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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 25:仲裁

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《商务英语口语900句》Unit 25:仲裁 # U$ E& h/ o) s6 i
Unit Twenty-Five 仲裁; G3 B8 `) }  r$ Q2 e* X

9 n$ ]* M$ @& b3 o1 ]Part One
' w! H1 e9 g/ K# I721 We should settle the dispute through negotiations without resorting to legal proceeding. 2 R' I, H5 \( L3 J/ w
. Z% c& Z8 D+ i4 s* M9 g6 G722.We prefer to resolve disputes by amicable , nonbonding conciliation between two parites. : @2 J5 I( v" ?& a
4 o& V4 ]0 v; w9 ?6 V) k) q2 {; T: m723.As a matter of fact most disputes can be settled in a friendly way, with a view to 6 C# ^7 S% W( y/ _0 P
developing a long-term relationship. 0 y3 L) K/ m1 c# g0 H
事实上大多争议可以友好的方式解决,要着眼于长期发展的关系. w) U3 b8 A/ d8 C" b
724.All disputes in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. % h$ Z$ b" e6 m5 y: q9 _" ?% Y0 h$ T% x4 L
所有有关合同的争议应友好商议: F* D% p: G' x, g" j5 H. e
725.Personally I should say it’s so much better to resolve the dispute through friendly
8 y( j' v: Q# m& O8 Pnegotiations between ourselves. 1 y0 G7 t  u6 Z, W) v8 ^- Y
就个人而言,我们双方通过友好商议解决争议更佳* ?0 T5 l& g8 ], r  Y' R
726.Friendly negotiation is the best way to settle the dispute between us if there is any.
* v/ y' P* r1 t7 R5 T若有争议,友好协议是双方解决争议的最好方式
9 O8 }& v, B$ A" \' y5 j2 f727.Where do you want to have arbitration held?
" `# x! \$ o5 G7 s你想利用促裁?
2 T0 o( G+ R* b6 r% A5 |728.As far as the place for arbitration is concerned, the customary practice is to hold : E7 H- ~1 p7 B+ U0 ?& [
arbitration in the country of defendant. 2 u5 g) u# \3 C; P: N3 @
! k: u- J* M4 l; g729.If we submit the case for arbitration, the place for arbitration is to be in Japan and if you
1 p+ T& k  h' @4 P4 x+ a: Ksubmit the case for arbitration , the place for arbitration is to be in China. " T6 _0 Z; C) W/ ~' S
若我们答应仲裁,仲裁地要在日本;若你方接受仲裁,促裁地要在中国' X/ \' N! \4 O5 w, Z* U9 o' q
730.If the buyer is the plaintiff , the arbitration shall take place in Beijing.
* C2 C0 L4 I* c1 h7 C1 b若买方为原告,促裁应在北京举行& o8 A. U: d% V2 t
731.The members of this arbitration association are professionally competent, and in a
- Q7 {9 u* _1 v  P. Q$ ?1 M4 _6 kposition to arbitration that sort of case arising from the quality inspection of the medical
* |# h& O/ K: E6 Z9 g6 {equipment. $ K& L9 |- o! O* v9 d5 S+ u
/ g% u* C- @( p5 b732.Generally speaking, all the fee for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless
! M  a8 S8 [) x" {# K2 ~) M. W0 ?otherwise awarded by the court. ) _1 f2 ]6 E0 B/ l1 C

