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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 22:货运通知

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《商务英语口语900句》Unit 22:货运通知 6 h0 W! }5 {) d& P$ `  }
Unit Twenty-Two.货运通知/ e* ?, S: B$ j! f9 c1 }
651.We would like to inform you that the goods were already shipped out on the 18th of May.
) R: u+ @7 u% ^我们要告诉你货已于5月18日发出. D4 b) q( s8 u. [6 \0 [8 R# [
7 F& b1 l+ K! E
652.We have the pleasure to inform you that we have shipped the goods by “ Pacific Bear “ which left here today.
- `+ u* F; A9 \, S' Z# I我们高兴的通知你货已在今天由“太平熊”号运出+ t' M, ]+ b3 i/ q

" q7 L/ D& R! u. n653.We wish to inform you that we have shipped the goods by “Shanghai” according to your instructions of August 5.
! [: t! o3 S# [( g/ }3 W我们想告诉你根据你方8月5日的指示,我们已经将货由“上海号”运出# [, W! ~) I8 Q' N- ~4 {0 ~$ F. g" U
8 {+ [' E& l3 ?& b7 T
654.We wish to advise you that we have shipped you today by S.S.”Tokyo Maru”, 50 cases of carbon paper.
1 C3 L" s% Y7 d1 W% u欣告你方, 50箱硬纸板已通过”Tokyo Maru”号船运出.
& f1 a0 K: Q1 I+ L! @+ X) ]$ i: p% q: {! f/ p( z
655.We take pleasure in notifying you that the goods under S/C 456 have been dispatched by M/V “Greenwood” sailing on May 15 for Hongkong. " N+ k5 b( b5 n, E* B
4 c, m8 q3 n, o
+ j. [, a& o4 c/ O) s1 M+ o' E1 _656.The shipment of chemical fertilizer under Contract No 2346 will be effected by S.S.” Calchas”, which is scheduled t leave here on 16th July. 3 m* I# }4 u$ p' O- A2 {& M2 F% c5 f
合同号2346下的化肥由Calchas号船承运, 将在7月16日离港
; ^* P7 p3 F  x, l% \2 t" |8 w- g1 I3 P& B7 G4 ?
657.We are pleased to advise you that 100 dozen shirts under order KAB/2004 have been shipped per S.S.”Fengqing”.
0 k( F5 @/ h8 i9 z很高兴告知你方,订单号为KAB/2004的100打衬衫已由”Fengqing”号船运出! O# d2 ]$ _3 w# o
* s: h, B: ~5 T7 J- r; A* M+ w
658.We expect to ship the outstanding contracts before the end of July. : z: N9 R7 y- l$ u- Q' s7 q. S
我们希望在7月底之前把契约里的货物运出.9 ~+ m* o3 G1 C2 |2 {9 I. b+ ^
! J9 E- v, ?& X, z3 O& Y- r; u: l

& }" z9 K, y' ^6 ~. {) @2 o/ g659.We are pleased to inform you that we have shipped 2,000 air conditioners you ordered on board S.S.”Asia” which sails for your port tomorrow. 6 q( L. y3 l' }( R" z/ U

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 22:货运通知

) u/ x7 H' N, V660.Your order No 153. will be shipped by SS.” Pearl” early next month.
6 d. u6 y7 I! m; @5 e* `8 s你方153号订单的货物将在下个月初通过” Pearl”号船运出! c  r/ a% w! [: s* n

+ w$ {; ?3 h0 F$ Z3 s; M661.We wish to advise you that the goods your ordered have been shipped today. ; Y  ~( o# _! ]2 B
很高兴告知你方,你们所订的货物今天已运出, L7 }& `  V8 r6 _! ^, b2 ]
) E, H% y, Y6 A% V
662.We are pleased to inform you that the last lot consignment has been duly dispatched. " x2 t/ l* V# ^$ y; U4 G
8 ?* }4 U% |) ~) X* I1 ^8 f2 p7 V( Z5 E7 {) q: e  X
663.The m/s “ Vicoria” has left our port carrying the goods for your order No 303. today. 2 u8 S# b$ W9 I7 \& [
承载你方303号订单货物的“ Vicoria”船已离开我方港口
) J6 T: q) ~% |# f+ k, P
5 u: A: r6 l/ y1 W664.The ship is scheduled to arrive at your port on the 28th October and you may now make all the necessary preparations to take delivery of the goods.
2 J: `8 @! Y2 D0 S% y! d1 A/ N6 l船预计在10月28日到达你方港口,你们现在可以做好提货的准备& x* b. B' O$ G  K7 W5 \

" ^- h! _& C2 [% M+ N665.The goods were shipped by the direct steamer “ Eli:” on May 10th and are estimated to reach Shanghai before June 1st. , j3 i" Y# V  `, m" T
货物由“ Eli:”号直航船在5月10号运出,预计在6月1日前到达上海3 e9 {2 F$ v/ r) i. H* u8 s
  ]* X) h* P" B, w
666.We trust that the goods will reach you in perfect condition.
) ~& d1 R0 e# O; o我们相信货物会完好无损地到达你方
! _4 d+ J1 j% i6 Z; T0 D6 }. c9 q& C
667.We trust the consignment will reach you safely and open up to your satisfaction. ! @+ ^; f+ E1 V) a$ ]
9 ]4 O8 `0 t8 f1 f3 q. k- F
5 w" H; P  F6 y4 x) o3 `/ n/ O4 B6 H, w668.We have dispatched your order for Indian rugs which are scheduled to arrived at your port next Friday. $ ?; |6 P  Y6 `9 z  o
; p# S# N4 m7 Z, d  ~6 k" }# ~
" W2 \* p! h' p! D* v' Y669.For shirts under contract No 60,we have booked space on SS.” Eagle” due to arrive in your city around the beginning of next month. 3 f  t* ]/ c! c3 D$ F$ n, [: ~: \
我们预订了“Eagle”号船的船舱来承载你方60号合同下的衬衫.预计在下个月月初到达你方城市" X% F; V, h7 B- |. z% t; P* G1 U

9 R6 X  M* G9 b4 [670.The shipment will be made in three equal monthly installments, beginning fro next month. 8 o+ H. Y( G5 J
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