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[综合辅导] BEC商务词汇详细解(23)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 T% [% K# a* J; v6 O1.compulsory adj.被强制的;义务的
2 m2 m$ S5 f7 T  s! U4 E( t【商务用语】compulsory circulation 强制流通
  E1 E$ a9 K: ~7 s6 n3 O" Icompulsory debt 强制公债, w3 t3 p) Y3 o! w+ j9 B' W) f! K
compulsory insurance 强制保险
6 t/ g4 u2 a% k& K% T+ q3 Q3 fcompulsory prepayment of charges 必须预付费用$ G, j  t6 W6 v* _; W6 G
2.computerize vt.用计算机处理,使自动化
' ]3 \" X& s! y2 |$ h【商务用语】 computerize industrial management 使工业管理自动化
$ O& _" O- [+ ]6 g0 y# K! @- Z/ L【例句】The firm decided to computerize its wage department.
% j- y! M' b& I4 P公司决定用电脑管理发薪部门的工作。
8 h; I$ w- p& w- t2 g3.concession n.让步;特许;租界
! s. b7 L: H9 g7 ~% r. m0 C【商务用语】limited concession 有限让与
7 w$ L* ]7 H, ]2 ~6 c' Nprice concession 让价
$ {2 v; g6 V, l" M) A  Etariff concessions 关税减让0 X, K1 t' a5 b* |
timber concession 木材租约
9 ?; L7 e! C, t, F6 G0 H【例句】The boss's promise to increase the workers'pay was a concession to union demands.
  Z+ _8 W; M. O老板答应提高人们的工资是对工会提出的要求所做的让步。1 B; K2 C. X" y# N' |8 Q$ o3 x" v4 e
4.conciliation n.安抚;调解
  C2 I5 p2 X$ Q+ a* p8 v* X【商务用语】conciliation board in industrial disputes 劳工纠纷调解委员会
9 V! @! J  }9 n3 \: K% f# `conciliation commission 协调委员会外语学习网
( f5 }) [: S3 u5 D- ~# R3 x1 J4 C- v【例句】The dispute in the engineering industry is being dealt with by a conciliation board.; Z$ p4 s8 J5 _/ j; f4 o+ ^! b
机械制造业的纠纷正由一个调解委员会处理。" \% A+ f8 S, p3 w9 h4 }* e5 d
5.conductive adj.有助于...的. |1 Y: k) l. J2 {1 R5 @8 Q
【例句】Exercise is conductive to health.
) X+ {# C2 s9 ~9 d运动有益于健康。

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