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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: F" E  o# @  J* U( n* B, u, _6 _, u% e(Office ambience)
/ @# W( x' a# e  O+ I9 c  m0 bA:Hi, Chen Hao. How are you today?
: t( n6 ^7 T# p/ u7 }C:还好,不过,我有点儿事想请教你。
. R3 b# T( _) uA:How can I help you?
( J, Y1 n" }2 D2 O; |& P' M) pC:今天下班,我又要去参加公司的社交活动。; C/ i5 R0 K; _) H! F
A:Where the point is to make business contacts and develop relationships with current or potential clients?
4 I% z2 E' b: P8 l3 I# a, s  jC:没错,就是要多认识点儿人,跟客户搞好关系。不过,我还是不太习惯这种活动。
3 e1 C2 {, W/ tA:What's the problem?6 b" P6 V* w+ D6 b* }4 V$ b
C:自我介绍完,我就不知道该说什么了。5 A& e) F6 Q" L+ C4 d7 L( m; Q/ r
A:Well, The first thing is to prepare your conversation starters ahead of time.. E$ C0 \$ i* j% W) W
' Y" ^$ t  `9 |" j/ T- jA:Find out who will be there so you will know whom you will be seeing.( E7 ~( J6 F# r4 M
8 v& V- n& V% T' }9 UA:Find out as much as you can about the guests. The more information you have about them and their business, the easier it will be to talk to them.
( J' i& i. n& @# t1 d; `" sC:可我根本不知道谁会去啊?  n0 g  c) K  [# V% u
A:I suggest you go ask your boss' assistant right now.
' C) h! I. {" t******, d& \. t# j1 A2 J$ q& e
8 N2 B& e7 V: N0 |" aC:Amy, 今天的活动是Jepson公司主办的。
) ?7 K2 @" E8 D  X9 TA:I happen to know that Mr. Jepson, the president of the company, loves airplanes. He is a licensed pilot and owns quite a number of small planes.0 U3 N& x0 r! h( p% N
C:Mr. Jepson自己有飞机,还有执照?太好了,我也喜欢飞机。( t0 |8 f- B) W$ l
A:Well, see, you have something in common so you shouldn't have any problems talking to him.# F, t2 W+ i  x' w. c
8 x- H" m1 e# W) ^A:Be ready to ask people about themselves. Start your conversations with open-ended questions.! f0 ^6 p" f3 A( Q. i4 B
C:Open-ended questions, 那是什么样的问题啊?" v( H( k5 m3 o. L, q2 R
A:Those are questions that begin with "how" and "why?" The kinds of questions that people almost have to answer with more than one word.; d7 [4 o9 I* u/ F
C:就是要问为什么,怎么样这类的问题, 是吗?- m  `2 K0 U0 i& C+ _( M- o  N1 x  Q
A:Right. Stay away from "when," "where" and "what" since it's easy to give short answer to those questions.
$ c* d! M. f. P/ bC:不要问什么时候,在哪儿,哎呀,太复杂了。我恐怕记不住。
7 R: O, x( Y2 c. ^3 s6 w, `A:Oh, yes, you can. People like to talk about themselves so long as you continue to listen and act interested, they will continue to talk.
' M' f% r$ ]5 d* a; R- I+ ~5 OC:做个好听众当然没问题。我难道就不需要说话吗?# i3 _8 K- f7 p! [( Q# r
A:All you really need to do is repeat or comment on something the other person has said. Like with Mr. Jepson, you could ask how many planes he has?% L! E$ ~- U+ t
% k! Q# ?& r2 z9 [+ iA:Then you respond, "So you have 25 of your own airplanes?" That's interesting. Tell me about them." And he'll continue to talk.
  u6 k4 d# Q% B  vC:好主意。我试试看。

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