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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(19)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
陈豪工作的公司里有一个公用的厨房,里面有冰箱,咖啡壶,微波炉等供工作人员使用。还有美籍华人Mary刚走进厨房,看见陈豪有点不知所措的样子。' D, X2 X0 f. b
(Office ambience)
# i: u8 ]7 i$ kM: Hey, Chen Hao, what happened?' t# y1 p( a, U8 R, L7 J5 [6 @/ u
C: Someone ate my lunch! 早上我买了一盒土豆沙拉放在冰箱里。现在没了!/ E$ x2 w! I' E2 k, }) q! p
M:Gone? Did you have your name on it?9 ^7 s5 B  m) f
C:Write your name on the box?是不是自己的饭还不知道呀?
+ e$ M7 V6 T1 ~" IM:外面买的饭,盒子看起来都差不多不少。If you don't have your name on it, 别人拿错是很有可能的呀!1 V2 B7 f  q. N4 q
C:那倒是。不过,发生了今天的事, I don't think I'll ever forget to put my name on my lunch.
1 r, H- i. c( \) s- ]  m0 O3 oM:不过这冰箱确实是个大问题。 Sometimes people bring their lunch, and later decide to go out to eat and forget about their food in the frig until it starts to smell.
! q* j+ [5 y- j1 T' ~1 k4 QC:是呀,有两次我看到有东西都发霉了。I just have to throw them out. 得了,别说了,真恶心。! Q# e6 }9 G6 Q& O, {8 y$ O
I have to find some lunch.
" q( F5 ?* K  `M:See you later.* R2 F# @" U+ L9 u( g
; G; V1 Y4 h% o+ LC:Hi, Mary, ready to go home? Can I walk with you?* Y; f. a+ P& \( ^% o# P
M:Sure. By the way, did you find out who ate your lunch?7 v+ C% t: T: f# y/ ?1 V, d) a
C:Oh, yes, I did. It was all a mistake. Brian太忙,让William给他带个沙拉回来放在冰箱里。Brian 去冰箱拿沙拉的时候William还没有回来。他以为我的沙拉就是William替他买的,所以就吃了。8 K. _' ^" v/ w" v
M:原来如此。 But we do need to remind people to observe simple kitchen courtesies.
5 B8 r' B) G1 F9 {* AC:Simple kitchen courtesies? 厨房里还有礼貌呀?
. |, p2 z0 g1 Y4 c0 k: E7 m, iM:当然有呀!For example, if you drink the last cup of coffee, you should fix a new pot for others.% ~5 N3 `* J! I+ _  {% ?& _/ f
C:我同意。有两次,我想喝咖啡,可是到了厨房看见的是空咖啡壶。I have to make a new pot and wait for a long time to get the coffee ready.
# s/ B: e& j  r6 I. kM: Also, it's just good manners to clean up after yourself such as wiping off the counter and throwing away the trash.
( R( R) G1 m+ C; DC:噢,擦桌面和扔垃圾!这我倒是没有想到,因为在家里这些不是我妈,就是我姐姐做的。不过,Next time, I should pay more attention to it.
, S( ^# C1 K$ m# tM:You also have to remember: keep the refrigerator clean —— put your name on your food and throw away any unwanted food; make a new pot of coffee when you drink the last cup. Throw away the trash, and clean the counter.* Q: D# F  Q& _! K: f/ y
C:Thank you, Mary.

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