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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 8:对还盘的反应

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit Eight 对还盘的反应 / C$ d/ Z; X" E. [/ v
Part one.
: V: m- L9 C  J201.Your counter offer is much too low ,especially considering the small amount of your
7 W3 Q) _: x7 A' }order.
, l/ j6 U" p9 W2 z2 O5 x' ?你的还盘太低,尤其是这么小的订单量! e2 j( n' u7 G# A' |2 w# E: J0 R
202.Our prices fixed on a reasonable level. 3 o8 e8 ~9 }9 t+ `
( ?7 _) e3 R/ ~; A203.Our products are modestly priced. , }% k" |2 M, U8 o
2 h' V2 g% ?( G$ E, N204.This is the best price we can give you. : c, Z3 a3 y, Q9 z0 U% U
  R& [8 v0 j: f8 w205.The price has been reduced to the limit. 5 t, M+ X6 H9 T9 t2 ]3 `1 S
价格已经下降到临界点* X* ~& a$ ?- G9 j
206.Our price is already on its lowest level.
: X3 ~" J. r, @- Y! |4 L我们的价格已经是地板价了
& p9 `& X% x7 A0 Y207.There is little scope for further reducing the price.
  w( D" r  E" a# ]! N已经没有进一步降价的空间了
3 U  z9 `  Q& a1 ?5 |* S% O3 B208.Considering quantities has been sold at this level any further reduction is out of the
. k0 ~4 [2 G$ ?& T0 H- r8 e' [question.
9 @% t& N1 s4 [. N. J- z. F1 Y考虑已经在这个价格上出售的数量,再降价已经勉为其难了
' P( ^/ I% C% I' N" S209.We can not make any further discounts. $ {; l% @; Z8 S6 x2 l, I
我们不能再有任何的折扣了4 G$ [6 F$ e& S0 h, G  v
210.This is our rock bottom price, we can’t make any concessions .
; i( `. _6 T, f$ ~3 Y  Y这是我们的底价,我们不能再做任何让步! l9 m4 B. V' T6 S, H. I* t
211.Sorry, we generally don’t quote on a discount basis. 5 c8 M$ p% ^5 K' Z  E: ^3 F
不好意思,我不一般不在折扣基础上报价. q2 v$ V* m+ M# e+ [
212.We can’t make any allowance for this lot. * ~5 k* W- f! b9 X) Z1 g! e
; [4 ], [) m; s$ g7 p5 j% b( X213.This is the very best offer we can make for you, we consider this a rock bottom price
- k9 x$ p* z, T' i4 Q) }indeed.
( L3 T0 y) Y& W% r; V- p4 Y. W& Q这是我们能为贵司提供的最佳报盘,我们认为这的确是地板价( y: Y: I% n; F# ~& @
214.I am afraid there is no room to negotiate the price. % a2 ^" h# v) Z: V6 M
( L0 v% i$ a( m$ V215.This is a special offer and it is not subject to our usual discount. 0 \: S; C- F8 v. r  Q, g7 @! s4 {
这是一个特殊的报盘,它不针对我们普通的折扣# ?, U$ [1 Q! P7 @- {' f, N8 h
216.The possibility of fallen price is rather remote I am afraid. ; Q; _4 P3 ^+ _
恐怕价格下降的可能性是非常遥远的2 J2 V  Q! ^* Y) Z
217.The price we offer you is the lowest, we can’t do better.
" @' \& c. }3 A2 @+ o我们给你报的是最低价,我们不能再让步了
, q0 c* p( |2 P) a9 \218.We are very much regret to say that we can’t cut the price to the extend you required. * t) O5 ], ?! p6 j1 z' y& D# v9 [) W
非常遗憾的告诉你我们不能再降价来满足你的要求- N' C6 ^5 i9 U1 k0 i# ]; O
219.We are in a difficult position to satisfied your request for reducing the price.
% b( A; ?! O8 D# N4 O+ ^1 ^1 }我们处境困难,无法在你降价的要求让你满意
0 j7 Z& Z9 X3 T- u$ B% h220.It is really difficult to comply with your request to shading the price. : n; K( f" v' q: K5 ?
的确很难回复你降价的要求* d8 A: G# R  \" t6 I
Part Two ) E/ @/ ~; Z$ v/ B
221.I dare say that the price we offer compare favorably with any quotation you can obtain
$ A7 k  [6 e. p9 C  F4 p( delsewhere.
# L2 P% _# Q- s与你从其它任何地方获得的报价相比,我敢说我们的报价是最合理的  ?6 P& _/ ^! p* f* I
222.I am afraid you won’t find another company who will give you a cheaper price than ours.
3 K- {  }* f5 k) h# r, ?' l恐怕你不能从其它公司获得比我司更便宜的报价了
+ G+ z7 U6 [3 I4 f3 j. `223.What we give you is a good price. We don’t think it could be put any better. Take it or 0 L3 P8 H, P. N1 U# T+ V: e4 i
leave it, it’s up to you.
6 U/ e( \/ }, s2 \我们给你报了个好价格,我们不想再做任何让步,接受与否,你看着办吧. ^; A# I% C$ a( A- F$ |. I
224.If you compare the quality of our good with that of other country, you will see our price
& w+ U5 ~7 T6 a8 U$ U  k: gis very reasonable. : t2 ]- q5 L# O* p! X1 _
# p7 Z, ?. l9 M& q225.The price we quote you for belts is much lower than that of last year’s. You must found
7 Q% x1 @  m7 a! f1 V( Nit very competitive. - P5 h$ O/ L4 R" {
. o+ ^( l$ F3 T226.Our offer might be a bit high, but you will soon make bigger profits when market
6 r' }# ~0 ]4 c6 u& k3 x; A9 Dfluctuation stopped. * M) U& D2 e3 Y$ Y5 R
3 w$ {. ^" _  }+ A  J227.The present market situation is on the upward our trend ,so you don’t have to worry
4 g# z8 j7 Z& J4 G! N6 Zabout the profit. 5 x7 R+ e' s; Y3 A
* b$ S  H. y" @" b/ ?. v228.Our product is very competitive so there is no question of profit.
3 T8 S8 H/ G- j- x! g% U: S2 c我们的产品是非常有竞争力的,所以在利润上没有任何问题. M) {# o$ F9 u3 u7 X
229.Your count-offer seems to be a little tide if so our profit margin will be too small.
, ^, J$ k( z$ c, e/ u你的还盘似乎有点高,如果这样,我们的利润空间将非常小$ w1 q7 e7 \9 q) d
230.If you increase your initial order to 30,000 , I suppose we could consider reducing the 5 ?) {  Q0 i7 o# o) v0 G2 o3 `
price to 300,080$ per unit. 6 Y- l3 _) q* y7 |
2 D0 i* w' |5 n' [6 t231. If you double the order, we may consider giving you a 8% discount. 9 X. ?; K3 K+ b0 ?! H, h1 c  b/ g
如果订单翻倍的话,我们可以考虑给你8%的折扣+ ^' l/ r9 `" w  J* z+ ?. |) M
232.The best we can do is to allow you 2% off our quotation. 8 h5 H9 e8 ^# V) B
我们最多能做到的是我们报价降低2%. M$ `1 F" i' }
7 r( ~% u9 ?! F8 H# `
233.There is so many rich people in your area ,to them a high price means a good quality

