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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ambition [ Am5biFEn ] (n.) strong desire to succeed in life or in a job雄心
& \3 n5 R! n0 l  e& y[例]  My sister has an ambition and desires to get MBA.9 A# r" {7 @5 U; J  ]1 x, o/ p- G
[同义词]  aspiration, desire, yearning- ]& \( h8 ~% h: l2 v
amenity [ E5mi:niti ] (n.) a feature that increases attractiveness or value, especially of a piece of real estate or a geographic location 生活福利设施; \+ x7 z2 g5 C% Z* H8 I, S- v# |
[例]  a sunny apartment with amenities including air conditioning$ l* l+ ^6 O# P+ B
[同义词]  facility, convenience
( Z  u% m; f2 u- \- N7 t amortize [E5mC:taIz; (?@) A5mErtaiz] (v.) to pay off a debt by saving money on a regular basis分期清偿% Z3 }5 o9 p' i$ W; }$ ]" i
[例]  The repayment of the bond is amortized in 5 years.
' j" G7 {9 D9 q analyse [ 5AnElaiz ] (v.) study in detail分析
8 o/ m: O, J& v4 A[例]  We analysed the accounts.' d5 a6 s& y7 o/ z: H
analysis [ E5nAlisis ] (n.) detailed study, investigation分析
) R3 C% F7 B! i/ h[例]  The analysis report shows clear logics and integrity.- v- f( r# L$ Q! T; x4 w0 w' C
analyst [ 5AnElist ] (n.) person who analyses分析家
$ E/ ^8 k( y( h& R& Z[例]  His intelligence and diligence made him an excellent and acute marketing analyst.! \; h1 C: u9 l2 s; K
annual [ 5AnjuEl ] (adj.) yearly年度的( b" v& z) }' T* k. @
[例]  the annual accounts
5 v3 ], O7 l. [8 K[同义词]  yearly* S$ U  n9 m1 P% _7 Q( B
annual general meeting (n.) (AGM) a meeting of all the shareholders in a company年度股东大会
' r8 s, u/ ^& H; ]9 C annul [ E5nQl ] (v.) to cancel something or stop it from being legally effective 废除,取消
. g, P6 }5 V2 T9 V0 j9 j[例]  The contract was annulled.# a% H& N/ H' B2 q
[同义词]  nullify

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