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[综合辅导] BEC商务词汇详细解(12)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# H9 @1 t2 X3 d8 G: X! O; U1 _1.caption n.标题8 n6 A8 F, l) H
【商务用语】caption of account 会计科目,账户名称$ o* m& ]5 d* H  b/ P' n, q
2.carat n.克拉(宝石重量单位);开(含绝金的量)1 f, N7 b6 z! p! f4 t
【商务用语】international carat 国际克拉2 E, f0 O# R. A9 |5 r- ^
metric carat 米制开
: u- u+ c5 P% f" l3.care n. 注意vi.关心 vt.在意
% f9 Z6 L- W0 J& m$ a【例句】Can you imagine that the president of a large firm doesn't care much about dress?
& [' |4 q& o* P; [6 x% W: `: F% w你能想象一家大公司的总裁居然不太注意衣着吗?0 \4 A, w2 P  X" r+ y
4.cargo n.船货,货物
7 R# d9 S% U  l8 u; ~0 {【商务用语】additional cargo 加载物7 y! N; o0 u/ X0 i, W1 I
air cargo 空运货物& ]. q0 O4 h) P, r
back cargo 归程货物2 f2 R) d1 {+ K. C( w; r. c) u
bag cargo 袋袋货物1 d1 M1 D' w! I; w
【例句】We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw iron.( ?2 E# |  a, X! A0 W
我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。中华考试网6 Y/ b! d6 L$ a& [. T# {' r
5.carriage n.运费,运送3 m, l  U7 Z0 d) p$ n; ^
【商务用语】carriage forward 运费由收件人付8 I# t6 [' R+ Y: d/ U
carriage free 运费免收+ X5 B7 J# r& I6 @
carriage paid 运费已付9 Q1 A& D: C  o: _$ v) `* R- L4 g4 @
carriage charges 运输费

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