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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语考试:商务谈判用语(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. p* G" p' T7 J" e: JA: Can you tell me why our bid was not accepted?0 l+ c. q) u( s9 n. D) T
B: I think you were a little too high on some of the items .
# L, F2 Q: O1 H% O0 {  nA: On which ones ?
9 b6 D! x1 u; ~3 |1 T  mB: You're perfectly welcome to inspect the winning bid ." a  w0 I5 @1 H3 ]
A:请告诉我为什么我们没有得标好吗?8 e- \( i% N" A% {: o; L
B:我想你们有几个项目的价格高了一点。8 F4 @) a, g9 c; E# Q
/ Z6 g/ D8 r. x3 \( pB:我们很欢迎你来查阅得标者。
' ?+ ]8 ~) s- r, w5 p(36)5 h2 {, P0 `7 y4 G! L6 }2 F
A: Was our bid accepted ?6 i& o* J/ o0 v/ l7 `
B: No ,I 'm sorry .it wasn't .* h8 e* \/ }" G0 W$ H
A: Can you tell me why ?1 I0 ]4 N8 p% V) c2 r
B: Sorry ,but I'm not at liberty to reveal that information.  x, L' t" Z) c! G
- c. W% n& k. }4 ?: l9 XB:抱歉,没有。
$ ]1 w0 @7 Q+ @7 y- sA:能告诉我什么原因吗?
$ R$ P  v0 s" w, N0 T7 r8 [9 |B:对不起,我示能随意泄露情报。
2 |3 K- r0 O9 ]8 x* w4 l  D; F(37)
( q7 [; f% _$ p3 `( k/ E, MA: Congratulations ! your bid has won .
2 u' ^. \$ ?$ Z* E9 ZB: I'm glad to hear that ., q+ b) `# h  c& K
A: When can you come around to discuss some details with us ?1 k$ i# w& S9 \+ R" t6 L! [
B: I'll be there next Monday at noon .' W# z/ c5 E1 }! K" n  h! N3 F
/ U" ?; \' ]5 f: m- w( qB:真是好消息,
' q  P' C1 _7 L# P) I$ bA:什么时候可以过来和我们讨论细节呢?
4 e9 v) z  Q; ?& a* N. ?* SB:下个星期一中午吧。
4 ]! {/ n$ W/ i7 [, k" L(38)
, |6 n) @2 k8 |5 d. T5 _6 IA: What is your best price on this item ?
. O0 X$ F. Q* K# \% ZB: $24.95 per hundred pieces1 Q# A: a  W& V  W
A: That will be fine with us .
, O( F& U- f8 u( f3 F! N. a+ t1 \B: Fine . I'll start the paperwork for your order right away .
. E' x( @+ V1 ~/ ~/ wA:此一品目的最低价是多少?. r; f& ?' {7 K
B:一百个美金二十四块九毛五。' g' O% q7 F9 n$ W& O( D% H" r+ _
A:这价钱还可以。- Y" Y' _7 F- a) y& U
B:好啊,那我立刻就为你们的订单作准备了。0 ]$ g: [7 e, y0 u
5 u' b6 i( r% ?* F! t+ h4 ]* uA: Can we expect the same price as last time ?
( W# q" V; c5 Q8 F$ x  s1 K+ sB: Oh ,yes ,no problem about that.9 z, b& D, T9 W" h; u; B
A: Good ,we'll be ordering in just a few days.
1 S0 X* {/ u9 F+ q! Z. H7 oA:价钱能够和上次的一样吗?
( @1 C7 p- ]3 l- V5 [  K0 V9 eB:哦,可以。没问题的。( g, x. k8 ]$ q; E
% V! s  n1 N. Y7 n" b9 p/ a2 d(40)0 M: C3 N" R4 p7 l
A: This price is quite a bit higher than it was last time .7 Q. B) B( h* J) H. y) k9 }+ m
B: We're sorry ,but we 've had a slight price increase here .
- E3 o9 t- v* L- o' DA: Slight ?I wouldn't call this slight .( B2 {: d: v$ k
B: We've had to increase our prices on this item by just 8%.
6 F8 j% n; ~" `1 Y! nA:这次的价格比上次要贵了一些。; s. F5 ~, M5 X( r& \. k
B:真抱歉,不过我们出只涨了一点点而已。& c. v/ o& F  q; s7 G, @! O+ r0 @
A:一点点?这叫一点点?!0 Q$ G- Q7 p$ f% w

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