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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析二十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
bankruptcy [ 5bANkrEp(t)si ] (n.) state of being bankrupt破产/ P# t! ^" j* j& w' \2 r
[同义词]  insolvency7 C1 O5 N: a! V0 l
bar code (n.) a series of lines printed on a product that can be read by a machine connected to a computer system to give a price or reference number 条形码
' L2 f7 o1 c* f) X3 A4 X; F[例]  The invent of bar code has greatly speeded up the economy of supermarkets
" |/ j4 y1 ?9 d$ R bargain [ 5bB:^in ]1. (v.) discuss in order to reach agreement on price conditions讨价还价
3 K+ ?4 ~  E6 ^# Z[同义词]  haggle, negotiate% j3 C5 a1 ?9 A7 e, B
2. (n.) item at a good (cheap) price物美价廉的商品
7 C1 o) f: f: Q1 C( L[例]  The cardigan is real a bargain for I just pay half of its previous price.
( d- l9 e5 ]8 ?; G  J) Obargaining [ 5bB:^iniN ] (n.) discussing in order to reach agreement 讨价还价" z0 C! r9 _: f, Y1 g
[例]  The buyer and seller finally agreed to the price level after 2 hours’ bargaining.
( g6 S9 ~- d5 g& ~; `4 ^$ w* ` barrister [ 5bAristE ] (n.) a person who is qualified to speak in a higher court of law大律师
, V9 N2 c! r- X  d0 r- u[例]  He is a top barrister specializing in financing law.
% p4 Y) I! H& ~8 z5 V$ q( x[同义词]  lawyer ,solicitor, bar, counsel 3 n7 H0 w1 F" g  ~2 m; w# f+ B
b/e (abbr) bill of exchange 汇票
0 ]7 g0 [# u3 O" b4 D2 D basic [ 5beisik ] (adj.) minimum that can be expected; what everything else depends on基本的
6 ?( A0 U5 w# `  B[例]  Older workers will, of course, still be interested in basic pay.; m  \- x7 c$ C  F' A. M8 K1 M/ y, }
[同义词]  fundamental, essential, elementary,
7 F- o: @" O2 ~" f* a7 V! B batch [ bAtF ] (n.) group of items made at same time一批
( L2 i* F  q! d9 N[例]  This batch of goods will be delivered by UPS .

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