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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 19:保险

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《商务英语口语900句》Unit 19:保险
. h  V' ^1 s; p0 p8 CUnit Nineteen 保险/ [# U, {4 `" G, z- D/ o
Part One 7 |; W, `" a) Y" K: G; L% ?
531. Please insure for us these products at invoice value plus 10% ( at 110% of the invoice value).
( {  D  ?# a1 p- g请给我们这批货物在发票金额上加10%的保险(即发票金额为110%)7 {. a9 z9 o. L
* [! }% j6 h2 `' d; J
532.We’d like to cover our ordered goods against WPA for 120% of the invoice value
2 v3 X3 |: F# A) o, B9 m2 baccording to our usual practice. ; @( Z  v; d( ]' y9 |# X8 ^
我们要求根据实际对我们订购的货物按发票金额120%投保水渍险) J+ H5 P: a2 t% G
& n  u& @2 T% o" L* Z5 T
533.Please hold us covered for the cargo listed on the attached sheet.
! w5 g4 d* X4 d: w: d请保留附件表所列出的货物  {' h" Z& k2 \+ }* T' C' J
) T7 ~* I5 `8 w1 R
534.For this consignment, we shall cover WPA and risk of breakage for 110% of the invoice value. 9 @0 P. P" V2 q1 Y) r6 B; p9 b
/ Z8 i5 l# F, T/ h% o/ Y4 l! S, W- n" e
535.Our company will insure against all risks for 110% of the invoice value.
1 b' l+ b0 H6 z我们公司要按发票金额110%投保( w- C3 V% v% S# J

' E/ A9 j+ ]" V* B. [! a+ H536.Please insure the electric fans at 120% of the invoice value.
' r6 E! m8 l4 }( f) y请按合同金额120%对电扇投保
2 y, e" r' m& W" S! `9 j
3 ~1 W' R( B8 a$ j537.The machines are to be unsured against all risks. + _. ^9 T( j6 e$ Y
7 q( _) a) n( M! D) \3 F- I1 F' e! U5 P3 T' |% l& ~
538.We only cover FPA and war risk.
2 a' U! B( D$ E我们仅保平安险和战争险2 Q! Z/ `0 h, R2 V0 J# Y1 j! N: K

5 _" m& y) G- i0 O539.There are not delicate goods that can be damaged on the voyage .FPA will be good enough.
" O8 U8 Q. z1 i1 }7 O) a3 g航行中不是精致的货物不易受损,所以平安险就足够了3 s! R$ T( j. ]& _0 u

* t- Y& b6 f# Q2 l/ j3 I' B& C/ t! P6 D  }: x% H: `; w
540.Our goods are very valuable , so I want insure against all risks. ( Q& V& [+ k  _/ |

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 19:保险

</p>( S' q: \9 @$ T1 z0 u9 j3 @
541.We’d like to get a policy for total loss only for these goods. . F. X! e; X% ?$ a% Y
我们只对这批货所有损失做个方案) I; a. J8 B2 o8 N. }
, R' @* a) i0 G7 Z& Z: L& m6 Z
542.I’d like to get a AR insurance policy. That way , we will be covered for any kind of loss or damage.
( i% [# T( H" u- b% D1 `我想获得AR保险条例,也就是说我们要涉及各种丢失或损失
& G7 N- X( Z1 k. V7 Z. U8 O" V5 J; P( K9 w
543.I’m afraid that WPA coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature. Please extend the coverage to include TPND.
0 V. V) w! E1 _$ j, k) g恐怕这种运输条件仅有水渍险范围太窄,请另加盗窃和提货不着险
  f4 g4 |- M! ^5 x. ^% k5 f" Z
5 ]6 _" ]) m6 T3 N* _: E544.Would you insure our goods to be shipped from Shanghai to Lisbon next month?
! H0 ^2 X5 x! \! L你对我们下月从上海到里斯本的货物投保了吗& {6 l6 ]; e9 I" F

! Z7 p  O$ _) z  C1 |545.Can you cover our goods against breakage? # \% X/ q6 y8 `: W7 T+ V3 w. F
你能保证我们的货物免于破损吗' U' a- t, k2 m6 x4 ]
/ g5 P6 P3 x% R/ V" ?. @, q" D; D& y
546.We should be glad if you would provide cover of $390,000 on computers, in transit from Tokyo to Beijing.
: u8 T- z1 D/ B6 ]) q如果你能提供我们从东京到北京的计算机390,000美金的保险,我们将非常高兴
# z2 N9 M5 c: l/ w# a6 c% I3 e5 D" [" W, ]! |
547.Please insure us against all risks $300,000 value of 5,000 sets of “ Butterfly” sewing machines, sailing for New York.
' O( U- f9 G3 I+ m+ H1 z8 z$ i请给我们到纽约的5,000套“蝴蝶”牌缝纫机按300,000美金投保一切险来自www.Examw.com
3 V: M4 n9 D0 w- U+ x! n
9 _6 Y; \5 T0 n8 {; W548.Please insure for me against all risks 200 pieces of high-quality furniture valued $20,000. - h1 T$ T2 l; K
请为我们就200套高质量家具按20,000美金投一切险% s; D" ?2 D9 R* a& C3 h

' J' _. e+ ], Y1 T549.We wishes to insure against all risks for the sum of $1,500 on 3 cases glassware.
. \7 q5 S* W" O( E0 X我们希望能为3箱玻璃按1,500美金金额投保一切险
. z. }# v. _$ U  t) x* y, M6 h" r( r) B# l" N, \

1 u, ~" x' q! Q  H- x, Y+ w4 \  F: I) f550.We shall shortly be making regular shipments of leather goods to Canada, and shall be glad if you will issue an all risks marine insurance policy for $70,000 to cover these 2 V6 d) f8 F: n7 x4 s. \$ J
shipments. 7 N& {; M9 I' g& D
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:41 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 19:保险

