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[综合辅导] 2011年中级商务英语辅导:口试会话素材(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: T1 k( }  g% x7 j* E1.Labor head count 人工数0 t  E* h/ G0 q
  A: What is the labor head count in this plant?: \' W, Q  ]2 U! q7 `
  B: Two hundred and fifty seven.
' d7 V- s1 ?2 c) u# w; _8 k. Q6 @  A:这个工厂的人工数是多少?
  ^9 k; c& K' a: U- m! H* ]! m  B:257人。2 i. @6 I; R2 t3 `7 L
  2.Plant layout 工厂布置
' j" F- m% @* \5 Z2 _, j0 ?  A: Have we finished the plant layout for this program?* b' x9 H; \( S1 P* Z
  B: The manufacturing did the layout.
" b7 V! K; A( c) o6 ^  A:我们完成了这个项目的工厂布置吗?
7 N' F, X$ O* \" M$ I. }& x' c5 F  B:制造工程部做了工厂布置。! B& c9 v$ P0 J) I3 a. m
  3.Shipping 运送,发送
; w9 Y' I) @; H9 m' k9 F  A: Do we charge for shipping and handling?1 i) `3 l" p  N$ _, Z; c9 r. M
  B: We do. $3 per work order.( N3 Q( S0 @3 H0 g* D4 C7 v
$ z$ f, n/ C* ^* {. T$ b  B:收,每个单子收3美元。2 ^, P7 V0 X5 a  \2 Q
  4.Vendor reduction 减少供应商
- O4 s. D$ I0 O9 D  A: We are managing too many vendors.' D  w- ^9 G1 C6 B
  B: Vendor reduction is one of the major initiatives this year.
5 X2 n3 }" \/ n" F+ q  A:我们的供应商太多了。3 \1 d7 ~* s9 k6 |. s2 O) z
  B:减少供应商是我们今年的主要措施之一。; L6 ?4 N( e5 ^5 w' F; r1 q
  5.Work cell 工作单元2 Y# N8 y+ ?& g/ d
  A: Are we still using work cells?
$ {2 {3 T" s) Z/ A1 ^3 @, T  B: This is a low volume production industry. We still use work cells.
, e% p  q- F3 b; ~0 C9 b  A:我们还在使用工作单元吗?, `$ D( V1 C$ b, k- f) ~% ~1 }

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