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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(14)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; L7 }6 X4 D3 |(Office ambience)
  U) S) t6 s% b7 g) FA:陈豪,Do you have a few minutes to talk?6 o- t  g- T, O2 b" f1 c* f
C:Sure, 有什么事吗?7 ?3 Z! o6 h' j7 E/ ]
A:I noticed something in our meeting just now. 做为朋友,我觉得应该告诉你。It has to do with good etiquette.
* P& k& P0 k7 [2 d1 r( `C: 我有什么地方做得不对吗?西方礼节对我来说还有些陌生,你可得随时提醒我。
3 t7 g6 R3 x$ o3 b0 `5 L, tA: It has to do with body language, specifically eye contact.0 h8 f; s( ~0 w! p, F5 K
C:肢体语言?Amy, 你能说得具体点儿吗?
" i' L! q, }# \  O9 AA:We send nonverbal messages with our arms, our legs, our posture, our gestures and most often with our eyes.5 A  ]/ s2 `0 {0 E" {) R: f
! [) Z& v1 a) N4 e, P9 sA:没错。比方说,今天开会时,your eyes said more than your words or your facial expression. Todd 介绍提案时,我能看出你不同意他的意见。
& S9 K* t* G1 VC:奥, 你从我眼睛就能看出来?我真的是有异议。可你看出来的?我可是一字都没说呀。
% Z0 B9 ]9 a2 Y4 jA: You didn't have to. You rolled your eyes.# G" U8 t, |9 p9 N
C: 我翻眼睛了吗?我怎么一点儿都没觉得。
* @: u  C3 s4 q5 w! a" X+ dA:你是下意识的。You were not aware, but several people at the meeting noticed.
, h9 u* z3 d7 w8 vC:那就是说虽然我嘴上没表示反对,其它人还是能够看出来。Was there anything else that I did with my eyes?* {* ]8 c% I( K  e
A:Unfortunately, yes. You looked away several times while Todd was speaking.
# ?/ f/ _# J2 H9 OC:这有什么不好吗?他说的我都听过好几遍了。
3 Y3 P! Y' c7 t+ t! P: CA:没错。By not looking at Todd, you gave the impression that you had heard it all before and were not the least bit interested in hearing more.
  c  b* v3 n; Z; {) b& b. g! |/ K: `C:这我可没想到。我一直在努力管住自己的嘴巴,不要乱讲话。
! v7 N% v: O% kA:Well, your eyes did that for you.0 t' v3 d4 X" f: Z) e/ q9 d, i
C: Amy, 你还从我的眼神儿里看出什么了?
3 j! B1 b/ ^& }( @# j; F8 z6 AA:When you lost complete interest in what Todd was saying, you just stared at him blankly. It was that old "deer in the headlights" look.9 t0 l4 f' F$ E: F
C:“车前灯里的鹿”是什么意思啊?0 t; \8 H4 c6 `4 u( n1 j4 {
A:For the deer facing the headlights of an oncoming car, its expression is one of looking, but not seeing.$ |% Q0 y% `0 O$ }6 y: ]. X
C:你是说我的眼睛虽然看着Todd,但是别人能看出来,我其实并没有听进去?  \# K# O7 e# \$ B1 O
A:That's right. The courteous professional is as conscious of his body language as he is his spoken language.
. o! M3 N9 K5 ^1 S# `: W) uC: Amy, 你能不能再提醒我一下,以后要怎么做,省得我的眼睛把我的想法都泄漏出去了。
: D# B; ~9 O: W, Q% ]) B  MA:记住,眼睛是心灵的窗口。Learning to control the message that your eyes send is the key to courteous communication.

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