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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析二十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
sickness benefit (n.) payments made while a person is on sick leave病假补助
1 Z2 k+ d; l" t: d+ k" A6 G" N2 }2 C+ ` fringe benefits (n.) extra benefits such as a car, private health insurance provided by a company附加福利 ( [) }5 s; R! ?4 U. U9 p) Z
[例]  Fringe benefits should be firmly incorporated within the payment policy and administered by the personnel department.* q+ c; Z' ^0 j4 I7 x
bid [ bid ] (n & v) offer to buy something at a certain price出价、投标
4 h% Z! A( \  h1 d3 X7 a[例]  Those potential buyers of the company bid against each other.
) D  Z- ]! V  z6 U! n. h* Stakeover bid (n.) 出价收购 ; `; d4 H4 M- \9 I; A
bidder [ 5bidE ] (n.) person who makes an offer投标人
: q: T4 ~5 B. O[例]  The company will go to the highest bidder.1 S0 K. ^+ i- [8 p
bill [ 5bidE ] 1. (n.) written list of money to be paid帐单
! M' X6 T, U, _5 S[例]  This bill does not include VAT.   J3 r$ s' E. B4 n; I% A
2. (v.) send a bill to someone开帐单: t' f& C- c( k8 K9 N
bill of entry (n.) a detailed list of goods prepared by the exporter or importer for examination by customs 报关单
/ @/ \7 \5 F/ I. d[例]  I will prepare a bill of entry , together with other required documents for the declaration of this batch of imported goods.! r0 V% g! r( y4 M6 B: q0 x0 m6 N
bill of lading(B/L) (n.) a document that shows details of goods being transported. It is a receipt from the transporter to the sender and entitles the receiver to collect the goods on arrival.提单
* C4 q$ R; i- d2 R3 J2 l billboard [ 5bilbC:d ] (n.) large roadside advertising poster(户外)广告牌. X) m7 X) K6 h4 ~' S0 w- i
[例]  The billboard of KFC is obvious everywhere.! Z4 |' n8 K# y8 R8 X$ }  H  t. h
billing [ 5biliN ] (n.)1. process of invoicing 开帐单
# a# \! V/ ?9 l/ n6 X& o& g2. advertising; promotion 广告,促销6 o" [! E' [0 a6 N( u
[例]  The product needed better billing to outsell its competitors.

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