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 25:仲裁

733.the decision made by the arbitration commission shall be accepted as final and binding 3 S" t2 n/ ~4 o' c) ^( Z1 A9 n
upon both parties.
$ N6 b7 ]6 S) [仲裁委员会做出的决定应为最终并对双方有约束力
9 i  j/ G4 d) I( X" K734.The losing party shall bear the cost for arbitration according to the contract.
8 `8 T( o8 {5 ^根据合同败诉方应承担仲裁费用+ v8 v; g2 \/ U0 y% z( [# `2 Q; I
735.We require you to compensate us with an amount of losses totaling £748,000 caused by & P9 \2 [( L5 x2 R( R5 ]
your failure to execute the contract and with all the expenses arising from this arbitration. ( M: H  N- C" |9 X3 X3 z
我方要求你方赔偿因你方未履行合和所有仲裁费用,共计748,000美金</p>Part Two 9 g% [+ z# J' l/ N- j" V% s
736.If any dispute should arise over the inspection, we may submit it for arbitration.8 }% w$ [+ A* I5 ?( N2 x
0 z2 u& ~: U- f7 h9 l737.If you are not prepare to compensate our loss, we suggest that case be submitted for
8 M3 h+ k) Y& C- E( barbitration.
( A# Q! g) ~9 ?3 I# _' F; Z若你们不赔偿我方损失,我们建议提交仲裁* J4 z; X2 E# v5 ~) ^1 k6 Z
738.The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration by a mutually nominated arbitrator. 6 U+ W3 I  E9 j0 E& j6 B2 I8 i
0 N3 D/ [: n- K3 P+ O/ R4 z- X739.We may discuss to agree upon a temporary arbitral body when needed. 5 ]" w$ k& O$ D( i: v$ ?2 k) I4 ^
需要时我们讨论同意成立一个临时的仲裁委员会0 I& D& Y# K9 q" k4 O
740.If no settlement can be reached between the two parties , the case under dispute shall be 2 q% L- h1 C! m$ Q" M! L. Z  D
submitted to the third party accepted by both parties for arbitration.
: M" S( H* H  w# ~如果双方无法达成一致,争议应交与双方接受的第三方仲裁
. L0 W" q& C- F+ W8 V6 i4 G741.In case of any dispute, and no settlement can be reached through friendly negotiations,
3 A% I, J+ [" N3 P% f6 Uthen we can submit the case to an international arbitration organization for arbitration. 4 }2 L; A6 i3 y( \2 X
在任何争议不能通过友好协商解决时,我们就将争议交与国际种裁组织  k. Q# r; }' C9 L9 D
742. It’s better to submit the case for arbitration to a temporary arbitration court. + @4 l, K3 ^/ Y, Z( {# J
将争议交与临时仲裁法庭更易于接受# ^# u1 {, f9 x  Q
743.We think that the court consisting of arbitrators from both sides must be fair and able to
  ?1 N( P2 F! D9 v& B2 L" phandle the dispute without bias or partiality. 6 L& H( w' a  X7 J: _" D
我们认为双方的仲裁人员必须公平,没有偏见或偏爱来处理争议4 c- o$ }6 e+ x- M- w
744. Since this dispute is not negotiable , it is necessary to resort to abitration.
( m' h+ h' ^! K& d7 |. B既然争议不能协议,有必要将其诉诸仲裁/ v$ L! L4 v( i$ U9 y
745. If you don’t accept our propositions, we might submit the matter to arbitration. , T9 A# S" r0 c6 J7 k" Q! n
若你方不接受我方的建议,我们可能将事端交与仲裁$ [, y* Y; V$ u. V/ T' [  y5 _
746.We should include an arbitration clause in the contract.
0 f  i  z! E; b. ]3 n' \我们应在合同中写明包括仲裁条款
$ a2 U4 J0 K& J  _; _; [( W5 y747.You needn’t worry about that. There is an arbitration clause in the contract.
* L% j4 e$ _8 t$ I" g你不必为此过虑,合同中有仲裁条款5 W) I2 n2 T7 B. x$ J
748.Shall we discuss the arbitration clause now?
+ h! ]+ r" J. }我们现在可以讨论仲裁条款吗
! g- _1 s. t3 i2 k+ u749.It’s the best to attempt to settle disputes without involving arbitration. & Y* I8 ?8 Q& u  q3 l1 m
我们应尽最大努力解决争议而不含仲裁2 C) w, [( g( R7 O. d& R0 r0 A
750.We are now applying formally to the arbitration commission for arbitration of this 2 }' F2 a& S+ r$ r, s2 O; p. x+ @
dispute. 1 A5 m2 M7 s4 W$ k; b
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