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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 6:报盘

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unite Six 报盘 ; `# R( A8 S. j
Part one
8 q. q) S% O1 s' f4 i8 i' o131.This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before 29,June.
; o" c' U2 @' J4 l# z5 R1 ]$ @我方接受以你方答复为准的报盘,但需在6月29日前到达。
" _. e8 u! X! Y8 @* c132.If we can receive your order within the next 10 days, we will make you a firm order at the 4 H* C% i" ]6 ^: I9 J6 k; m! r0 D
prices quoted.
0 G# }& T% z4 B& T# O7 M6 T如果我方能在10天内能接到你方订单,我方将按所报价格确定订单。 ( ^3 N$ r. o6 P& b$ Y: C7 \
133.This offer is firm for 5 days.
! W  F# V! p* y% _+ l0 c该盘的有效期为5天
  n& r# ~, L2 N- g134.The price we quoted is on FOB Shanghai bases instead of CIF Hongkong bases and our
" f2 Y: u, x+ f0 [0 o5 |0 uoffer will be valid until August 31. 9 u2 ?% f: A/ n. L1 O$ V
我方的报价以FOB上海,而不是CIF香港。我方报盘的有效期至8月31日。 8 D/ c, a% x, C# o6 a# Y
135.We make you the offer subject to your apply reaching us not later than noon December 4 k4 u4 h  l7 R/ a5 E
1 p8 r6 v' h  U/ ^  Y* S' ?我方接受以你方答复为准的报盘,但需不迟于12月23日中午到达。
3 F8 u+ e  j1 {3 K136.We have the offer ready for you.
& h9 J6 _6 T1 n. g4 M我们已准备好给你方的报盘。
! F0 z. V; W* S4 m# w2 ?137.I’d to remind you that we have to withdraw our offer is we don’t hear you by next Monday. 7 H) z, B; f7 _, b& R' K" n
. L- H( L+ U8 k- K: }5 j, l138.This offer will remain effective for another 10 days from June 1. # ~' J% y8 x" K4 a+ l; u
' E8 J7 r$ C. w1 q+ [! j139.The quality of our product is good and the prices is reasonable so we are confident that + P6 v4 a0 b; a6 ~
you will accept our offer dated 4th May.
& P7 p* S4 ]. v  ^. o我方产品物美价廉,因此我们对你方能接受我方报盘很有信心,但需在5月4日前。 , k/ J/ v7 S4 j% h
140.Sincerly the market is advancing rapidly the price we offered you is the best I belive.
8 o* a3 O- e# Y$ Y( g自市场的飞速发展,我相信我方所报的价格是最合理的。
2 X) t' X0 \& w, z5 H0 D141.Here are our latest price sheet. You will see that our prices is most competitive.
3 \* n) F) N5 P0 R& S) t5 Y" o3 A6 Y这是我方最近的价格单。你能发现我方的价格是最具竞争力的。
  X! V; ^, I* ~/ \8 H: n4 q142.We believe that the price we offer you can compete well with those of other firms.
, B+ d# E4 w' V7 I4 d9 z5 @我们相信我们所报的价格与其他公司相比更具竞争力。 9 ?# z% `1 u! M% X
143.We hope you will accept our offer and give us order soon. 5 |1 c( c2 X2 @# z7 ]) D7 W$ n7 }, L
" @7 M5 |% s& M5 z144.We feel better offer will give you full satisfaction .I hope to receive a favorable reply from   \* J4 ~* g/ N( k# r  E, F; j6 |- ]; k
you soon.
' C  y0 D% l, Z2 t: L' Q$ v. }我方感到好的报盘能令你方满意。希望能尽快收到你方令人欣喜的答复
; D1 l: b' b/ V145.If you think our proposal acceptable please let us have your order at early date. 2 S5 }! g- X' V' f5 m4 s3 p( T8 j
1 {; p0 e3 S+ v1 v

