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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 26:索赔理由及依据

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《商务英语口语900句》Unit 26:索赔理由及依据 " v9 x# J: I' I9 d9 ~5 b2 @
Unit Twenty-Six 索赔理由及依据
# h4 C3 m5 y+ u$ U
/ E) W: N6 d% M- k4 m  q; \' KPart One 1 Y# K2 V5 f5 K# @
751.It was found by the inspection that there is a difference of 35 Kg between the actual 7 K9 N$ _- _! X0 J
landed weight and the invoiced weight. , D! w- e8 f4 P- s8 Y
. R  M; B2 o( L4 l1 |752. The landed goods were quite different from what expected. 9 J+ S3 ~+ O4 |1 Q- H
现有的货物和期望的大不相同6 l+ C  Z7 a2 G. F$ q& C2 H! W
753. We find the free acidity exceeds the contract maximum by 0.01% , so we have to ask
3 w& W" D; a! i. N3 q  O% ^. s8 Ayou to indemnify us for a loss of £5,000. 6 l; P& V) F0 @" Z5 p
我们发现自由酸超过合同最大值0.01%, 所以我们不得不要求你方赔偿5,000美金4 P1 X, c& S' k
754. The inspection shows that the salt density exceeds at least 4%.
" f$ _& u7 P. q检查显示盐密度至少超过4%- V: p, H  S  b+ s/ j
755.This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract. We are now lodging
3 Z- m3 W6 j# l9 z) ja claim against you for £2,000.
1 U8 J* u3 C3 _该货未达到合同规定的标准,我们现在要求索赔2,000美金4 u8 F5 ]3 B5 W$ u8 y$ C! B& B4 k7 T
756. The dried mushroom you sent us are far below the standard stipulated in the contract.
7 X, s( p# S3 J' J; x) l" C你方发来的干蘑菇远远低于合同规定的标准
1 r9 M$ f7 o9 j9 k' x/ A- ^3 i; D757.The quality of you shipment for our order is not in conformity with the specifications, we , U9 W6 C9 N; G) L9 x) f
must therefore lodge a claim against you for the amount of £280,000.
) @$ s4 {+ d) m" ?" i; s你发给我们订单货物的质量规格不符,我们必须就此向你方索赔280,000美金! U# _2 A! o) \# C
758.We find the copper wire you supplied is not to the exact specifications of your sample. . d9 m8 q7 D9 G/ o8 i, U) S
! l' `: B( b& o0 ?6 E1 }) l) A$ A759.Our customers complain that the goods are much inferior in quality to the samples. 5 ]9 q$ A8 ?' A2 `4 p: Y
我们顾客发现,与样品相比,货物质量太次( F) p, l' u) o+ W, ]
760.The quality of the goods you shipped last week is much interior to that of the goods of our
0 h$ X; f1 L, q2 f' y8 Zlast order.
$ J3 A5 @' L$ b. P  l; t% q上周发来的货物质量和我们上一单相比,质量非常低劣) K. G* H& Y) z8 y! Q7 {1 W7 K
761. The inspection reveals that both the quantity and quality of the wheat delivered are not
. _9 e1 G: u0 D: U9 Yin conformity with those stipulated in the contract, though the packing is all in good condition.
6 N3 n  f7 r- T: `! z检查显示发来的小麦数量和质量均与合同规定的不相符,尽管包装完好
9 z8 k& W% S% ]* c  F0 N+ B  b762.Most of the shirts are of a smaller size. I wonder if you made a mistake when sending the ) Y/ ^' z( F4 P' V/ W1 v+ L3 {' R
goods. 0 z' T, T3 w! U" k4 k$ S* f

