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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(21)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 O) z  C- _7 C(Office ambience)7 C3 g+ S: |- y( V  n5 ^9 \
C:Mary, 看到菜谱上的汤就让我想起一句英文:"As the ships sail out to sea, I spoon my soup away from me." 不过,我一直没有弄懂这句话究竟是什么意思?/ J) u, n3 C1 ^( v% g
M:Oh, that's a little rhyme that helps children remember the correct way to eat soup.4 p$ M5 }4 C  R5 W! S9 x
C:喝汤还有正确不正确的呀? 不就是一勺一勺舀了往嘴里放吗?
+ b; f& `4 j2 }$ E  [; ~4 _M:美国人在正式场合喝汤时有一定之规。"I spoon my soup away from me" means you spoon the soup toward the front of the bowl and then bring the spoon back to your mouth.3 N/ b5 @! S6 g, }4 A. a8 _  K  v
C:(若有所思地)用调羹往汤碗的外边舀,然后再把调羹收回来送到嘴边。Why so complicated?/ L2 T4 R2 s! c
M:这样可以避免勺下面的汤滴在桌布上或衣服上。8 m4 x4 N- s" U) M' Z  F
C:Mary,let's each order a soup and try it out. I'm hungry, I want a clam chowder.
1 v: i* O) l, R; e7 B" C- m7 R8 JM:Clam chowder with sea food and meat. It's too filling. 我不饿,要个清汤就行了。5 [7 v/ f) W0 B2 B- X
******3 I1 m, y# \2 \
(Soup arrives and they start to eat. Sounds of slurping)2 u8 l* M7 J$ F. {# P. `
M:陈豪,你吃得好香呀! It sounds as if you're enjoying your soup……
7 z' d+ z6 V5 z- |, k  X( }C:It's delicious! 味道真好。  w: `$ A) O8 h8 {0 _. P7 T6 }  r
M:But I'm sorry to say that slurping is considered bad manners in Western etiquette.& U1 S( j+ U% z! d% v5 a6 X
C:听说过西方人喝汤不能有声音。这汤也太烫了。我吹吹再吃。2 j# A* l4 O: e/ ]; I1 B0 q
M:不要吹。 If your soup is too hot, stir it slightly or simply wait.0 n9 i0 m7 `; f( f8 c7 w3 }) |
: A- M1 f2 U9 d+ zM:陈豪,你注意到没有,我喝的是清汤。我在勺的边上往里喝。而你的clam chowder 里面有肉,土豆等,没法从边上往里放。
3 r! s7 e# f- p7 e, }( cC:That's right.我的杂烩里好多东西,没法象清汤那样往嘴里喝。
1 ^4 N' f/ k0 x2 V1 X  u! C( WM:This is a good restaurant. The soup is wonderful, we should come more often.
9 ~4 W1 s0 f% s, r  J8 @(Sound of spoon scraping the bowl)3 ~9 K3 q+ s7 `. x7 B6 [8 [
M:Chen Hao,don't scrape your bowl. Just tip your bowl away from you to retrieve the last spoonful of soup.3 o: q' H; N6 d% B7 w
C:把碗往外抬起一点,让汤都到一边去。Mary, what are the main points that I need to remember?3 o6 R% P. d6 c2 q, Y1 |
M:Spoon the soup toward the center or front of the bowl and then bring the spoon back to your mouth; slurping is considered bad manners in Western etiquette; if the soup is too hot, stir it slightly or simply wait; tip your bowl away from you to retrieve the last spoonful of soup.

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