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 6:报盘

</p>146.We have the pleasure in offering you our product.
* B9 e  N9 M7 f6 T( @' E我们很荣幸将我方产品报盘给你方。
/ o0 H: j( _& Q6 [2 h! A147.We are interested in making you a offer on our hand-make carpets which is well received
7 B7 m" H' T$ L2 q& g. jin the overseas market.
+ X+ y: K, |* L" {: v& m3 G我方很荣幸为你方就手工制地毯报盘,这种地毯在海外广受好评。
. |0 M0 Y/ D$ k. P5 a7 x% i1 X148.Our price for 200 dozens pairs of plastic shower curtains with matching drapes would be
9 {% D" t3 C7 o! E% l4 `45 USD shall we hold them for your order?
2 K- O) |8 G8 P  M: ~就200打塑料窗帘以45美元。我方还为你方保留订单吗?
' b1 Z! M7 A6 c5 O! L149.We give you price of 1440$ FOB Chicago.
0 p3 t$ l( [  {我方给你方的价格是1440美元,FOB芝加哥。 & _! a) ~& F- R! R
150.We are pleased to quote you for 1500 dozen man shirts as for the sample you send
  V  J6 E+ M' Z- |$ o8 S# l& Ebefore at price 5/piece CIF New York for promote shipment. % u' U2 E( M8 y& m# h
4 k& y5 b5 F( e: V; Q* p/ i; b  i3 b寄来的样品。
( k) ~, I( u1 C" o# ?151.In compliance with your request we are now offering you 2000 dozens magnifiers at 30$ $ U" h$ t, A! n0 m: h7 r! d$ T
per dozen CIF San Francisco September shipment.
4 g, S9 I- _6 l' C/ T2 N7 ^1 x2 x根据你方要求,我方提供你方2000打放大镜,每打30美元,CIF旧金山,九月装运。
' s# E% c% g; |! G% {# ]+ \6 [152.You will note that we are in the position to offer you 50 long tons of ten for sheet at the " d7 {% I* y% }% u: [
attractive price of £135 per long tons CNF Shanghai. 1 I1 e' N5 P8 j
我方会给你方提供50长吨,每单10长吨,以非常优惠的价格,每长吨135,CIF上海。 # p7 `% s6 ^; I; }$ O% Z
153.We offer your 1500 tons of Canada oats at the price of 500 pounds /ton. 2 F( {# n( c+ y! {) q1 a0 H( ^  h
我们为你方提供1500吨加拿大燕麦片,每吨500英磅。 3 D( i- \! x) T: L
154. We can quote you the price of 75$ / typewriter and 10% discount on shipping .
! U( ^8 e, ^. a我方的报价是75美元一台打字机,如果海运的话,有10%的折扣。
* _( E3 Z  t  x0 y8 S0 [. i. r. B8 V- D155.Our average whole sell price is 180$ / unit. 8 ~% w3 l3 ]2 L% ]; I9 Q0 N+ G7 L
6 E' j5 A/ L5 K3 H156.We offer you firm 2,000 tons of chemical fertilizer at £150 per long ton CIF Vietnam
+ T: }" @5 e4 b" Vdeliver in April.
+ A) F- U( ^/ n. e我方为你公司提供2000吨化学肥料,每长吨150,CIF越南,4月起运。
- ?" e3 J+ v5 P/ X7 S157. We can offer a quality discount of up to 15% but we are prepare to give 20% discount
; W3 ?5 y1 y5 b6 @+ w+ |" g* T  `) Jfor a offer to buy the complete stuff.
( ?# f+ h$ _- U+ J5 J, E( d% h我方可提供15%的质量折扣,但我们准备给20%的折扣,如若你方将全部买下。 . J1 T: W; U9 f6 Z* ^
158.I have here our price sheet on a FAS vessel basis ,the price are given without ) }! T& _/ m, O1 }7 ^3 d0 h
engagement. ( O2 m) s/ J" H( h
我这里有我们的FAS船边交货的价格单,这个价格是不容商议的。 ) t- H: {" t5 |  O; ]! U- X. S
159.As prices is steady raising, we’d advise you to place your order without delay. ) Z; F" I1 a: Q5 Y& S/ n
因为价格正在稳步上升,我方建议你方早日下订单。 + ]: q( V' x' [' Q- O' H( z: Z6 O
160.Our product is in great demand and supplies is limited so we would recommend that you
0 }1 ^6 Z" C1 h. faccept this offer as soon as possible.
6 l  [! z+ O0 ]: B4 ]: a2 p, D我方产品需求量大,供应有限。因此我方建议你方尽早接受此报盘。
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