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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(25)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
陈豪在美国ABC公司工作。他经常要用电子邮件和公司内外的人联系。今天他见到了一个他不认识的英文词,所以就去请教美籍华人Mary.8 a" |; ~% `- l3 Z  V( ]4 j
(Office ambience)( i& J5 C. I# R' I) V
C:Hey, Mary,我知道etiquette这个词的意思是礼节,礼貌。可是,什么是netiquette? NETIQUETTE.
; ]2 j8 q! i* M$ L% [' [) `2 F9 Z3 yM:Netiquette是人们新创造的一个词。意思是网上礼节,也就是good behavior on the Internet.* j. x8 q! m! e: Q8 [' c9 W7 ^
C:网上还有礼节!Why don't you give me an example.
1 Q* m! d( n/ x1 cM:比如说,你最好不要全用大写来写email.If you type in all capital letters, people would think you are shouting your message.
  r1 R4 }5 w; T$ w4 ^C:噢,怪不得那天销售部的Robert问我:Why did you yell at me? 可有的人给我email全用小写,那是什么意思呀?Whisper?说悄悄话呀?
" c0 x% y& \% G& l& t, bM:No. 那天财务部的Kevin不是给我们俩写的email都用小写吗?全用小写一般是不正式的,like chatting with your friends.3 c& O( L0 I6 A) }$ p. o. y+ T
C:Email本身就是不正式的。! Y+ y7 M' E* r" _! v
M:That's true, but that does not mean you can ignore appropriate etiquette.我得去开个会,午饭时再接着谈吧!
, ]' Y9 Z! t/ l& ?6 G+ eC:Fine! See you at the cafeteria at 12:00pm.
% `: D0 A* q3 k, T- ~******! X* M* _& m& k2 k' f. ^
M:哟,陈豪,你怎么吃那么快呀!/ S0 w2 i9 M" u. p, {
( p. ~4 G4 a. c9 M1 c# X" kM:首先,在你送出e-mail 之前,check if there are mistakes such as spelling, grammar, punctuation and word choice. If your e-mail is sloppy, you will be perceived as sloppy and disrespectful to the recipients.1 Z5 `5 |0 B, W- z2 N
C:我有两次发e-mail给客户时忘了附件。几个客户马上回e-mail问我:What attachment?- V) m. ~4 U: v6 q0 f# M8 u
M:是呀,一旦e-mail发出去以后,你就没法收回了。发现错误后最好的办法就是纠正错误,再重新发一次。你应该在subject line里写:corrected version with attachment included.# k$ {7 m/ S+ M. {
C:下回我一定这样做。: a5 `  B" [0 \5 ]1 Q* V. U
M:最好是不要出这样的差错。Before you hit the send button, check your spelling, grammar, punctuation and word choice. Sloppiness gives people a bad impression and is disrespectful to others. When mistakes are found, correct them and resend the e-mail. Typing in all capital letters seems that you are shouting, or typing in all lower keys are like chatting with your friends.

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