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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他和美国同事Amy晚上要一起参加同事James的告别晚宴,由公司北京办事处主任戴维斯主持。(Office ambience)
" b7 `- P2 w+ j; eA:Chen Hao, you need to be prepared for a lot of toasting tonight.
* J1 r! [9 }* a' l( i5 F* {8 `C:Toasting? 烤面包?; h3 q# o! ?& B
A:No, I am talking about honoring someone at a meal or reception by raising a glass of wine, champagne or water and offering a few kind words about that person.
1 q0 j3 ?1 l% r$ E3 aC:噢,你是说祝酒啊。西方人祝酒有什么规矩吗?7 u6 L" D% E; [8 E# Y
A:There are two kinds of toasts. There is the informal toast that the host offers at the beginning of the meal to welcome his guests.' k* K7 A5 o, d
& J* W* \4 C: q0 r9 }7 |3 |A:Mr. Davis will stand, raise his glass and thank everyone for coming. He will take a sip of his wine. Then the guests, who remain seated, raise their glasses in response and take a sip.
7 b; ]+ ^( n  j+ kC:就是说我们都不用站起来,只要举起杯,然后抿一口酒就行了。那另外一种呢?2 b7 K" V; a1 x- m1 c) e* C
A:The other is more formal and comes near the end of the meal, usually during dessert. Champagne will be served. After each toast, everyone raises a glass and takes a sip of champagne.. [/ q2 A; O8 z& A: J5 k6 `
C:是不是每个人都要说祝酒辞呢?  @* ~3 D7 \: ]3 H3 |2 y8 F8 W
A:Not necessarily, but you will be expected to toast James since you worked closely with him.
6 n7 X! G1 C! j1 V6 |" K1 JC:幸亏你事先告诉我。不过那我该说些什么呢?6 f: c4 U# T) M$ g
A:You could say how good James was to work with, tell a funny story about him, wish him success in his new position or use a favorite quote.
, E# x7 n; z1 g1 m6 ]4 x+ K1 xC:讲笑话是我的长项。不过我还是得赶紧去准备准备,一会餐厅见。
8 Q: d# S" I. ^5 `宴会结束后,陈豪和Amy一起搭出租车回家。
* E$ Q$ t. x6 X- P6 ]A:Chen Hao, Your toast was excellent and you seemed completely at ease. You obviously practiced your remarks.
9 b: V% L) c8 r3 z0 dC:这可得谢谢你。还有啊,幸亏你特别提醒我每次只要抿一小口,我真没想到有这么多人祝酒,不然非喝醉了不可。
" s' T5 Y2 s$ x8 S* f" zA:It is acceptable etiquette to raise your water glass instead of the champagne flute. I usually just raise my glass to my lips so it appears that I am drinking when I am not.
, M; h. X- H0 zC:怪不得,我还以为你酒量过人呢!不过Amy,我还有个问题。别人为他祝酒,James好像从来不举杯,也不喝。这样做会不会不礼貌?
" e! h( a: Y- N* Q- \' ]: F2 |A:Not at all. That was correct etiquette. You never drink to yourself. Only to other people.3 z+ n# A$ z, s+ E' Q
3 ~2 u# L' g0 U2 t0 O5 N# m3 SA:No you wouldn't. I would have warned you about that.

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