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[综合辅导] 2011年商务口语辅导:练习(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& Z" J- n8 Q; a' Z2 j1 T" p, CA:当制定一个良好的合理的提升决定,其关键在于避免各种晋升歧视。0 U" s- |7 @& U7 |) ^: _5 U' j$ h
( \" A% s* s7 }# N/ v2 z. F/ E) t: ~(1)
) D  `) ^) B( y( m: {' vIs the leadership quality important for a sales manager? (Why?/Why not?)# |6 G) B: [, V: ]/ K' G
# v$ h& O; z* I" |# Z; MYes. Leadership cannot be neglected, since a sales manager should make sure that not only he himself but the whole department do a fabulous job. The large part of a manager’s job is about supervising and the job is best done by people who know the ropes.
- j* P" C8 Q  l, c(2)
; S8 `' [$ G" f+ E6 x1 V4 _Is satisfying performance important when selecting a sales manager from sale staff? (Why?/Why not?)
9 g& ~% j. g4 `: z" }- @从销售人员中选拔销售经理,良好的销售业绩重要吗?(为什么?). p6 R% [+ F% {" I) J
Yes. Successful performance can at least demonstrate and substantiate(展示和证实)some aspects of the candidate’s ability, such as communicative skills, sales experiences and so on.
" @. ?! l9 t9 V1 X! F  J(3)+ D9 _7 W5 i' @* `* K
Would you consider a well-educated candidate when promoting a sales manager?(Why?)# x7 |* h% ]" }7 n
你会考虑提升有良好教育背景的候选人当销售经理吗?(为什么)0 K: Z3 W" u" I, _9 g' e4 a8 Z
Yes. A well-educated and well-trained candidate is furnished with rich theory and knowledge. He/she can adapt himself/herself easily to his/her new role.
: V; t, ?% ^6 O1 o% H) H/ }" \(4)
$ `7 Z& L8 k# e& q: A4 {Is it important for a sales manager to be ambitious? (Why?/Why not?): N( J! c+ b6 T  p6 a
就销售部经理而言,有宏图大志重要吗?(为什么?)  b; ?1 u2 H* v* j5 H+ @! N" w. Y* f
Yes. Ambition will push or encourage one to work harder and better and is necessary for great success.  x+ ?: @  |5 ?
( ?( `* G6 Z: K9 cWould you consider a competent candidate who is a stranger in sales when filling the vacancy of sales manager? (Why?/Why not?)
! }5 D3 n7 d2 x/ c4 m( p  x  x你会提拔一个有能力但却是个销售外行的候选人担任销售部经理吗?(为什么?), R; y9 K' h' I7 W* L4 i; o
$ a0 Y  S9 H' \' x" K9 u
No. without experience, it is impossible for him/her to direct his/her fellow colleague. We just cannot afford the time to wait fir the green hand to be experienced and mature in the line.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Work environment 工作环境,亦作 working environment' T% X$ w4 e3 m- O
Determinant 决定因素  a6 A* m+ t: I- s4 k
European Community 欧洲共同体(欧盟3 i- V1 e& Z2 g
(European Union)的前身)
3 j* a3 v; s( A( _ECU 欧洲货币单位3 g0 `, X& G! @( B" m
(European Currency Unit 欧元(Euro-dollar 的前身)$ ~, ]  m# `/ F+ K
Occupational disease 职业疾病: C, H1 @" P# d* C9 y2 a
Industrial injury 工伤5 h& M- R* s% x: G! ~3 v
Underestimate 低估,过低估计
$ Q& [6 D5 U- k- {. JIncidence 发生,出现的行为或事件
4 d% F" s- z' jDisablement benefit 伤残救济金5 \, e' V% k. }8 ]
Dermatitis 皮炎
$ ~4 ?; D, C* Y  OExtrapolation 推断9 M& \( Q1 H! [
2 q( l& x8 f, W5 i6 I1 D! ^9 z辛苦乏味的工作,苦工* O, n, Q; P/ P
Obligation 义务,职责,责任' a! a8 v2 h1 n& M0 P4 K2 R9 K1 R
Take precaution 采取防范措施% ]5 v4 d6 t* k* s' I
Ensure worker comfort 保证工人的舒适度
: _, W  q: f( W" W" x3 l" \# r4 dOffice appliances 办公设备
; |) N# ^, s: z4 L, vCopier 复印机4 I9 ?4 H8 i8 t8 q( ~" M, H
Fax machine 传真机
* b8 Q6 C- L" {/ T( R0 T. KOut of date 过时
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