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[综合辅导] 2011商务英语辅导:BEC词汇例解5

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
after-sales service (n.) service offered by a supplier to a customer to maintain or repair the product supplied售后服务  t; t0 c4 d0 N1 K% Y
[例] Nowadays many enterprises began to compete in the field of after-sales service.
) v4 x9 t! n3 p affiliate [ E5filieit ] (n.)a person or an organization that is attached to a larger organization 成员,联号. ]+ m5 l( T2 W
[例]  That company is an affiliate of a prestigious holding group.
: O8 S3 t2 f; T* w, k: ~% U[同义词] member: r3 P2 H5 k( x4 l- }
(v.) to attach ( a person or an organization) to a larger organization 附属于. b  {2 Q, P/ B( m$ u* C+ j- ?
[例]  The business is affiliated to TCL Group.
( h' E. ^; o; d# p afmd (abbr.) aforementioned 上述的
( U3 Y& L/ Z0 c( ~. I1 U[例]  You can refer to afmd post address for the dispatch.( U' C3 t9 c6 d$ B( t
aftermarket [`B:ftE9mB:kIt] (n.) a situation where a newly issued security is traded before its real price has been established in the stock market. 二级市场5 X8 \. a6 Z2 S$ S; G. }3 E
[例]  Buy shares on a healthy aftermarket.
- D' _; f5 i% a+ t6 t  `) k after sight (adv) written on a bill of exchange to show that the bill should be paid within a specified time after the payer is presented within it见票后付款 6 |; ~5 \5 G9 t' U: F
[例]  The bill should be paid at 60 days after sight.3 ^# G4 |4 i& g: a) y7 a  B4 d
against all risks (adv.) (of a marine insurance policy) providing insurance for all types of loss or damage全保险.3 l& U) W  P/ N6 x( V
[例]  We insuranced the cargo against all risks. 1 Z3 p* }! b6 t# ]
agenda [ E5dVendE ] (n.) order of topics to be discussed at a meeting会议议程9 n+ H) h2 _5 Y! N( S
[例]  The first topic on the agenda is salaries.
8 \; V, J# a8 {( q agent [ 5eidVEnt ] (n.) person who represents a company代理(商)
2 x0 j/ H. u$ ?1 r; z2 N0 a[例]  Our company’s agent in Middle East has developed a widespread and mature business there. , y  E3 @( z9 c$ V* B* S4 w% J
[同义词]  representative, deputy
: t( i0 \* ^# _0 |& M! G agiotage [ 5AdViEtidV ] (n.) the business of buying and then later selling foreign currencies 套汇& r3 T4 e6 _* n7 H
[例]  That guy makes a big fortune by agiotage.) Z8 ^/ [# M% I
[同义词]  arbitrage
8 |- m5 V. r! o; D1 [3 F airline [ 5ZElain ] (n.) a business providing a system of scheduled air transport航空公司 + S+ g. X/ g& w) _; l
[例]  United Airlines% Y  F8 y0 D" _2 d5 Y" t
air time (n.) time given to advertise on TV or radio电视(收音)广告节目时间1 \7 _2 h' c0 l( g
[例]  The air time of this new product will be prolonged for 10 seconds. ( b- a9 i' @1 q3 i0 t8 r
allocate [ 5AlEukeit ] (v.) give money or other resources in certain proportions分配
6 X* Z9 x1 Y9 \5 [[例]  In the budget we allocated most of the money to marketing.
9 x) z$ K) T6 ?. S0 |[同义词]  assign, designate, allot
! Y# ?+ H* [3 R/ E' e* K0 ` allotment [ E5lCtmEnt ] (n.) the distribution of new company shares to the people who have applied for them配股 & f9 e/ v* L- n3 O5 {
[例]  Allotment has been made by random draw because of oversubscription.) p$ m' @1 k9 }8 b5 |
allowance [ E5lauEns ] (n.) something, such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose津贴" r$ K/ a" }# [7 ^+ e
[例]  An expenses allowance is paid monthly to each trainee., A. x7 Z+ P& }3 H+ `" W" W
amalgamation [ E7mAl^E5meiFEn ] (n.) a type of reorganization where two or more companies are combined into one company合并
) ^* ^# l4 T& J3 C[例]  The amalgamation of the three companies strengthened the corporation.
  |' @! r; k+ ?: m/ d[同义词]  combination, merger

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