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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 9:要求优惠

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit Nine 要求优惠 1 P- p3 n4 D3 ?: r# _! J2 U
Part One , `' i" |5 i4 P, l
241.All your quotations are on FOB Vancouver basis may I ask if you allow any discount?
/ Y& s1 |/ {" C3 [242.Isn’t it possible to give us a little more discount? ; Y5 x4 ?9 U8 b
243.If you are prepare to give me some allowance I will consider placing a order for 10,000 dozens. ! P1 s8 S% z2 i/ I& f
244.Should you be prepare to reduce your price we might come to terms. 7 A# V( c) ]; k  }; u" J4 {
245.If I show you a offer lower then yours ,would you be able to conclude transaction at that price ?
% |4 {# [" r( f1 j* n246.If the order is a substantial one how much would you come down? ( X' W% s- }' _3 N5 i7 H
247.May we suggest that you make some allowance on your quoted prices ? . Q! ~$ _3 P* x/ r- M* f. }
248.If we place a order for 2,000 dozen up can you give us a special discount? 6 d' I( V" V1 f0 D' L+ X- ^- \
249.If our order is more than 10,000 MT would you give us a additional 6% commission ? % {9 c) z5 Z& o! y8 w9 L
250.We hope you will allowance us some discount on our purchase of 6,000 dozens. 9 y$ G, P5 @: e- D7 X' d; ?& T
251.We’ld like to ask for reduction in price because of the large size of our order.
  d: Y) U- I* ?& F1 `6 |, W, ?252.Since the present market is so weak, you have to lower your price if you want us to increase sales.
  P! I+ X& ?3 r+ O0 v' R253.We hope to get your best offer for bicycles. : s) T8 t# J8 s% E6 x. g4 S
254.We invite quotation of the lowest price.
+ Q6 C; P) y0 {+ j$ [255.May we suggest that you perhaps make some allowance on your quoted prices?
5 `( H8 l" c- d7 h, |1 O7 p6 r" ]Part Two ' Z5 z2 J( ]; G6 j  _
256.If you reduce the price by 2% I think we can do twenty metric tons. , N/ @9 g, x; c4 C+ B; m' j
257.If possible we’d like to ask for reduction of 5,000.50 Per MT. 8 `6 R% c4 |, Q
258.If you are will to give me a 5% reduction I will order 5,000 dozens.
& G, G+ o8 P5 K2 |259.The sugar of French-made has been sold at level 98$ per long ton ,if you can reduce your limit by say 8% we might come to terms.
3 q  `# L1 P- X& n6 h4 j9 T1 i260.We would very much like to place further order with you if you could bring down your price by 15% ,otherwise we can only switch our requirement to other suppliers. : v( m* p& i( D  ]
261.No one can do business at such a unreasonably high prices, you have to cut them down by 10% I am afraid. ; T8 M' ?6 U) e# j3 b) S0 t# a
262.We should book a trial order with you provided you will give us 5% commission. 0 t+ i1 z3 D% ]3 S' ]' i
263.Only by cutting the price by more than 10% can more customers be lured to buy your products. 9 E; l, D: l. \4 S2 n: E0 e& A9 y
264.We would like to ask for 10% off your offer if our offer is more than 2,500 unit per season.
- G7 [! [! E) K265.We hope that you will give us a special discount of 2% if we order more than10,000 sets.
! Z5 t+ C' ]( [266.Please make a discount of 5% off the prices in the catalog.
" U& c. K+ }2 B1 q5 m267.We hope that you will make a at least 5% reduction on your quotation or business is not possible.   ~# G9 u$ ?; n) v3 q$ O/ c7 ~( n
268.We can accept the goods only at a reduction of 20% at the contract price. 2 X0 D+ i4 |' F$ {# @
269.If you can lower your limit by 5% , business is hopeful. 0 A6 d$ U6 w3 ?3 g8 e
270.We will place our order with you if you can lower your price to 1200 pounds per MT.

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