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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:与外商初次交流时的外贸用语

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) y4 `1 S" v9 q  k8 _" x  We obtained your name and address from XXXXXX.
, Q0 U/ H+ R: ]5 G  2、我方对你方的XX产品很兴趣,此产品在我这里很畅销。不知现在此产品是否可供出口?  N& x$ {* q+ A* ~( l! H( J+ H, a
  We're very interested in (your goods),they are sold very well here. Are they available for export for the time being?6 W8 D% `3 K  H0 }/ ~- r6 i% w" Z
  3、我方多年来一直从事此产品贸易,是本地区最大的的供应商、出口商、进口商。# Y2 _8 e% s# a% g# A7 i
  We have been trading in this goods for years,we are a big supplier/exporter/importer for our local market.
8 u# q. J8 R/ V* X% n5 U  4、因我方对你方产品知道的不多,很希望你方能寄商品目录及价目单,以供我方参考。" w' h! i8 K" Y( i# e6 A
  I have little information about your goods,I will really appreciate it if you can send me your catalogues and price list for our reference.
7 o& P3 }- Z2 L, c0 {% F" a* H; s7 Y  5、我方同这里好几家百货公司和超级市场都有业务联系,相信数量是相当大的。5 J+ A$ I4 H/ D/ n4 G- U
  We have connections with quite a few big department stores and supermarkets here. I’m sure the quantities will be fairly big.) j7 s: }8 U0 b' x! [( t2 I
  6、我方对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。3 m! O9 c8 v1 N) l# I
  Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.
" G) Y, j6 `% T* t( _. d: W) g* @  7、我们愿在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。
- i2 O+ \$ d8 V; {3 Y: U  We are willing to enter into business relationship with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.- L1 D. b6 u  l; g8 i
  8、期待贵方早日回复。* u4 \1 L; x& I% b9 X1 I/ P
  We look forward to your early reply.

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