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 26:索赔理由及依据

763.There are too many defective items in this shipment.
  P# ?5 u" a" h1 a! X$ O, c这批货缺陷太多6 d- _# H9 n) Q7 U2 r
764.The leather shoes you sent us last Friday are not the right size. They should be size 42.
4 ?2 Z; C9 }" A3 `! Y1 m! m$ B上周五发来的皮鞋尺码不对,它们应是42码
; ?9 P" U! R8 M* t6 q6 [765.The quality of the goods you sent us last week is too poor to suit the requirements of this
4 g8 {( _& |" mmarket. 3 S0 o! k" ~& \$ g% A$ \
上周发来的货物质量太次以致不适合这个市场的要求9 O3 Z. F  o4 T; q) b( }
766.The quality of your shipment for your order No. 346 is far from the agreed specifications.
) R! i6 B) k; O  }你发给我们的订单号346的货物与规格差别很大4 i- W2 N; m  {* h" B/ u
767.Closer inspection by the health officers showed that the canned fruit were considered
2 N3 F  ]: h3 s8 P3 h# [5 O3 |unfit for human consumption. 7 i. _2 y$ x3 C8 ~
经卫生官员严密检查表明罐装水果不适合人们食用6 q: z- L4 G$ Y; }
768.The loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you should be responsible.
$ n; I" j2 w, |  Y, B因包装袋不合格造成的损失应由贵方负责# H4 ^. H/ d" R( d8 ~
769.It was found, upon examination ,that nearly 20% of the packages had been broken,
* ?0 B( |) Q  L+ `( aapparently to faulty packing.
5 J2 B5 F; _+ g! F( ?& s  d$ B, K经检查发现,近20%的包装破损,显然是错误的包装
: M: e3 T: s0 o2 X  c770.The survey report can certify that the weight shortage was caused by improper packing.
6 P1 ?1 m8 A, \8 [检查报告证明由不合适的包装造成短重</p>
* Q4 e- m" F* f9 ^5 _Part Two
' n% I* R1 H- [2 Y* D771. A close inspection and a careful test by the China National Import & Export Commodity + m0 V. d! @' V# Z% o9 @
Inspection Bureau showed that some amplifiers are inferior quality.
0 x# [6 ~& ?: w* S2 \6 g  R经中国出入境检验检疫局密切检查和认真测试,表明一些话筒存在质量缺陷1 l( h$ q7 T; e8 m+ Q
772.We find that the quality, quantity and weight of the goods are not in conformity with 2 Z4 [  }, T% S! H5 @
those stipulated in this contract after re-inspection by the China Commodity Inspection ! ]% m* }$ Q$ Y
Bureau, we are now returning the goods to you and lodge claims against you for
+ A: s1 u; Z9 {, T) V- pcompensation of losses. . Q9 N6 c4 C9 }7 e9 f3 N6 ]" {! ~* `* `
) `/ D9 j6 ]$ t在退货并要求赔偿损失/ g6 f7 g; E; G  _4 ~
773.The survey has revealed that the damage to the goods is attributable to rough handling.
8 S$ y- ^0 w0 E) M. J+ o检查表明货物损坏归于野蛮搬运
" l! e7 n$ L$ G0 L/ u! d( ^774.The surveyor’s report indicates that there has been some serious damage to some of the
* `4 Z7 W- d% M3 igoods.
: u/ f& u1 X2 a- p检查员报告表明一些货已有严重损坏( k2 p: @# ^5 a: C; M" {
775. On the basis of clause 15 of the contract, we place our claims before you as follows. + w* R& P" s  B/ N: e0 s& b4 l4 w
1 i2 I* _% K+ b% r# c; K776.We have to put in a claim against you for all the losses sustained. " R+ T' b3 Y' N7 T# N/ u
% t9 I" _# u/ _) T8 a! n3 V777.When taking delivery, we found that the cargo had been seriously wet by fresh water and
; x; Y7 E. S/ }* }- f6 N0 v/ nputrefied. You must compensate us for the loss. 0 _9 w8 ?8 N9 j6 M5 Y! r
提货时,我们发现货物已严重被淡水浸湿并腐烂,你方须赔偿我方损失转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:41 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 26:索赔理由及依据

778.We require you to replace the damaged goods and grant us a special discount of five
/ w. B) G9 W, R8 m" E- k8 |percent to compensate for the loss.
3 |6 P5 |9 O8 @; |2 o我们要求更换受损货物并给我们5%的特别折扣作为损失补偿8 D- p, q6 U, j' j, F, o
779.According to the contract, you are responsible to compensate us for the loss we have
2 `5 V6 S+ u5 J8 J! l2 ysuffered. 6 w) ^; c0 \8 }' O
根据合同,你方有责任赔偿我方遭受的损失( p% m4 F) a" W% ~/ z
780.We have suffered a loss of 20% on the selling price because of the inferior quality of the 3 o- w4 o$ |( g& }
products you sent us. You must compensate us for all this.
/ M3 N- @  M* M* \由于你方发来的产品质量低劣导致我们随了销售价格20%的损失,你方须赔偿所有损失6 ~: a. f. J$ S
781.All expense including inspection fee and losses arising from the return of the goods and   q& c" X* p4 j  S& r( Y
claims should be borne by you. 9 N5 t& |5 t, N* f4 r3 d) v
包括检查费和要求返还货物导致的损失在内的所有费用应有你方承担! i) c- {' v$ e
782.You must hold responsible for all the losses caused by the delay in delivery of the goods.
) ^$ p% k9 S- e你方必须承担因延迟交货造成损失的责任
& z; M' O  a# c6 O1 t+ a783.You should take back all the disqualified goods and compensate us for the value of the   U9 I/ `8 P+ s0 H- c) Y4 H
goods plus all losses sustained due to return of the cargo, such as freight, storage charges,
  E% l% D& q: R" ~2 binsurance premium, interest, and inspection charges. * R$ D# C7 M4 R4 S
你方应收回所有不合格口,并赔偿货款加上退货产生的损失,比如运费,仓储费,保险费,5 W7 y- m% v# a, q; r4 m) V% x/ G
利息和检查费。) J' \  X  c  X4 a! {& j; q
784.We have the right to claim against you for compensation of all losses. 9 Y! }: k, O: s
3 f  [: {- ~, u6 k% a, I* a785.The products we received last Monday didn’t agree with the samples and feel that you
3 ^; v" {4 h7 f# o, V0 `3 y3 Pshould make it up. * v' n6 t9 B7 {' S
我们上周一收到的产品与样品不符,认为你们应该跟进( o2 v4 T: \; Q. X: V
786.This is the survey report issued by CCIB in support of you claim. + E" b6 \( l" {& }0 C8 Q( p4 {
# T8 l+ |6 k. @787.Almost everyone of the drums was leaking slightly. We must hold you responsible for the 8 I( `- q, R. y  t7 V# N
loss. , v$ {* Z0 c% w1 w" a
/ ]" G. F2 M8 R) j8 s788.We have lost considerable business because of your delay in shipment. We expect & \5 Y8 X& k. Q/ c
compensation from you for the loss. 0 F& q1 f& Z+ S6 C% O' e
因为你方延迟交货我们损失惨重,我们期望你方赔偿损失" k9 ~0 d+ W3 ~: t% g+ _
789.We request that you make up the short-landed goods covered by our contract No.147
1 q  f5 A. V3 J$ O3 Upromptly. % c2 `9 A, ^& G' q4 Z5 T0 c
& v7 {8 l! O) ?( N% Q+ \" K790.We regret to inform you that we are compelled to return the disqualified goods at your
9 F1 p5 W% X' n0 Wexpense. 7 e7 k% U6 @* P7 y4 ~2 v+ P6 l. P* u
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