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[综合辅导] BEC商务词汇详细解(20)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEC商务词汇详细解(20)" g& I+ E* S2 l' R( }0 p9 @
1.comparative adj.比较的,相当的, h8 C* U0 p" o! @5 q( a
【商务用语】comparative advantage 相对优势: c! x1 A( z2 v# M/ D
comparative advertising 货比货式广告$ D$ V. s& ]! x: d8 d- t' ^
comparative cost advantage 比较成本利益
2 `  R' M, _) Q9 ucomparative balance sheet 比较资本负债表+ Y# E' B9 y, p% O, e
2.compensate vt.补偿,偿还,付酬金
5 _6 V# L! i' `- e& {% Y! h) w【例句】The company compensates her for extra work.9 p% V+ `% M' A0 t
公司因她的额外工作而给她报酬。  A7 g" m) D1 m& S5 t6 P& N' X
3.compensation n.补偿,赔偿,报酬2 t" J- m* h) ^1 c; S8 s* N
【商务用语】incentive compensation 奖金5 r" ]4 w; T# r: O9 a
delay compensation 延迟补偿;交货逾期补偿来自www.Examw.com
0 U" q; ]$ L, t: {% [( E  gdemand compensation 索赔
' _+ i8 x& l+ Q0 W: u0 P" w  Lloss compensation 损失补偿
0 ^0 q: n) b( @8 z【例句】Equal compensation should be given to men and women for equal work.: f4 R0 y3 i0 X  X
" N  v' S9 Z' `4.competition n.竞争! K) S2 c; r1 c7 R) B2 L
【商务用语】commercial competition 商业竞争
1 v* N0 S5 d2 Gdomestic competition 国内竞争
6 F, {4 Q5 {# \$ k0 veconomic competition 经济竞争
# [5 j, ~5 L( Y& ~, [) \' Eexchange competition 外汇竞争
: ?3 j, s$ [& S( a' Q  b4 t【例句】Because there is so much unemployment ,the competition for jobs is very fierce.
* m/ x& Z4 V+ z* A7 @8 u/ n由于失业的人如此众多,就职竞争十分激烈。6 W% j. o' b8 C; [
5.complain vt.抱怨,控诉2 `2 X4 m7 P7 L! Q2 m, p
【例句】They complained that the wages were too low.
+ u: K  r2 \) F: a6 l4 d- s. ^/ {他们抱怨工资过低。

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