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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(11)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ F4 v3 o% i: q' B+ P/ \" W(Office ambience)
) \. O% f1 h1 I2 J1 r  yC:Hi Amy.! {0 U* [9 A2 H2 j
A:Hey, Chen Hao, what's up?& `& ^+ @$ a+ ?9 V6 x4 q/ T
C:我晚上下班有活动,我去多认识一些生意上的人。& v  x6 c5 q& k
A:That's called a networking event.
3 l6 k) o/ b2 E  E: A' CC: Networking是什么意思啊?& z1 p2 ~: Y2 ^- @5 Q* `9 r% G
A: 很简单。Networking in business is connecting with other people who might be of help to you or whom you might be able to help.
. M2 A9 h. Q9 }9 S5 OC:换句话说,就是带有商业目的的社交活动。5 L% [7 s8 x0 P  X0 D
A:没错。The point is to go and meet as many people as possible to expand your circle of business friends and associates.
& j/ R9 w3 H3 \; Q/ Y* [C:我最不擅长跟陌生人打交道了。Amy, 你有什么好的建议吗?0 U1 l8 r8 J4 S* u, [1 n# }2 g
A:Sure. The first thing you need to be able to do is to introduce yourself with confidence.$ x$ t3 T2 t. Q6 P6 k
; n" C( b7 L. {! TA: You look for the approachable people. Those are people who are standing by themselves or who are in groups of three or more.$ X. F5 ^% \& r5 [
C: 只能去找那些独自一人,要不就是三五成群的。两个人为什么不行呢?1 E9 y& w0 b$ i# r$ s  Z0 x
A:You never walk up to two people who are in conversation because you risk interrupting a private conversation.
, H  [& @- g: [8 P) A) l1 OC:有道理。人家两个人在一起聊天儿,很可能是在谈私事,我上去打招呼,一定很不礼貌。4 \) Z$ g8 z" m/ [1 i/ \# F
Amy, 自我介绍的时候有什么需要注意的地方吗?
) w1 w5 a' D$ ^, rA:You start with "Hello" and then you say who you are, using both your first and last name.6 k% v- s6 v/ \- {, U
/ M% u. o$ A% u9 h, }A:You need to offer a handshake and some information about yourself, such as your job title and organization.
4 y  ]# p7 F8 n- t- {6 y$ DC:那我可以说,“你们好,我叫陈豪,我是北京ABC公司的销售部经理。”这样行吗?* x% e& `! d( c2 q' @$ |+ j& D
A:没问题。6 Z& z0 v! i4 i- }) ?" T& {& n
CH: Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow.3 n5 N, `: v0 \& @, K3 ^/ b
******" i9 W2 ^8 x  {1 Q8 j" _7 \: s+ ^  a
MC:第二天,陈豪又遇到了Amy.6 d6 K; v( x- `# ?' X
A:How did it go last night? Did you make lots of new contacts?
7 Q# b/ E7 s4 HC:还不错。我至少认识了十几个人,其中一些人对我以后扩展业务很有帮助。不过,我也遇到了一个很尴尬的场面。
8 R2 n1 X% j5 G% t' R* E3 cA:What happened?, y* l9 u* A/ U- T7 w
C:我刚认识了一位女士。她的一个朋友走了过来。她没给我们做介绍,我不知道该怎么办,就干站在那儿。他也是,感觉特别尴尬。! [- h# C6 j! ?, i! `6 m
A:When someone you don't know approaches you, don't wait for anyone else to introduce you. Take the responsibility for introducing yourself immediately.
# E: u( g" j% m2 A1 IC:有了这次的教训,我下次一定会主动自我介绍。
$ M% I8 g# y! r+ C* q1 w- S" e% D1 LA:Right. Find the approachable people, start with a greeting, give your name, and say something about yourself. Don't wait for other people to introduce you.  ~# `* R9 Z" @) r  u4 n9 a  e

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