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[综合辅导] 2011商务英语辅导:BEC词汇例解7

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[同义词]  addendum
, _, ]8 o) P  l1 S  g5 B apply [] (v.) ask for something (in writing)(书面的)申请
4 `- [' c% N9 x[同义词]  We applied for a loan.
: S, l' [& x! Q, P2 X- u applicant [ ] (n.) person who applies申请人
% ^. j  o3 {, \5 E[例]  The applicant shows outstanding advantages among the candidates pool.
, T' \- E7 n: f& f% n6 }: N3 { application [  ] (n.) act of applying申请
/ V% H+ ^$ v; h5 |$ ^ application form (n.) pre-printed form to make a request for a job申请表  l9 _1 P) L# L: K
[例]  Please fill in this application form at first.8 @( C4 V9 x, }) ?/ i0 G
appoint [ ] (v.)choose someone for a job任命4 S9 J% K' i( {1 [9 q( q" C. |
[例]  We have decided to appoint a new sales manager.
, R& k3 ^2 K+ N9 G' c1 t[同义词]  assign, designate& c1 E( o7 {1 |& l5 ?
appointee [] (n.) person chosen for a position or job被任命者
! A0 L6 ]& E1 G[例]  He is lucky to be the appointee of this project.3 H5 s3 m, v7 T, Y4 F! o$ ]7 f/ u
appointment [  ] (n.) 1. choice of someone for a new job任命* N5 J* S4 b' n3 f2 e- Q# v
[例]  The appointment of area financial controller implies he has been promoted.2 T3 f  ]( L/ G* P* c1 B0 s) I
2. arrangement for a meeting约定(会议)4 Z7 n- q2 A+ a: e$ @3 {
[例]  We fixed an appointment at four o’clock.5 x% m# R$ c2 c- z9 R
appraisal [] (n.) calculation of the value of somebody or something 估价
- r0 R; c1 B$ Y+ s[例]  Their appraisal of the necklace is about RMB 1,000.
( g" u- Z/ g. C( Y, \5 R[同义词]  evaluation, valuation, assessment1 q. |. W/ o9 R7 a, M  o6 o
appraise [  ] (v.) to judge the value of somebody or something估价
6 j. y* }7 A# g[例]  They appraised it was only worth $1. 6 K# b  Q4 b. o  Q7 H+ D' Q  S# x
[同义词]  evaluate, assess$ _) F# f" s* i# h3 ]+ X/ i
appraiser [ ] (n.) person who judges鉴定者,估价官
6 T+ X  k$ h4 @8 s. d- |[例]  Who will be the appraiser?, {8 l! L1 q: ~; n& k  @
appreciate [  ] (v.) 1. be thankful for感激6 E  t6 }, ]" ]
[例]  I appreciated your help.
4 A; [6 h  T* s2. understand理解
& u! O2 P1 ]% ]/ c$ N% _[例]  I appreciate your problems.
4 y) O; G3 R( K2 x  E, ?- {3.increase in value增值
& R7 ~3 y/ k+ L) f! V[例]  My shares have appreciated by 10%.
7 p* f. j; i7 q. G apprentice [  ] (n.) young person who is learning a skill学徒/ m6 H0 }0 N6 T! g! H1 g8 S
[例]  Don’t listen to him. Jack is only an apprentice.' s- t0 O4 c+ {6 z6 ^8 T" R. e# `9 t- |
[同义词]  learner, beginner
: W( j& i( r- b) b$ S apprenticeship[  ] (n.) period of time spent learning a skill学徒年限,学徒身份! e! J7 Z0 i' I
[例]  Jack served an apprenticeship with a carpenter./ }1 z7 Q5 w! j! K* Y, |4 P7 K( H4 I4 T
appropriate [  ] (v.) to put an amount of money aside for a special purpose拨出(款项)

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