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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(12)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 Q' k. b( u: B0 V3 g' e1 OC:Amy,你有时间吗?4 I- B/ C5 C. F& s6 c9 H
  s9 t+ d! g; y7 }# s3 H8 aC:Todd这个人真是很奇怪。有时候,我打电话给他,他明明在办公室里,而且也不忙,可他就是不接电话。我只好在电话里给他留言,可他好几个小时才回电话,有时根本就不回。+ N: Q! o' B+ t
A:How does that make you feel?
* [  b# a' @6 [% gC:让我觉得自己无足轻重。我不愿意跟他共事。
+ Z+ A: ]0 ?: d$ yA:That happens when we use voice mail to hide from other people. Voice mail makes it easy to ignore callers.1 J6 n8 `- l3 r0 D' Z
C:我有的时候也不接电话,让打电话的人留言,比如手头工作急着要完成的时候。Is that wrong?6 G/ L8 ~" Y6 Z% C+ z% ^0 n/ ?2 L) y/ X
A:No. That's a perfect reason to use voice mail. All of us have times when we need to work without interruption.- K+ X, K" x* q9 V" u
4 F! w: s; h% BA:没错。It doesn't take long for people to determine who is responsive and values their callers, and they call those people instead.  h; C5 \2 Q1 `" X
C:他们这样做不仅会得罪人,还会失去很多机会。我倒要看看,这个Todd什么时候才会回我的电话。) E! R! k( c2 a6 e: x
3 q  t! w+ D6 \& Z$ h/ @) VAmy第二天午饭时间又遇到了陈豪。6 d) T2 @6 p1 ~2 M5 N
A:CH, I am curious. Did Todd ever call you back yesterday?8 A" m, i4 A% Q# F
C:NO. 他一直没给我回电话。我觉得他这样做非常不礼貌。4 H" I( V  p0 K) E! A. ]2 K& }
A:Totally rude. It is quite one thing to use your voice mail when you can't be interrupted, but to use it3 Z- H  h( \  {. x+ m
all day for your own convenience is disrespectful of other people and their time.: v, V9 H& j  Y; h
C:这确实是对我的一种不尊重。说实话,如果能从别人那里得到我需要的信息,我以后是不会再去找他的。我觉得Todd不是那种能愉快共事的人。* `% x9 l! U/ |6 R& h
A:There are people who think that they are too important to answer their own phone and always use voice mail or someone else to answer for them.: o5 W: ?7 P2 i5 w6 x$ S( i
C:不过,据我所知,一些非常成功的人士反倒有时间亲自接电话。Amy, 一般情况下,我们什么时候可以让别人留言而不失礼呢?# o+ _: k( s3 ]% D9 t2 u
A:Send your calls to voice mail when you have someone in your office, when you need to concentrate on a project or when you are away from your desk.
9 q4 y& |1 j/ @( H; \$ `1 rC:噢,办公室里正好有人在谈事儿的时候,手头有工作赶着要完成的时候,或是不在办公室的时候,这些时候都可以让别人在电话上留言。
* b- n: q* \9 S; L4 LA:Otherwise, if your job or your business depends on relationships with other people, make yourself available.% r) Y/ }% a) e) L) j. c- O6 g

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