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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:复习必备词汇(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, a6 k( n- U1 Eaddress book2 y, F+ t7 Y9 {( e5 d- ]
6 E& r) |# P3 e6 qLet me see if I have his number in my address book.
1 |! a9 L; f* R% y0 S* g6 T4 G我看一下我的通讯录有没有他的电话号码。
7 X7 f. g# z% n" F$ H. R4 h3 Nattachment, r3 @+ A7 x$ T3 w' o
n. 附加档
. z% k3 u* _) ]% o, L$ ?0 d5 dThe attachments are the three files you asked for.7 y. x8 G0 g/ z& I, a
! k8 L5 P$ D: V& Y9 Z7 @; Ccapacity
. _  ^2 X% ]. B7 y4 t& R, \1 z9 Qn. 容量
; p. A- J, E5 p% M/ x0 H/ mThe capacity of the network's server was recently increased.
' ?6 D# p) F( z9 \2 B& e# x网路伺伏器的容量最近加大了。
$ i. Y- A3 w! a' R/ \CC (carbon copy)
: l" |$ T6 _; i6 H* Y; I副件抄送
# w! T9 h) h6 H3 p/ }Please CC me on the e-mail.
* J. J7 N9 |( f+ D请将这封电子邮件用副件转寄给我。
( }: k) C; \! Q0 [. z  pdeletev. 删除* Y8 v' w3 L! b+ @. O
I delete at least ten unwanted e-mails every day.3 I/ w7 y4 e6 y9 {9 F1 @4 V
) w: y* C* o( }) h+ _+ r6 a# i4 Pdownload
6 c# ?9 Z  g% v" r" |) Bv. 下载9 m1 y3 I4 T2 h! c1 k) L
Why is this e-mail taking so long to download?% c5 H) n* d, x% u, z
3 i8 Z( k2 ^. O3 W& t6 v9 x; be-mail. g* Y( Y# I% R% n3 c
v. 寄电子邮件
( y/ @+ @" X% l/ a# RI'll e-mail you her contact information.
- X1 t8 Q, }7 P2 Y我会寄电子邮件告诉你她的连络资料。
% _1 ]1 ]8 R9 D/ mforward
* X/ e0 l0 I+ I; N' {5 H, Fv. 转寄
) E" E) u% [( Q% u0 n2 Y: r, wPlease forward me his email and I'll get back to you.. ^! @. r  a: b& {  O
你能不能把他的电子邮件转寄给我,我再回给他。$ o8 W. J% U/ p7 q% r
junk mail" }( q  Y1 |4 K# Z; d% @# V# c
' M- ]% h2 ]) `& m: \- ?The IT department installed a filter to block junk mail.
% D" b' S- }6 j3 g  ^7 Z* ^$ q  I资讯部安装了一个过滤器来阻挡垃圾邮件。
. W( b- \% d0 X$ i- L# v* o: Xmailbox
- [; J: W9 h9 Q  O3 ]1 \n. 邮件信箱
7 F# Z/ L5 \! V7 o! ^+ n/ ^You can't receive e-mail because your mailbox is over its limit.
( J9 w5 k, y! N你无法收信,因为超过了邮箱容量。8 V  H/ ?+ G5 s# U5 _
recipient! U9 u' v3 J$ N
n. 收件者& m$ L; o3 _# W4 J$ s% x- a: G  V
Enter the recipient's e-mail address, choose the file you want to send, and click on the "Send" button.) Z% h7 P6 V$ }3 J
$ J" m$ ~4 v; D/ |8 e* eReply n. 回覆
0 Z6 X/ T1 A3 n1 g6 g9 K. tThank you for your reply.
7 z* d0 _1 ~) u$ [感谢您的回覆。
, ?! [" O; N. `) o/ \; A' \Salutation n. 称谓2 e6 I) B1 \! ?
My question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation.) G4 j# U( k; H. e2 @6 v
% F6 t4 D, p  F/ R1 C- {8 l! r8 A- uSubject n. 主旨
6 o  G' q  ?7 E9 O% C% J2 \# bSubject: Your order has been shipped.) I  ~% |# M& f/ e" N& y: X
主旨:订货已运送。/ t  U& i3 u$ {& F* {( p
商务英语必备1000字 Unit8:fax 传真
) h. A0 m2 t! c) {- aactivity report
7 P, \7 Y/ G6 c- D) Z2 A(传真机)使用报告
. w& }7 c, S6 X1 q4 S! r0 ^Check the activity report to see if the fax went through.
) l4 ]) ?) A+ F查一下使用报告看看这份传真有没有传过去* {: X6 {. s! Y; f
cover sheet. P9 [+ j8 F6 W$ _- z8 b
封面页6 B) S  ?* q4 k, F& [+ `0 R
When sending faxes to your clients, you should include a cover sheet.
1 z( o# k6 `% |1 m& S  v' M% D传真给客户时,你应该附上封面页。( @" Y1 L' t- R+ Z% _7 |+ E
face down! ~) F2 I& H0 Z0 X( X4 a
正面朝下. q. u8 z  D$ B8 u/ [" u' ~
Place the papers face down on the paper tray.. T: N+ W( x; c% ?& p# ]( b; o
将纸张正面朝下放到送纸匣上。$ v2 r: ?' b3 s1 [4 h& L- n& m
fax machine) v& Z  s5 Y6 l! c) _+ H
  D& `# t5 U: w1 T0 E1 M) uThis fax machine looks complicated.
1 ]) f8 o" N  ^( E" D# D: a这台传真机看起来很复杂。" o9 Y- f+ M3 e' ?5 \
  b+ H! \" z& k# E6 Yadj. 传进来的
7 M& q5 ?: F: ?* g6 CThere is a danger that incoming faxes could be read by unauthorized persons.- w, p* b0 a3 |: p+ ]7 l
有个危险是,传进来的传真会被没有权限看的人看到。( z* e$ @3 p% i- i! }% |
paper jam  B4 ~0 ?0 j: B
卡纸2 u3 e+ u& L- {
If you have a paper jam, make sure you clear the jammed paper properly.
1 z3 r) v% r. {! \9 Z( y如果卡纸,你要确定适当地将卡纸清除。) y/ [' @9 A* d6 J  x, b
Refill v. 再装填# c! s) e( `8 k; q+ a
Susan refilled the paper tray.
. n, K& p. ^7 W# E3 |' d苏珊装纸到纸匣。8 K  I. D8 A1 c. B0 ]# g! u
Resolution n. 解析度
1 ~8 I6 s9 S# H  d" K, IThe fax machine allows any fax to be sent in either high or low resolution.$ P+ b2 g& D  H0 W9 d1 ?& p. _
  K' S  y, M0 a" A2 {) b. R4 qScan v. 扫描
7 j! J5 W8 ^3 ^1 L6 |% s- fThe documents fed into the fax machine were scanned and came out in the return tray.文件放入传真机会被扫描然后送出到文件回收匣。

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