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[综合辅导] 2011商务英语考试:商务英语实战篇(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
We've received the sample which you sent us last Sunday.2 k+ \. r+ D; q+ G: g' P
  D7 w( H* a! |. y& W) P! C& yWe've got here our sales samples Type 1. and Type 2.
. ~9 F1 `/ e) v# P  N- X这里是一号和二号样货。
; Z2 H9 R! e# O  AOur quality is based solely on our sales samples.
1 S/ F1 K3 O! K7 T  {2 |我们的质量完全以货样为准。; l* F7 G& t0 s2 g/ z: Z+ G  C
We sell goods as per the sales sample, not the quality of any previous supplies.$ [$ {% M3 w  S" L* f$ `
我们销售产品是以货样为标准,而不是凭过去任何一批货的质量。+ R4 P  U3 \) j( O5 @; p" g9 P
You know we sell our tea according to our samples.2 W- _' `9 ?" j9 x! O2 F9 A
你们知道我们是凭销售货样销售茶叶的。7 N. _, \6 ]0 C( W
You can see the difference between these grades.
: ?0 b- A/ T% d9 o' m+ c你可以看看这些等级的差别。  f+ r" S' ^& d7 R5 {, c* L
These two grades are very much in demand.! _2 o5 H" f/ b! m# j: E  |) [/ A
' a/ K. H5 z, Q  bWe are in urgent need of these two grades.
6 f& q8 ]9 c! w/ Q我们现在急需这两种等级的货。: x& }2 w# Q, ^6 O
The colour of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment.
, [4 r# o. [' Y/ V) w; {' v; }. ?这批货的颜色比上批要暗许多。4 }. n9 n- r" Z+ a% C
No doubt you've received the outturn samples of the inferior quality goods.
: o- ^$ o0 N0 r+ j3 N5 w: M3 k你们一定收到了质量低劣产品的到货抽样。
. k$ Y0 U8 ^: [: m/ W! c: UI must advise you of the specifications of the goods.2 z0 `5 \5 f  Y. O9 M2 h
, }9 J- @( o  x8 _Have you received the specifications as shown in our catalog?1 p$ f) T: b/ J5 Z* h" M9 x6 H: E, P
9 H5 X- f/ B0 t' G8 N: t/ Z9 WThe quality is all right, but the style is a bit outdated.
' c: E& m& o7 }- d9 z7 g) a质量无问题,只是式样有点过时。
" E6 ?; W8 T: D8 O# j: p* ]8 @1 `We found the goods didn't agree with the original patterns.
# |# m/ J9 E& E/ l. a, K! Z4 M我们发现货物与原式样不符。! m4 g& x- [% j) q  K
The "Double Fish" brand is not so bad, the design is fresh and vivid.' }/ }' k) Y( H1 j6 o3 _
“双鱼”牌商标不错,图案新颖。0 T6 V6 o2 Z$ D" n
The new varieties have very vivid designs and beautiful colors.. T, O5 @$ d3 k8 I+ k4 x
那新产品图案新颖,色泽鲜艳。- s1 ]6 B$ P+ \" ], j
We're here to discuss the trade marks of your products.! W* R* k. M# K* [
我们来谈谈贵产品的商标一事。, a" ?# b5 E2 `& d1 J
Words and Phrases+ h, u" n& B7 u' h7 l5 t7 m
sample 样品
, |" r/ f+ O' A4 Z- n* ~counter sample 对等样品% L( {( ~* ~, z- q- e8 h* q
sampling 抽样5 E1 j0 P/ h$ b' J! ]
pattern sample 型式样品: D2 i8 ~$ I" M; M: \; s
duplicate sample 复样8 f( M* J, _' F$ ?
colour sample 色彩样品
: ?  q! B* ]3 h! ]subject to the counter sample 以对等样品为准
; B9 ?' q7 A7 E& c: wsample for reference 参考样品
# H2 J+ _! S, M- V& Isales by sample 凭样品买卖
+ c2 M) U, f; ?9 c% a3 ograde 等级
# n! K  m/ k9 a4 F7 H- @  t5 l( lstandard 标准
/ m. Q; `; F# l/ v: pspecification 规格
0 o1 y5 i0 {0 t& i& D, Ytrade mark 商标
& b( @3 }& {; _7 A+ G6 u" Dbrand 牌名# o" V0 Y& |% O! Z7 K$ F5 Y- ]
colour 色彩, b2 m4 z1 q( U
design 图案' i5 X. _% X# i: \, P
catalogue 目录
5 f" _* D' ?' Q" Q! Uparticulars 细节
6 u; g, Z( {6 w5 w% b- }Sales by Description 凭说明书买卖
/ N3 S3 @* @; l" [. RSales by Trade Mark of Brand 凭商标和牌名买卖
$ k/ ]* Z( P) V0 s0 C0 L; l% iquality as per seller's sample 凭卖方样品质量交货
2 K/ N' |+ k# s4 b% aquality as per buyer's sample 凭买方样品质量交货/ A1 M* `: @& Q  v  j
quality landed 卸岸品质! _1 }% B/ v" ^# G, P
quality shipped 装船品质, s0 H1 T9 R) W9 c
quality control 质量管理: W  q" K# {: e( O  V; J
Sales by Specification, Grade, of Standard 凭规格、等级或标准买卖1 |5 h5 _6 R  H' ^$ {/ z
Fair Average Quality (F.A.Q.) “良好平均品质”(国际上买卖农副产品时常用此标准)0 t' q* D# R0 y& V' g5 y
quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample 品质与样品大致相同

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