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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析二十三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
backing [ 5bAkiN ] (n.) support, usually financial one资助  2 h! x- D& ]* K% Q
[例]  Strong governmental baking makes the project very profitable. 5 [* i* \( q4 G" {0 L% j
  : H- M6 J( N- u7 B
backhander [5bAkhAndE(r)] (n. inf.) a bribe, money given under the table贿赂
) }' t3 X1 d  r2 W7 q[例]  The chief director was arrested for his involvement in some backhander affairs. ; ~/ [3 r7 q/ M# B
[同义词]  bribe ! E0 A# C0 R; f  a7 i
  - c$ `# a+ `, \0 x) O6 e. d9 F# ]
backlog [5bAklR^] (n.) build-up of work or orders which have not been processed积压的工作(或订单)
5 d) i' H8 ]0 E9 z2 {[例]  The failure of the project was due to backlog of superior orders. ( r/ a* D, }7 S  q, V9 N' F1 p$ T
; ^# r: r' w; I, H( X; E7 {; ^back up support 支持
8 }7 M0 T. a8 L! g; u[例]  You should back up all claims you make.
* n. H7 ?+ P1 K/ S( h2 `5 H  
0 Y! V- ]# V" o0 Sback-up( back up ) (n,v) to make a cope in case the original one is lost or damaged 备份  
& M1 N3 \; g( ^% [[例]  I made a back-up of that document in case of some unforeseen damage to it. - d' t+ m5 w( z+ S: |5 c
  ( _  k8 U+ Y7 k& F. c0 X
bad debt (n.) debt which will not be paid呆帐
$ Q0 r; L: M1 t/ z, h8 l' y1 t[例]  The obvious decrease of bad debt avoided the bankruptcy of the big nation owned enterprise. ; @& l: _( b0 |: X9 {9 R
  ! s0 b' \$ |' w2 w1 P- F: M- I
bad faith (n.) having a dishonest intention 欺诈 / u$ Q; u. G! }8 B: ?/ u. k# {' G# b
[例]  Bad faith will bring disasters to a cooperation in the long run.  
) q1 z/ P- h: D8 H8 {$ R  {[反义词]  integrity ,good-will ; u- M0 R1 a: @
  $ K* U! w6 e) _
balance [5bAlEns] (n.) amount which makes the total credits and debits equal收支平衡(差额)、结余
6 J3 B) u- \& H& j[例]  Additional balance statement will charge 10 USD. - g0 {" L( p+ s/ o/ G3 e
[同义词]  equilibrium, equipoise, evenness ' S& {4 s! H" {0 Q2 `% H0 i
0 N9 E( F( U  g2 w+ Q- ~* @5 Fbalance of payments (n.) international financial position of a country (account of imports, exports and invisible earnings)贸易收支差额

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