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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 29:对引进技术的要求

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《商务英语口语900句》Unit 29:对引进技术的要求
( o$ f, ^# ]( o& a! pUnit Twenty-Nine 对引进技术的要求
# a2 O* A  f4 J( N/ c" u) `+ _4 T. d# j6 R) W2 [' l# Q
861.The technology we acquire should be truly advanced and appropriate to China’s needs.
5 h+ D$ y9 E7 Z我们要求的技术必须真正先进并适合中国需要) Z; j) O0 n2 m& S" Q8 P
862.The technology you transfer to us should enable the venture’s products to be competitive
5 W) K% R$ a5 |# gon the international market.   \: T7 ]3 u4 U
你方给我们的技术应使合资产品在国际市场上有竞争力" g% A$ M- [/ r* a/ {" \9 U4 K
863.The know-how we import should be directed toward manufacturing products suitable for
9 E; c: M- o8 r' u6 L% Eexport. & O8 |, N5 N' K
4 U3 t! u. V; j, v& e864.The advanced technology we import should improve markedly the quality of existing ' ~9 n) ~( k* Y% G, Z. J
products. ) g+ x- K: t" j1 l" A
) t5 X" Q* Z! T) q/ I3 ~! Z865.The technology provided to the joint venture must be integrated, precise and reliable.
. l' }3 H: J6 z+ }提供给合资企业的技术必须完整、精确和可靠' K2 _8 h4 g$ y# m% P
866.The technology we acquire shall enable our products to achieve significant economic ( z& ]4 c& s; m/ U: e
results. ' S2 z+ B" C: p# F
( K, J, V: c" M8 f7 c* {8 v867.Your technology should be advanced, reliable , and helpful to the development of our
: t2 _9 d8 v: A2 z- ~: Mexport-oriented economy.
; t3 O3 H6 F6 j7 V) P$ f. P5 H你方的技术应该先进、可靠,并有利于出口型经济的发展3 `- e8 p6 A" Z3 w" B% t
868.The import know-how should help improve the quality of our products.
. @- Z! S, D& D  b进口的技术应该帮助提升我们的产品质量- }1 G7 a8 j  m* F, ?; ]- A
869.You should supply us with advanced techniques and modernized management methods. - _+ @0 s6 B9 b" [3 R7 Z
/ @: O1 n4 U* g5 W8 w% }  s870.Please provide us with the necessary technical data and, if possible, some drawings
( F- k$ ]5 j; Z) U  Bconnected with the design and building of the new equipment. , g, R5 c+ k. }
7 ]7 [# H1 n- x0 E/ y, O871.For the success of our joint venture, it’s extremely important for us to acquire the
& R' y0 S' |8 ainformation concerning the product design and the production processes.
4 Z& |% m3 n$ e. z" X对我们合资企业的成功而言,获得产品设计和产品工艺而言尤为重要2 d+ }1 Y7 f1 `5 E
872.You should give us as soon as possible the blueprint plan for the introduction of the
6 Z; V& X2 U; [" l( ]equipment and a report on a survey of the feasibility entire plan. # K6 s6 O0 E! C

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 29:对引进技术的要求

873.Please turn over these technical data to our side at the earliest possible time.
( x' t* e- }  S% t请尽早移交这些技术数据给我们
4 N8 \6 g5 }. U% S$ W" `874.Shall we discuss technology transfer brief now?
5 Y5 u& \+ \4 H  @1 G& R0 b我们现在可以谈论技术移交概要吗2 o; G1 j: O3 t
875.We want to import advanced technology from you in order to compete successfully on # x: K& z( v8 G/ t
the international market.
9 [0 d' ^3 m+ b+ _, i% p% z1 h我们想从你方进口先进技术以在国际市场上成功竞争
/ U* F) {2 n7 I$ k. v876.Since the existing know-how transferred by your company will soon become obsolete,
0 h. P$ p+ G* ?; q$ D; M3 z; S/ jwe expect that you will continue offering us your improved technological expertise.
5 s; X7 p. [8 L/ Q既然你方移交给我们的现有技术很快过时,我们期望你方继续提供先进的技术# {; Q) }- Z! \  _& H* R8 Z7 a8 B
877.By advanced technology, we mean both industrial property and know-how.
/ `0 D/ @' v9 f5 u$ L* d至于先进的技术,我们是指工业财产和技术5 P  ?) i! A, `: r+ z
878.If the documents you send us cannot be used, or if one item or more mentioned in the
# w# P  G& X9 P- Bpacking list should be lacking, you have to send all the documents or the lacking items at your
5 t- }6 l1 K1 U! ^. }" o2 Qcost , within 45 days from the date you receive the written notice from us. , G/ u0 h( J( k  Q8 I* z
; `4 r3 M7 E1 Q$ e8 C4 Z: S1 s面通知日起45日内将所有文件或遗漏的文件发给我们,费用自理。
9 u. ~' R4 U9 S9 n5 r7 }4 l879.If any serious difficulties arise with regard to the working of the engines which we built,
0 N& t, l/ `7 `0 A" Land if it is proved that such difficulties are at fault in any data, drawings or documents you
5 V! y6 b& Z8 u2 b, m2 t3 o1 r* zsent us, you would , at your expense, correct such faulty data, drawings or documents. % t0 ]6 L$ _; g. b! Y  u5 d9 K
如果任何关于我们生产的由发动机工作引起的严重困难,或这些困难是由你们发来的任何错+ z9 v( k0 F' T' c% T5 y
误数据、图纸或文件引起,你必须纠正这些错误的数据、图纸或文件,费用自理- a! l+ V# H5 f' m/ J% e5 [3 K
880.If the technical documents provided by you are not applicable to our actual production
8 ^, r+ ]+ N9 l3 O! @6 Q& rcondition, you are obliged to assist us in modifying the technical documents. 6 A$ O  }! `& U# {- w+ f
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