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[综合辅导] BEC商务词汇详细解(25)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& Y: d" I3 ~5 X! H+ n1.consideration n.考虑;报酬;补偿;对价: c; ^) Q$ e1 A
【商务英语】economic considerations 经济利益
" g' T9 n0 B4 N7 kgeneral considerations 总则
& |  h8 ^/ i$ q/ }pecuniary consideration 金钱报酬转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
7 d( R6 E8 G7 [* r* t" sconsideration money 报偿奖金4 ^. o( S! ~4 a3 ?3 J
【例句】The cost of consumption articles is the firstconsideration, as far as most ordinary people are concerned.
4 c; h# x2 Z/ @* ^4 [; {8 g2 v1 W就多数普通百姓而言,首先要考虑的是消费品的价格。5 O; E- X1 T. H8 `  R1 Y
2.consignee n.受托者;收件人;代销人
5 l6 n. y- l: A【商务用语】customs consignee 海关委托人% b- V0 j, h" v6 J1 ~
named consignee 指定的收货人
% m+ m2 I0 h# V# S) U3.consolidated adj.加固的;整理过的;统一的
9 W' A4 m1 x+ E$ x【商务用语】consolidated annuities 统一公债
8 I; H& x' ]# M$ gconsolidated fund 公积金3 X5 C+ \* d& }: d! y
consolidated returns 合并收益$ Y4 v: p+ ?' a1 p; ~! F/ X
consolidated trade catalog 商品总目录
7 X; h% h5 M: q1 S7 ]2 V) }2 `- t3 f4.consortium n.联盟;国际财团;联营企业5 l" f3 g; T. V& g2 Z
【商务用语】banking consortium 银行团;财团
1 s" V" c( t: ?/ B! [1 h. jcontainer-consortium 集装箱联合企业( H8 A/ M. J9 U- z
consortium of underwriters 证券承受财团& s& E/ Z+ l0 W
5.constitution n.宪法;章程;贯彻% E* I3 y0 k* ?7 I
【商务用语】economic constitution 经济法

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