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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:复习必备词汇(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit2:消费金融! m! j. ^: x0 T
balance transfer
9 c4 H- E: a/ p% _4 z/ T/ ]余额代偿3 G# o# V, i1 R: d$ r, ?6 u
Katherine made a balance transfer from her old credit card to her new one.
' B% D" M5 ~4 t4 o& V9 P凯萨琳申办新卡代偿旧卡。
0 o7 Q+ T3 d" Y7 ]( D) F# G% ncancel8 r% @$ e3 X' @$ Z% z
v. 停(卡)
3 D- I) L) ?9 i7 oWhat happens if I want to cancel my card?
  }; {4 I! v" }  [$ V如果我想停卡該怎么办?
4 Q+ l6 X7 K5 g$ {cash card
" W" Q) z/ n# x0 `  g1 Z% y% `現金卡7 y8 [  [' ?2 B8 A% g
What do I need in order to apply for a cash card?
0 _6 ?+ N7 H  L" P申办现金卡我需要准备些什么?+ z! X' n- P0 ~8 {. K* F; J& z
collateral, C  `! z$ u4 \6 Z6 c# ^
n. 抵押品;担保品; W; c) z1 a7 `  a9 K
Without collateral, Mr. Thomas wasn't able to get a loan.8 f6 @1 M& K; F4 F5 g1 M
由于没担保品,汤玛斯先生的贷款办不下來。$ S1 A. F. u( B* J
credit card4 b6 k. E0 _; U. p
. l& C4 E5 d! C/ mI need to report a stolen credit card.0 m  _' _  t% R
我要报信用卡失窃。; l/ Q# t! c3 g7 W! M
credit limit
* L% Y! {4 t* X! ^3 K) ~# p: r3 G信用额度4 _2 p  a) E  D- F- K. j$ k9 C
Beware of outrageous credit limits, which may lead to uncontrollable spending.( K! Q/ K7 I4 E$ Z7 t
' T: f; x! I% K* tcredit rating
) M- `" `5 {8 U信用评等Bob's poor repayment history has really hurt his credit rating.' i' l1 ^7 K( e$ f& Y" N( ~7 X* [
巴柏不良的还款记录对他的信用评等造成很大的伤害。/ z$ n$ b: N& A! Z: ?+ W' G& R' b
debit card
' A1 N/ @# L" j: s签帐卡3 t0 f% m7 [2 l5 k' D
You can use this debit card almost anywhere in the world.+ @5 k& c1 Z2 M6 @
* {: ~' _3 U, B4 X- L$ Kdebt consolidation6 u3 V  u- e) K$ q
负债整合1 V5 ~2 a- [, A# |# e1 B
Before you consider debt consolidation, closely examine the proposal.
/ K# k4 j1 U2 _0 U) l在考虑负债整合之前,要仔细检查其还款方案。' i% S/ [  {4 D8 l; U
default- B! K$ F8 |2 S2 M) n
n. 违约
6 S5 V1 X% r7 S9 W3 _The company is in default on its loan agreement., r1 \2 L5 ]2 H, ], r9 l" {
8 F! V5 x4 f# n' d& v& C% `freeze
: E2 r- _6 \; ]  b+ hv. 冻结(帐户)! O( O* ]4 X! T1 k- c& y
The bank froze my credit card account after I reported it stolen.+ p  z5 f- u3 @* @" f; ^3 z! d4 ~
在我报失信用卡后,银行冻结了我的信用卡户头。7 a" O( W4 c2 J. j$ h
2 w! _) {3 l* I# q/ Mn. 分期付款+ A9 i6 [# j) }" e$ G% _# z) D: h9 b
Penny will pay off her student loans in 60 installments.
& L/ b( [! N5 [% Z5 s4 }. J潘妮將分六十期偿还她的助学贷款。5 K& ^! [" O3 m$ }+ M/ y" x
loan& G5 [( m! |& I+ M! X, ^
n. 贷款5 B& T0 n+ K/ ]$ m0 n- M
I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.
+ R+ V, ~5 i% U我确认已阅读并了解这份贷款协议的条件与规定。0 u- `2 i' H7 e. L; p- w
minimum finance charge- ^2 }1 ^+ ?  c; ?- n  |
每月最低应缴金额Some credit cards have a minimum finance charge.. J1 n3 d7 o2 o  }8 L5 F6 r  @
9 l, d2 O. m/ U9 f. Fmortgage6 y3 Q7 b8 x/ m7 g& U  _
n. 房贷;抵押借款
4 Q2 G$ Q, k3 s: X! Z! O3 m4 G3 x* `8 GRick has a twenty-year mortgage.% H  ?+ c% Q6 Z4 w% z
瑞克要繳二十年的房贷。( |& t1 C# D6 c( \# s
outstanding0 x8 i* @# Q8 `. t& s( v
adj. 未清偿的;未付清的
1 K. f! D4 G% e0 r! ]) ^Our records show you have an outstanding balance of $6,0* f( B# Z: u0 k1 V; i
" W- X" a( K, F- i, |refinance* v# |/ w5 R- L& C+ z
v. 重新贷款* ^/ X+ f; f! t/ f1 C( _8 t
When deciding whether or not to refinance, there are many factors to consider.2 w( ^) w* Z$ K
在決定是否重新贷款时,有许多因素要考量。) t! S7 a# h5 `2 K& h$ S9 {2 }
statement, t& w- I2 T- r' G8 O
n. 账单明细The fee for issuing a replacement card will be charged to your next statement.
4 M# W2 F! K6 s. Q信用卡补发費用將併入您下个月的账单明细。

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