1 o1 L( g# u3 T( OPart Two . C) R1 x) `- H2 S+ ]" N
551.Please give us the policy rates for FPA coverage and for WPA coverage.
8 F* |6 P: w0 a9 ~9 W请给我们关于平安险和水渍险的投保率方案
( S  A" Z4 _' i% g7 z8 [4 D" A! ], u7 ?  q) U- K
552.We require the current insurance rates for land transportation. & l7 i* u1 T7 k1 M
我们需要陆地运输的当前投保率+ d' B, `* I" U& t( p$ v

# D& T! d; y9 |  B3 u553.I have some glassware to be ship to Hongkong. What risks should I cover?
1 @0 c' P3 ]0 u# B/ }( S& I0 l我有货要运到香港,我要保什么险' P9 k; I" R6 [; M

9 C# K' j# T$ t, K' Y, v1 w& B554.What is the insurance premium for these goods ? 5 u# j  h$ y9 c; J
' G3 g- _6 h& N
2 h: Y# X. L$ N* P$ m% q555.We need to send a shipment to England. We want to find out about your marine insurance. ( e' k2 `4 z! w) J# s
我们有船到英国,我们想知道你们的海运险6 n2 Z; x) S3 P. R
$ S/ k$ _0 h+ N6 I$ b
556.Please let us know the premium of breakage.
8 m" I" _3 ~( m0 u! y请告诉我们破损险的保险费% J' r1 X: ]8 U8 D6 v

& K& ]0 Q9 e/ q- O557.What kind of insurance do you usually provide ?
( U+ A- }3 P* j& q1 v5 [你们通常提供哪一种保险
- {  ]& V6 z' h$ q) `. G  o: a$ Q0 a$ F5 p, \6 K* c  j3 `
558.What kind of insurance can you suggest for these goods? We don’t want to take the risk of losing money because of under unsurance.
+ r) g, h+ h& w+ a$ N' s1 f9 N请建议一下这些货要哪种保险,我们不愿有因未投保而受损失的风险
2 ^# F( j  n1 Y* l+ _) f( f7 I! M: y3 W- ~, A, ?; X

- Q! W+ p, J# r559.I have a batch of glassware to be shipped in the fourth quarter, but I don’t know what risks should be covered. I would like to know some details and your advice of course will be
8 f! H$ e; @7 O& @+ qhighly appreciated.
# ?7 A/ z- `' R1 C, p# @& t我有一批眼镜要在第四季度装运,但我不知道要保什么险,告诉我一些保险细节将不胜感谢
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:42 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 19:保险

</p>+ n+ v% c2 W- _# d2 }
560.If we insure against free particular average, can you compensate us for all the losses if the ship sinks or bums, or get stuck?
" D+ D7 l& J, ~' Z' D+ s7 M如果我们投保平安险,在船只沉没、遗失或角礁情况下你们能否赔偿我们所有损失! L  ?( H) A. c. l- f/ E
7 h, K' T& P& s' u. R: O* C
561.Does your company cover all kinds of risks for transportation by sea, land and air? ' I/ h1 A6 Y# o8 C" ?* \+ e; @$ a
0 n+ @5 y6 E0 \) |/ k) y: Q7 \7 I1 G5 i/ `3 ]+ {# J9 e' E7 M0 S
562.We have insured the shipment for 130% of the invoice value, but the premium for the difference between 130% and 110% should be your account. + l% f0 u) w( D* j4 D. M
我们按合同金额130%投保,但130%和110%之间的差额部分应由贵司承担0 N. |4 y5 i  c& [
1 q" n/ R% ]' S+ c" S
563.We have arranged insurance on your consignment of electric motor cars to be shipped in these ten days. . s& |, a; e/ h3 ^/ G2 |! p
( K6 P$ |& x& j* k
# \- ^6 r4 n$ @/ _2 H% ]1 O564.We may cover the inland insurance on your behalf, but you will pay the additional premium. * k! q: D* p$ z1 U
我们可为贵方利益考虑投保内地险,但保险费应由贵司承担' J/ P' s/ J4 W4 g$ q1 X$ b5 g

# `! r5 ]. g4 ?% s' z565.We can insure the porcelain vases on you behalf , but at a rather high premium and all the additional premium will be for your account. + K9 I8 ]5 z8 L+ N3 p
我们可为贵方利益考虑就陶瓷品投保,但保费太高,故所有额外的费用由贵司承担1 e# D" X: t3 s' s* j

; N5 i9 |/ X% R0 r2 h& [566.We shall insure the goods for your behalf.
  l0 o: i: I( R# Z7 k+ N为贵司利益着想,我们将为这批货投保
$ {- O. ?/ p  t1 {" W  l# S7 G4 W; H. ^3 O* e1 l0 ~
567.We have covered insurance on these goods for 10% above the invoice value against all risks. 3 K3 l7 f: O2 x: f5 `
我们已经就这批货按合同金额加10%投保一切险7 _" I5 S4 [0 G& n: z+ j

& H5 k% p* e1 y$ T# }! r# ]568.We shall effect the insurance of the goods for 110% of their CIF value. 2 H% {' ]' U% }
  g4 |& G3 d) h$ R
' p2 Z, G$ _) ?2 D* U! u" M# m569.We have effected marine insurance on your behalf for the gross amount of the invoice plus 10%.
( C  w  n8 {5 `) E3 r我们已经为贵司按合同金额加CIF投保海运险$ O" E2 o( l2 `* P, F

5 ~4 W8 \9 J$ a4 a5 @( I) f! M* `570.The marine insurance shall covered by us. 0 Z; k) G, u/ H8 F
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