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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
adjourn [ E5dVE:n ] (v) to stop (a court case, a meeting , etc.)for a time before beginning again 延期,休会
/ z0 _5 l# o! O$ ^1 w! n4 b[例]  The board meeting has been adjourned to an uncertain date. " z. I  ?/ ^) T
[同义词]  postpone
' ]! h, F, {* e& c& h adjust [ E5dVQst ] (v) to settle an insurance claim 理算保险索赔  |9 @5 ?: M$ h* h2 d) _% l% _( Y
[例]  After the car accident, he made an insurance claim that will be adjusted soon. % ?9 p4 ^1 E& G& \
administration [ Edminis5treiFEn ] (n.) organization and control of a company经营、管理+ f7 g$ f$ \( V! K
[例]  The administration power of a company also shows the internal control of the company.
4 b; j) S0 v3 d8 e[同义词]  management
) P% X1 H& M8 u9 ?; Oadmin (n.) abbreviation for administration 经营、管理
, Z1 ?; i; v8 a( L4 {1 f; B administer [ Ed5ministE ] (v.) organize, control: 管理! e$ y. G. E( p8 ?# ^
[同义词]  manage+ o0 r9 _7 R6 h5 X- A, _) d9 f0 |
adopt [ E5dCpt ] (v.) choose, decide on采用0 E( {6 f5 W5 ?& ~/ J* I/ ?0 F
[例]  We adopted a new strategy.
$ b, a4 v) x) x# r# v9 u: U# {6 \ advance [ Ed5vB:ns ] (n.) money paid before it is due, or for work only partially completed  预付款3 U& B; G% |; s; ^2 r( t
[例]  Yesterday I received an advance on my monthly wage.

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