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[综合辅导] 2011年BEC初级考试:词汇精炼(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Grandfathers are usually [charitable] toward the mistakes of their grandchildre.
' y0 E! ]6 g! r! X7 m5 n5 ya.cruel b.benevolent c.enormous d.ambitious
* U8 L; g1 p  E) F' I* W2. She was gathering flowers with her [companions] in the valley.
/ f* t8 E- [( _/ f( m' p) ^6 s# ]a.challenges b.warriors c.trades c.colleagues, @3 s, e& o3 X- e5 F$ l2 |
3. If you go to Scotland, you may see people in Highland [costume].
$ p$ f+ Z# F" J- c% pa.dress b.parcel c.custom d.charm0 C% C' X  ?& N! s6 i( h; Q
4. The waves [dashed] the boat against the rocks.
7 j) ?  d3 M: {  Da.pulled b.rejected c.hurled d.resumed  J! H% f# ^9 o+ S
5. If help does not come, we must [endure] to the end.
1 ~) T$ F; k+ p& u9 x, B0 `* W3 wa.bear b.endeavor c.retain d.strain
+ A' Z8 o: v9 r/ U. ]; {, S6. I could recognize the old car at a [glance].
% o) v5 O9 M% V# q8 ^4 x( C& fa.square b.feature c.flame d.glimpes
1 G7 M; a. L7 J8 W4 A; k- o  Z7. What [influenced] you to do it?7 X" U6 @" D: h! c# R' a3 D
a..affirmed b.affected c.invited d.interested, `, F  A7 a. |1 ^* t) z1 Q
8. They soon began to [investigate] the cause of the fire.! a2 e, f5 v0 s9 E1 q
a.affirm b.invent c.examine d.deny" G& S# A7 \. C  Z1 r6 e$ K" C
9. The farmers worried about the [lack] of rain.* z3 g. @! D1 a" E
a.shortage b.drift c.woe d.burden
/ e7 S1 i7 Y7 n& G7 p- p0 `8 f  x10. Japan made a [proposal] to Korea for increasing trade between two countries.9 e1 i. m1 z) T% d) T' [
a.preparation b.exception c.suggestion d.companion7 Y* e' a( _8 L; K. s5 x- r( I
答案:9 J  b. C" D1 A0 d- W/ Y+ V# Y: w
b; d; a; c; a; d; b; c; a; c;

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