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 8:对还盘的反应

</p>product. ) I8 O: n" X4 k) V6 |
- w( A5 y# V! Q0 w234.If you stick to your count offer without any compromise we may not able to make a deal.
2 n- Y: m% o* X0 b如果你坚持你的还盘而不做任何让步的话,我们的生意也许泡汤了
6 \7 |+ p2 L! ~2 W( U5 l2 L1 M235.Your bid is obviously out of line with the price ruling and the present market.
/ v, Q$ I5 u* y/ T+ O* R你的报价明显出乎了当前市场主流价格
! }( V% O& R, p  h236.We regret we can not book your order according to your count-offer. ! L3 Q8 e3 X  M
根据你的还盘,我们很遗憾不能接受你的订单2 X9 y9 ~3 K3 O4 e) [+ u* I
237.Our table cloth is modestly priced and quite sellable in your market.
9 Q$ X1 Q; d6 T- M! y' z9 g我们的台布价格适中,并且适于在贵司的市场上销售
& Y, B9 k- e7 B238.We don’t think that this price can be consider high in your market. $ R$ B% |: v. D, m) v
8 ^; j8 i( U! k4 Q' X1 e239.We feel that your counter-offer is not proper because of the price for such a material is
2 ~9 K8 z9 ?5 }! Z0 Zon the raise at present. - x# V. [/ ?8 R; i0 Y5 Z
我们认为你的还盘不合理,因为这种材料的价格目前呈上升趋势8 L2 j2 m  E& i) X  Y2 i) s
240.We are not at in a position to entertain business at your price since it is far below our cost price.
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