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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析十三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
annulment [E`nQlmEnt] (n.) the act of canceling something or stopping it from being legally effective 废除,取消
* D# z' E) v* c$ p[例]  The disagreement of two parts resulted in the annulment of the contract signed at the very beginning of their cooperation.
7 U: |" v- E4 j antedate [ 5Anti7deit ] (v.) to put an earlier date (on a document, letter, cheque, etc) than the date at the time of writing 倒填日期
/ R8 n2 a, q# Y+ b3 \* V[例]  To make this cheque legal, you should antedate it by 7days./ ~; ]- n' t2 p# f" }% ^
[同义词]  backdate+ [  J4 w3 S6 J) [1 q, L4 ~  b
anti-dumping (adj.) of ways in which a country protects its economy by preventing other countries from dumping in it. 反倾销0 G% K& ~9 T- d2 |, K7 i
[例]  anti-dumping laws( F, j3 B. A! G- z0 y# e2 @- O) ]
apology [ E5pClEdVi ] (n.) an acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense.致歉$ e: z  }5 C2 I$ h# X6 ~8 V
[例]  a letter of apology
3 Y$ p: p8 x, z0 K4 Y; x! R appeal [ E5pi:l ] 1. (n.) being attractive吸引力
8 ^8 @. k* @  E/ S" O$ ?' p2 P% Z[例]  This product has appeal for young people.
. Z' [: a6 q: \/ F' ~[同义词]  attraction, charm" G0 ~! ]& T3 e
2. (v.) be attractive to吸引人的* ^0 L+ p& p2 i
[同义词]  attract, allure

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