语      而CHAT 比如: A COLUMN DEVOTED TO CHAT ABOUT POPULAR SCIENCE       大众科学讲话专栏  所以是A3 h' q' ^+ _! {' F; _
  35  AGENDA 是专门指会议日程 安排 而MEMO是会议记录  在开会前应该传的是安排  会议结束后传的是会议记录  你看我们现在开会了还是没呢?$ k/ [& p8 y! |2 h) z. K
; v8 |; u3 @6 |& j0 K  We've changed insurers, but they still keep debiting our account each month.
# D; F; a0 o. i. r3 `7 R8 [  这句话如何翻译,这里的debit our account 怎么理解,跟 credit our account 有什么区别?
! ~- s) [9 o" [$ q5 w7 [) _% j  回答:We've changed insurers, but they still keep debiting our account each month.% L% {+ p6 `" n  [/ u
  这里的debit our account 怎么理解,跟 credit our account 有什么区别
! L3 o% c& x  q! H  m  这句话的理解是“我们已经更换了保险公司,但他们还是每月在我们的帐户里记帐。”1 \) j* U' ~$ V8 X
  debit our account是在帐户的借方记帐。也就是从帐户里提款。
. |2 x1 f" [/ X  L, {, ?! L  credit our account是在帐户的贷方记帐。也就是把钱打进某人的帐户。

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