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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析二十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
axe 1.(v) remove or dismiss somebody 解雇
0 l% r8 e2 ^9 E  N* c[例]  Several thousand of jobs will be axed next month due to the great depression.
. e/ n' x% n& T( u[同义词]  dismiss ,sack, lay off ,fire
2 u0 T. [. o6 o# j7 h2.(n)removal or dismissal 解雇
7 u$ e3 I) c3 D/ q, x1 a% F( O6 J[例]  I will under the axe if I can’t reach the sales goal this year.2 M8 M1 N' Q3 v: o9 Y2 p0 }: d" n

+ ~6 i; J# @0 A" p; Z" z  k8 A6 p* [1 ~2 L8 g8 s4 \3 T
back [ bAk ] 1. (n.) opposite of front背面 [例]  Please sign the cheque on the back. [同义词]  rear, reverse
; z! h- _. I( e% W9 q- w(adj.) from the past过去的、拖欠的 [例]  We have a lot of back orders. 3. (v.) support资助 [例]  The bank backed my new venture. [同义词]  support, encourage* M; W- B% c4 K8 F2 g
backdate [bAk5deIt] (v.) to put a date on a document that is earlier than the real date, so that it is valid from that earlier date 倒填日期% k# j# O; M. u' T6 i
[例]  He backdated the bill so that it can be valid. 5 Q* {/ x4 `! j- Q
[同义词]  antedate( e; q9 y/ e8 f) k; z
back order (n.) an order for goods that have not yet been produced or supplied积压定单 8 }6 F6 @- X; b9 d6 Y& a
[例]  After a long vacation, I found myself in a huge stack of back orders., X. Y' O6 w4 w
[同义词]  backlog
6 [" f8 `0 G  |back out (v) to give up or not do something after agreeing to do it不履行( E$ w3 g" C' I/ G
[例]  You will be charged for sure if you back out of the contract.
$ M/ d( I2 W) }[同义词]  default
* r" v/ m8 _7 A0 h. cbacker [5bAkE(r)] (n.) person who supports financially资助者 [例]The company has some big backers. 同义词]  patron, sponsor, benefactor

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