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[综合辅导] 2011年商务口语辅导:练习(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PART THREE: Discussion8 H& T3 ^7 h) r9 e5 E* V4 s3 m
Make a good and sound promotion policy
* k# i( c6 e+ c+ ]) l) tThere is a job opening for sales manager in your company. And it is decided that the opening should be filled from within the company. You have been asked to make recommendations about the promotion policy. Discuss the situation together, and decide:( U- ~- J( }2 w0 ~2 @
l! D7 j- S% H4 q
why to have promotion-from-with instead of external recruitment
0 ~$ R9 ?5 {6 j' l: m& y; Nl8 \  }& z3 x4 d- T
how to make a good and a sound promotion decision+ v0 B" Y, d2 i. r. E
制定合理的提拔政策( \0 c  ?' i) p+ k
: W, r2 {' Z: I& i3 @l% W' A6 l  y0 O: D7 e2 M: e
! M. ?* T* z2 n3 \; h3 ]+ x1 P- Il
* P* @$ ^% g* j% L2 C% O1 A* _如何制定合理的提拔政策
" \5 T& m9 ]: f  KA: As you know, there is a job opening for sales manager in our company and it is decided that the opening should be filled from within the company.
- y  `6 U' g6 x3 `B: It is a sound decision, isn’t it ? you see, our company is a big and well-established corporation. There are abundant human resources we can make full use of .
: d9 B* E1 {, t. i6 ]: X8 o6 a, gA: Yes, I completely agree with you, since external recruitment will entail more cost for orientation and training, and it’s sometimes difficult to determine whether the efforts to locate promising talents are effective and cost-efficient.1 a- a/ }, _; [
B: Furthermore recruiting external candidates will discourage/undermine the morale and productivity of our employees, while promoting someone from within has motivational value.
: `4 |5 L4 r/ R+ \' W. EA: Yes. Promotion-from-within can serve as a reward for the sales staff with ability and outstanding work performance and encourage them to continue their efforts.
- l- R7 E; R1 I) X  Q3 IB: Precisely.' _( X5 N- @3 r, b8 Z
A: Undoubtedly, promotion-from-within contributes to both the career development of individual and the overall growth and success of our corporation. However, you know, as a coin has two sides, promotion-from-with, sometimes, can lead to internal conflict among employees.1 K1 I" c5 m0 R; f7 p$ f1 M; j" n
B: Yes, I see. But we can manage to sidestep this issue.
- ~6 d! m! X* Y/ g/ S4 dA: Oh! How to manage it?
! X" J! v6 ^+ r- Y; L. k
# x# k( t# H7 K/ V5 g$ |4 eB: By carrying out an effective, just and fair promotion policy with clear description of qualifications, experience, merits, personal qualities required.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>A: I see. So when selecting a sales manager, we should make an investigation of all related aspects of the candidates, such as experience in communicating with people of various backgrounds and past performance, and their ability in expanding market and so on./ ^% M& i3 o6 b% j# @' t
B: Quite right.
% }" L* |2 e4 }. ?2 QA: Besides, we should also make sure that our promotion decisions are based only on qualifications, demonstrated performance, and skill base of the applicant and not on race, sex, seniority or other irrelevant criteria.7 l3 \0 S. j6 _" e# d- F
B: Yes, the existence of discrimination can undermine both the morale and productivity of its victims.* M  |' w( x3 M/ ~# ]$ u
A: it’s really crucial to eradicate/avoid all form of discrimination in promotion when making a good and sound promotion decision.; Q- h% Q% z6 M0 P1 t
B: Of course.
1 J0 D  N) r2 z0 z. {- N% AA: 就你所知,我们公司的销售经理职位空缺并且我们决定在内部选拔人员来填补这个空缺。
4 @8 I7 Z4 ^7 f; ^B:
/ k2 T% y9 J' c, e: {这是一个合理的决定,不是么?你知道,我们公司是一个完善的大公司。这里有丰富的人力资源我们可以充分利用。
& y( j; s( m- w$ T! D3 p$ N! Z* c4 JA:
7 i" R# M. R, Z是的,完全同意。因为外部招聘意味着投入更多成本去指导和培训,并且有时候很难决定努力寻找有潜力的人员是否是有效及核算的。* V( d$ p/ r1 |( w4 x
7 @. x- ]6 L  DA:是的,内部招聘可以作为对具有能力和杰出表现的销售人员的一种奖励。可以鼓励他们继续努力工作。* R' _' ^. K: Z) d$ v
1 _4 u" y  c! f$ ~+ E% t4 `A:无疑,内部招聘对个人的职业发展以及公司的整体的顺利成长都有贡献。然而,你知道,事情都具有两面性,内部招聘有时候,可以导致员工的内部冲突。
: j7 Q! ^/ V* H  n- _8 mB:是的,我知道。但是我们会设法避免这个问题。2 X9 J# E3 I/ u9 j! R" R& t/ e
A: 哦,怎么样去避免呢?
! O: @3 \! `& B. B6 zB:通过开展有效的、公平的晋升政策,简单的说明所需具备的资格、经验、优点和人品。
, _* E: ]2 E$ ]3 N, X& `# OA:我明白了。因此当挑选一个销售经理,我们应该做一个对候选人所有相关方面的调查,例如与不同背景的人们沟通的经验,过去的成绩和他们扩张市场的能力等等。3 g! a6 c! U- B  ?' c) S
B:非常正确。* y- Y8 ]3 ^8 r7 m  m4 [9 o" J$ p+ B  t/ M
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