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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作,他在走廊上遇到了美国同事Amy.& e+ X7 {0 m. j6 b+ w! c3 U
(Office ambience)5 S  O: z2 {4 {6 A. X
C:Amy, 你有两分钟时间吗?我有点事儿想请教你。0 B% U& o! T& A
A:Yes, but let's step into my office so we don't disturb anyone else. What is it?9 |% B$ V; a' R9 w; E! ]
C:今天,信息技术部的一个同事被老板叫去训了一顿,说他整天聊天儿。老板还说,你是来工作的,不是来社交的。2 ?6 \% d' K: Y; e# V
A:I agree. After all, that is what we are paid for and people who misuse company time are wasting company money.; @+ s& t  s* F) q+ V
# }, Q, N" @: W0 l- c; tA:I did. And one of the ways to do that is to engage in small talk or "chit-chat," as we say. You need to talk to your colleagues about things other than work.
+ q7 {$ G& f: R& ]$ F# YC:聊工作以外的事儿?那我就更糊涂了。可老板说这是浪费工作时间啊。
  Q& O" p4 ~9 r+ TA:It's not wasting time if you do it at the appropriate times.
6 N1 X$ I- l% W% C$ @4 C/ PC:那什么才是合适的时间呢?: f  N0 Y9 w" w1 M. l/ @) I7 B
A:Basically, at the beginning of the day when everyone is getting their tea or coffee and starting to settle in; during breaks and at lunch. The end of the day is another good time to chat.1 ^+ A5 I. Y1 @# X
' B8 z- j9 E. c# W' k1 t: zA:Chen Hao, I know this is important, but can we talk after work? I have a project to complete before the end of the day.( }4 P" L7 Y/ b0 T0 H, V1 p* E
C:那好,一会儿见。2 H& o6 S" z) o: _6 b
1 H; e) e" n4 E1 X2 ^' S& ^; LMC:陈豪跟Amy同路回家。
5 M4 I5 s7 Z' E% E" W: [) E1 OC:今天我特别注意了一下,发现很多人上班时间都在聊天。+ ~% t" m0 Z5 U0 F2 n# J, s
A:Often people who have just competed a project or an assignment, need a break. They don't always consider that their colleague may be in the middle of something and doesn't have time to talk.# ~& ?9 s$ Z+ F- r  i' x
$ f- H; x% S: F# r2 O, uA:Location is important. Pay attention to where you are so that you don't disturb the people who are working.
2 P( M. D( U1 {  {) g- K/ i# ~2 o5 mC:什么地方才不会干扰到别人呢?( ~3 S# ]( ?8 [! O( s
A:A place like the break room or an office with a door will give you privacy as well as prevent others from being distracted by your conversation.
6 ]& W  u3 ?0 `C:还有其他注意事项吗?
1 u3 ^) H  ~! t, WA:Yes. We haven't talked about one of the most important - what you talk about.
* }+ j- W5 i  A$ u! ^" K( Y$ HC:聊天的内容还有规矩啊!% K5 [+ E8 g1 @5 O
A:Small talk should not be viewed as a time to get personal and pry into people's private lives. Nor should it be a time to spread gossip.
3 J( p" i! d1 U1 j5 F( fC:所以一是不能打听别人的隐私,二是不要散布小道消息。好,我知道了。谢谢你,Amy.

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