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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语考试:情景口语对话-研讨会

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    A: what did you learn at the workshop you went to yesterday? Do you think it was worth the investment to go?+ t3 c1 \; ]) d: q0 m
  B: yeah, I really got a lot of the session. The workshop topic was resolving personal problems. It was led by a professional human resoureces director. The teacher had a lot of experience, and I think we were all given a really good base to start with.: c' T& k+ N8 v$ U/ A* ]- X
  A: the workshop was only one afternoon long, do you really think you can learn that much in only a couple of hours?  l; k- N% ~) g( J
  B: it depends on the topic, the teacher, and the way the course is set up. Yesterday, even though we only had a short time to discuss the issues, the workshop got us all thinking. We learned some very basic, but very useful methods of dealing with personnel issues.
5 w$ h/ z1 M7 l" q' h+ V4 T  A: sounds like you really learned a lot.
  N8 e& x( U7 S; x% q4 E9 }# z2 q  B: I did… I just hope I can implement all these great ideas that we shared.
' h' B5 D7 W9 y  昨天你在研讨会上都学到了什么了?你认为值得一去吗?
- E! {+ ~/ P( x  H  是的,我真的从会上学到了很多东西.会议主题是解决人事问题,由专业人力资源部主任牵头讨论.那位教师的专业知识很丰富,我认为一开始就为我们打下了很好的基础.* `4 p( g' P, R) G& A
  S% }; s6 E* X2 ]" y  那要看是什么话题,哪个老师教的,以及课程的组织方式.昨天,尽管我们只有很短的时间讨论,但研讨会确实让我们大家都开动了脑筋去思考一些问题.我们学到了一些很基本,但很有用的方法去处理人事问题.; }, r. _8 D1 f. H+ T8 E$ f6 [4 U) X" z
" y* x  p6 D5 j$ ]  Workshop: a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, in which a group of people share their knowledge and experience 研讨会;讲习班! ~1 R& `. f4 ^) k0 }5 ^9 N
  a drama workshop0 B+ b7 x2 r4 Q. K6 M% _6 d
  f5 P% ^8 m! ~7 `) q4 j% W  a poetry workshop# {$ t9 D* b- X- z5 D. w" ~9 h) m
  诗歌讲习班 Session: a formal meeting or series of meetings of a court of law, a parliament, etc.; a period of time when such meetings are held (法庭的)开庭,开庭期;(议会等的)会议,会期  f  y5 k+ {! I; Y( |
  a session of the UN General Assembly
& i3 \! G0 ~. c" C! u  一届联合国大会
3 Z" o, v4 Y% ~8 d' V+ c6 E  The court is now in session.0 v9 |: y+ Z( M/ S$ r
  法庭现在正在开庭。% y+ X# i: N5 e' Q) q, w
  The committee met in closed session(= with nobody else present).4 y; }. W! D/ U2 _
! n& b9 w: `# g/ |$ e" l$ U& P  Expertise: expert knowledge or skill in a particular subject, activity or job 专门知识;专门技能;专长% G: l$ w. n4 W& k& b- A4 a* r* v: ]
  professional/scientific/technical expertise
* P$ a; W# H1 D# O+ m: G  专业/科学/技术知识
8 a( U1 j' A6 |: }  They have considerable expertise in dealing with oil spills.
& m% q% @4 v& z3 w5 ]! }) `  他们在解决溢油问题方面非常在行。3 Y0 V3 ?' G8 x/ w. e7 ]
  We have the expertise to help you run your business.
# ~* }  c) ?6 V  我们有帮助你经营自己业务的专门知识。/ c6 H  v4 m4 @% C0 n6 w
  Personnel: the people who work for an organization or one of the armed forces (组织或军队中的)全体人员,职员
& T6 k  Y7 `# g7 S% `1 U, f* a7 o  skilled/trained personnel
+ D5 }+ p- |$ `8 z- c  熟练的/训练有素的人员
' I' e. k3 c# ?/ H6 m+ d  b  sales/technical/medical/security personnel
) u) N* h7 R) \5 h  推销/技术/医务/保安人员: m0 s9 _! f; f( _
  army/military personnel6 T4 V1 T0 ]4 C9 e' T/ }! A

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